Chapter 8

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Hareem :)

After hearing the shocking confession from Salvastro I avoided him for the rest of the day.He tried to corner me once but I neatly dodged his attempt.I failed to understand the reason behind his words but I was hell bent on leaving.May be it was a natural instinct.Even after believing everything these people told me I just wanted to get out of here.

May be I was being selfish.I was engrossed in my thoughts when I heard movement behind me.I swiftly turned around and saw a maid standing at a distance from me with her head bowing down

"My Queen,you are requested downstairs ,someone is here to meet you" Politeness was so evident in her tone that I mindlessly nodded my head

I followed her downstairs to the grand hall and avoided eye contact with Salvastro as much as possible.I felt his gaze on me and heat crawled up my spine as I kept my head down and sat next to Queen Aurora.

The intensity of his gaze was making my palms sweaty and my heartbeat racing.His voice shook my senses and I inhaled a breath as I looked up at his beautifully crafted face

"Evangeline.Meet my best friend Jahaan and his mate Paras" Salvastro took the opportunity and came standing next to me with his arm tightly secured around my waist.

I shivered as an unknown emotion crashed on me with full force and I took a sharp breath inhaling his addictive scent.I unintentionally leaned into him enjoying the warmth

In front of me stood a man with an Asian face which screamed masculinity.His features were sharp and attractive.He was tall but not as tall as Salvastro .Brunette hairs and a golden complexion were complementing him and his striking jade eyes

He bowed and I bowed back in response .

"Jahaan Essa,King of dreams at your service my Queen and this is my mate Paras" Very respectfully he introduced his mate to me and the girl next to him with long jet black hair and a fair complexion with big doe eyes smiled at me.She looked really innocent.

I smiled back and then it hit me

" are the King of dreams.When I had those horrid dreams about Salvastro,were you doing it "?? He looked at her startled and then guilt crept upon his handsome features and Salvastro stiffened behind me.

"Uhh..y..y..yes Your Majesty but I can assure you it was never my intention I mean my best friend ask me to do it,he told me it was fun to mess with your head.I am extremely sorry my Queen" He stuttered and looked down at his feet

I glared at Salvastro and Salvastro glared at Jahaan.His mate was trying to stifle her giggles and I almost smiled when I saw Salvastro visibily gulping after taking a look at my face

"You told him to do that" I asked Salvastro in disbelieve. I was seriously pissed at this point and I just wanted to strangle this awful man standing next to me

"You thought it was fun to mess with my head"?? I took one step towards him and he took one back

I glared at him hard and he gulped again.

"I ..i can explain Evangeline" He was standing raising his hands in the air as I was about to attack him, which might I add was true

"Explain what,that I had terrible nightmares and I was scared shitless.And you think that was fun to mess with a normal humans head"

"You are technically not a normal human ,you are my mate,you are a witc.."

"No don't.I don't have any powers yet so don't call me a witch .Just you wait Salvastro ..just you wait.I'll get you back for this" I gritted my teeth and he smirked at me.Jerk

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