Chapter 69-Morning Call

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Dedicated to dream-1297! 

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Dedicated to dream-1297


Ring! Ring!

Bloody hell! What is that insistent ringing? Why don't they let me sleep peacefully for a single night? From the past two days they made it their mission to wake me up at ungodly hours in the morning. I will kill this person who is waking me up now. The bed is extra warm today and it is very comfortable inviting me to sleep in. May be if I ignore it, it might go away. I snuggled in hiding my face in the bed trying to ignore the ringing but it kept on ringing insistently. I tried to get up with half-closed eyes but was immediately yanked back down again.

That made me snap out from my daze and realized that it was Gouenji who yanked me down and he had his arms around my waist securely again. For a moment I wondered what crazy situation made me sleep with him but then I remembered the whole G's incident. It really sounds silly to me now when thinking back to it just as I expected but I was really scared then. I held onto Gouenji tightly till I could sleep and he didn't complain even once. Not to mention I slept on top of him. I experienced how it would feel when a person practically sits on you but I slept on him which means all my weight is on him. I am sure I am heavy but he didn't complain thankfully.

I lifted my head to look at him and was momentarily mesmerized by his sleeping face. He looks very innocent while sleeping, very cute in fact. No expression on his face, not a smirk or smile or glare but just neutral. I wonder what more expressions I would get to see on him! I want to treasure him very much, treasure him and his each and every expression and emotion. He is precious to me. You are my treasure Gouenji. But just then the damn phone rang again reminding me why I woke up and I decided to make that person's life a living hell! That might be Gouenji's phone since I am sleeping in his room and I don't remember bringing my phone but this ringtone is mine. I looked onto the table to find his phone but sure enough it was not his phone that was ringing.

Shaking off the sleep induced haziness I listened closely to find the sound coming from my own pocket. Somehow I ended up with my phone in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and Aram's name flashed on it.

"If you don't give me a valid reason to wake me up at this ungodly hour I swear I will make your life a living hell."

"Destiny." There was such an edge to his voice and sadness that all my anger faded away.

"Aram." I said back my heart beating a taboo. What happened to make him that down? He was fine yesterday when we all went together for shopping. Is his health fine?

"Can you..."

"Yes. Don't hesitate. Please tell me." I urged him when he hesitated. By now I could feel Gouenji's gaze on me but I am too worried to answer him now.

"Can you come now?"

"Yes, where?"

"Trinity hospital."

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