Chapter 6-Mr.Hope

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I stood in the line behind Kidou to get Mr.Almighty his lunch. Who does he think he is? That ass-hole. Kidou got his turn and soon  I followed him.

"Wait a second! What does he like?" I asked Kidou. I just picked up whatever he pointed. I may not be his biggest fan but I won't be cruel as to pick up whatever I like. Moreover he might make me go again. If I think about it no matter how much I dislike him, I was in the wrong too. I shouldn't have bad-mouthed him. I know it's my impression but he might be a good person underneath all that cold personality. Anyway I need not wonder about him and his personality, just do his bids and you can return to your peaceful and calm life

I went to the table at which he sat and gave him his lunch plate and turned to return to the table where my lunch is waiting and also give those two-shit heads a piece of mind for involving me in all this mess. Both of them are dead. I glared at them but before I could move a step towards them Mr, Almighty stopped me. "Stop." That was his order. I turned around to face him.

"Where are you going?"

"Where else? To have my lunch." I replied normally.

"Get it and sit here."

"Why?" Did he not hate my presence with a passion?

"Do I really need to explain myself? For these three months you should be around me so that you can do what I say." I nodded without saying anything and got my plate to their table and sat. It consisted of four chairs. The one beside Mr.Almighty is empty so I sat there. Across me sat a girl who looked like a run-away model, so white like a doll, blonde hair, pink lips and a small height I assume making her cute rather than elegant. I suddenly felt jealous of her. If only I had looks like that. Can't do anything now. Beside her sat Kidou. He doesn't seem that perverted anymore. Just a friendly guy. Let us hope it is true. I wonder how this girl is? Friendly or bitchy. I started eating diligently because I have work to do. If only those idiots didn't involve me with their stupid plan I would have had more time. But not any more.

"Hi!" The model before me greeted. "I am Georgina. You can call me G." She smiled at me beautifully. If one would take a picture and advertise it would be an over-night hit. Guess she is not a bitch.

"Hi! I am Destiny." I smiled back.

"I know, your video is so famous." She smiled mischievously, no malice behind, just teasing. I looked at Mr.Almighty from the corner of my eye and ensuring that he is not looking my way I shook my head and mouthed 'Don't bring that topic. I am in enough trouble.' And she just smiled in return. A cute princess in modern time indeed. Other two guys kept silent and G tried to make conversation with me. Mostly it is her talking and me listening. I am not much of a talkative person and I am glad that she doesn't mind.

"What are you going to do after lunch?" She asked me all of a sudden.

"I have classes till three today and then I have to find Mr.Hope. The reason I was a little late for lunch. I had a problem with my paper and I went to professor for help but he too got stuck. He asked to ask Mr.Hope and that he would be able to help me. He sounds like a genius. So I have to find him and seek his help. I have a feeling that I heard his name recently. Hopefully he will help me."

"Are you serious?" She asked shocked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You don't know Mr.Hope?" She asked a little louder.

"Ssh.." I shushed her and I talked in a low voice to avoid further problems. "Don't tell me that he is some other popular guy in this college that every one knows."

"You are too oblivious." She laughed.

"Yeah, yeah I know, since you know him why don't you tell me who is he or where can I get him and some basic details in case so that I won't get in trouble." Not only was my voice low, I also moved forward towards her. I don't want this Mr.Hope to be another popular whom I don't know and offend him in one way or the other, which I became famous for these days,and then become his slave for another three months. No chance. I won't allow it.

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