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Private Message

Sebastian: August?
(Read at 2:05)

Sebastian: Did I do something?
(Read at 2:20)

Sebastian: I'm sorry 😐
(Read at 2:23)

Sebastian: Just please answer me
(Read at 2:23)


     I sigh grabbing my constantly vibrating phone off the table in front of me. I hadn't had the guts to talk to Sebastian, but he constantly texted and called. I know it isn't his fault, he doesn't even know that I like him so I couldn't blame me.  I hesitantly unlock my phone staring daggers into his contact. Finally growing the balls I press the call button.
   It doesn't take two rings before he frantically answers the phone.

   "Hello?" I could hear his steady breathing on the other end. I didn't mean to just completely shut him out, I just couldn't really face him.

   "August, are you there," he asks again not bothering to hide his worried tone.

   "Um, yea sorry." I cough.

   "You uh, haven't really been answering my texts, or my calls." He laughs nervously. I could practically imagine him awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

   "Yea, sorry I've had a lot on my mind."

   "Oh ok, for a minute there I thought I did something wrong," he whispers obviously relieved.

    "No, you didn't do anything Sebastian." I chuckle at him. I could hear shuffling sheets in the background of his phone.

   "So uh, how's everything going," he asks trying to make conversation.

   "Really good, I'm excited to finish filming." I smile at the ground as he hums in agreement. He goes to say something before I hear a knock at my door causing me to cut him off.

   "Hey, Anthony and Chris are here, I'll call you later okay?"

   "Yea, talk to you later." He bids before I hit the end button and rushing over to the door. I open it being greeted with Anthony keeping Chris away from the pizza by kicking him in the stomach.

    "Ugh, stop it, this is for August!" Anthony struggles against Chris before running past me into the room. I roll my eyes closing the door and following both of them into the kitchen. It was going to be a long night.


YAY! They finally talked! Hopefully things get better from here on out 🤔
P.S. I keep updating and I don't know why, I just feel so inspired.

August →Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now