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I hope you enjoyed the happy chapters because this one? Not so much.


Private Message

E-lizzle: Hey

What's up?

E-Lizzle: So you and Seabass huh? 😉

It's not like that

E-Lizzie: Can you stop being stupid?

I am not

E-Lizzle: yes you are actually
E-Lizzle: how many times has everyone told you that he likes you??? Basically in love with you. He doesn't just buy everyone giant pizzas..

Liz, he doesn't like me like that... it honestly hurts being his friend because every time I see him I just...look Liz i'll think about it ok?

E-lizzle: Take the leap and tell him, trust me it'll work out perfectly.

Ok talk to you later. 💖


    I had finally worked up the nerve to talk to Sebastian about my feelings. After the talk with Elizabeth and months of pep-talks, I was finally doing it. I was currently fidgeting in front of his hotel door. My nerves were a wreck, I couldn't stop myself from running my hands over my clothes to subconsciously straighten them. I kept feeling like my hair had somehow come out of place causing me to also run my hands through my hair.

   Everyone had noticed that something had been up with me on set. I messed up lines and cues all the time now. It got so bad that Chris had to actually pull me aside on break and talk to me and I told him what had been bothering me. He had been a lot of help afterwards.

  Sebastian had been constantly trying to talk to me and I hadn't found myself able to answer any of his calls or messages. I was worried and scared and I don't know even know how I ended up here.

   Not wanting to dwell further on it I shakily raise my hand and knock once on the door and waiting for him to answer. It took what felt like eternity, but in actuality only a few moments for the door to creak open.

  My gaze snaps up expecting Sebastian to be ständig before me. Instead I'm met with a girl I didn't know.

  "Um, hi," I speak unsurely.

  Her brows furrow at me before answering.

  "Hi." I glance around her in hopes of spotting Sebastian.

  "Uh, is Sebastian here?" I nervously rub my hand together. I could kick myself right now, I'm never this nervous.

  "Yea, but he's sleeping, he's a little worn out if you know what I mean." She smirks at me. It was then I noticed her appearance. Her hair was in several different directions and she was obviously wearing Sebastian's shirt.

  All at once my heart plummeted into my feet. I shakily chuckled before nodding at her.

  "Sorry for bothering you then." I turn away to leave, but not before catching sight of an exhausted Sebastian walking out of his room. He happened to look at the door catching sight of me as I was walking away.

  "Wait, August!" He by-passes the woman and jogs after me. I stop as he gets to me not turning around to face him. He didn't like me like that, and I got my hopes for nothing.

  "Were you looking for me?" He asks. I nod slightly before putting on a brave face and turning to him.

   "Yea, but you're clearly busy, so I'll talk to you later ok?" I waved attempting not to cry in front of him. I swing around trying to get away once again, but I'm stopped by him.

  "Are you sure Aug?" He whispers lowly. I smile at him nodding.


  He looks unconvinced as he steps closer to me.

   "August-" He begins. My nerves get the best of me and I rush to cut him off before I start to sob.

  "No I'm good honestly Sebastian." He remains unconvinced but nods anyway.

  I waste no time in tugging from his grip and practically running to the elevator. I come to a halt in front of it and push the button to go down. The anxiety climbs my throats as a small sob finally breaks through. I begin to rapidly push the button to finally leave Sebastian's floor.

  The elevator dings signaling that it's arrived. Not wasting a second I run and slam myself against the wall sliding to the floor. As the doors close I fumble to open my purse to grab my phone. My quivering fingers grip my phone sliding it from my purse and I attempt to call Scarlett.

  I finally hit the right button and her name pops on the screen. I press the phone to my ear as the ringing fills my thick silence. After the third ring she cheerily picks up.

  "Scar!" I loudly sob after she greets me. I gasp after as she becomes worried.

  "August what's wrong," she questions the background on her end becoming silent.

  "I-I went, and Seb-" I stop, not being able to continue due to my loud cries. She whispers something to someone in the background before turning her attention back to me.

  "August where are you?"

  "I'm in the hotel, I'm coming to your room." I stutter out finally.

  "Ok, I'm meeting you at the elevator." She clicks the phone off signaling me to do the same. I slide the phone back in my purse as the elevator hits her floor. The doors open revealing her worried figure pacing the floor.

  When she hears the elevator she snaps her attention to me. I stand to my feet as she crosses the distance to.

  "Come on, honey." She wraps an arm around my waist and guides me to her room. I take a seat on her sofa numbly staring straight ahead of me.

  "What happened August?"

  I take a deep breath before relaying the situation to her.

   "I went to finally talk to Sebastian and some girl opened the door, her hair was a mess and she was wearing Sebastian's shirt and he walked out just as bad and, I was gonna tell him how I felt," I sob at the end. I choked up as Scarlett grabbed me into a hug. I wasn't with Sebastian as a couple, but I liked him and it hurt to see that. It was a clear sign that he didn't like me.

  "Come on, you're gonna sleep here, okay?"

   I nod in response curling up on her sofa. I push my shoes off and my jacket resting my head on her pillow. She walks off to the kitchen to most likely call Elizabeth. My quiet hiccups fill the tense air as I lull to sleep.


August →Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now