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ok so i had an idea from the chapter Soul Punk so i decided to rename (almost) all of FOB's songs ((also this'll be two parts, pre-hiatus and post))


•now that you've listened to this you can never stop we're all stuck in this together (also "we've got such good fashion sense" aka the 75% off rack at Hot Topic)
•pop-punk semi-love song with just enough angst to keep up the punk
•let's fucking party bitches
•too much fucking teenage angst to handle (plus stalking and breaking and entering)
•you're really easy to make come (light a match to leave me be) by Fall Out Boy
•pure fucking sadness kill me now
•i really need you i know i seem distant and full of myself but i really need you i promise
•don't listen to the government listen to us we'll do anything for you guys (tbh we might not even make it this may be the last album)
•oh daddy caught me (let's fucking party because we're young) by Fall Out Boy
•Allie but Pete's version
•A FUCKING BOP (with a dash of loneliness and longing for someone you can't have/hate)
•short and tinie are angry

•people don't change but you secretly love me
•"THE ARM'S RACE MADE 'EM RAISE THEY ARMS AND RACE STRAIGHT TO THE TOP, WHO KNEW? RIGHT NOW THEY GOT THAT #1 SPOT, DO YOU WANT THAT?? ME TOO."-Kanye West at his Kanye Best being Kanye Fresh and rapping with much Kanye Zest
•i'm only not getting help to keep you with me somebody help me
•we'll be your voice just trust us. you'll be okay
•I FUCKING HATE MYSELF (ft. deep voice holy shit)
•fuck you this one random one night stand
•sadness is infectious so fuck the whole world i hate my life im so fucking emo
•i'm literally about to fall apart somebody please help me
•we're miserable but hey at least we're hot
•i still love mikey way
•i'm better at writing than fucking but i'm still pretty good
•an unfair trial
•the truth hurts worse than hitting you in a fight ((idk??? i can't tell what this one's about sorry))(((i wanted to say bdsm but thats too far lol)))

•we're both fucking crazy so let's get through this together
•fuck you and your opinion
•all or nothing let's do this
•i love you but i can't see past my mistakes so i compare you to bad people in my life and i'm sorry (also all my friends are on cocaine)
•cheating is bad
•don't blame your problems on the world find a way to fucking fix them (also i really just wanna be a kid again)
•we've all given up on everything because nothing's working out (but things will eventually change i know it)
•i fucking hate myself part 2
•i just wanna be happy but i care about other people and their opinions too much
•my friends fucking suck (also ily but you're a fucking mess calm down)
•i think too much let's just fuck
•I have so much anxiety!!! somebody kill me!!!!!! (aka me all the time)

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