Chapter 10-Father

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Seeing as I am not much affected by the ever persistent glare from Richard Shuuya, father of I-always-glare, a.k.a, Gouenji, I have to say I am accustomed to it. But I think it did not bode well with Mr.Shuuya since his Glare at me intensified. If he is anything like his son I can expect a rude comment in the next moment.

"What is a girl doing in our house?" He said 'girl' in the same way Gouenji says 'female species'. Like father like son I guess. Though this question was directed at Gouenji he is looking at me as if expecting me to answer. I looked at Gouenji and found him eating non-chalantly with his usual poker face. Either he didn't see the tension which is in the air or he is unaffected by it but then again when is he affected by such things.

"She fell asleep on me so I brought her here."

"People are degrading so low. And you can't tell the difference between pretending and reality."

Wow! Exactly like his son. May be he became like this because of his father.

"I do know the difference between reality and acting father. She is not like that." Gouenji said in a very calm voice looking at his father in the eyes as if to emphasize the point he is saying. I could feel the temperature drop a little and the tension between the father and son. They stared down at each other each trying to get their across each other. Wait a second Gouenji said something positive about me. He basically defended my character. I have to celebrate today. Oh my god! It is world's eighth wonder.

I think Gouenji warmed up to. I mean he still glares at me and looks at me with his poker face but those glares do not show his usual hatred towards me. He mostly smirks at me evilly and he mostly teases me. Gouenji does not hate me. Oh! How did I not realize this earlier? His behavior recently is mostly to entertain himself rather than piss me off. He is very far behind liking me or anywhere near that but still this is improvement right? He doesn't hate me and even though he doesn't like my presence he can tolerate my presence. I feel like I accomplished something in my life.

Mr.Shuuya broke the staring contest and glared at me saying with his eyes that I am responsible for the tension between him and his son. I as usual ignored his glare just like I do with his son. Looks like I became a pro in ignoring the glares.

"And why is my son answering your question?" He asked me finally in a ice cold voice which is enough to freeze meat in two seconds. What can I say? He is a business man and I don't think he would be in this place without this cold demeanour. If not for my practice with his son I would have definitely ran away.

"I would have answered if you asked me. If I am correct which I think I am, you asked your son a question and he answered. I don't find anything wrong with that." I answered matter as a fact.

To say he is surprised is an understatement but being the business man he is he covered up very quickly just except for his slip up a second. That would be the last slip up I will see this day, that I am sure. I don't think he would like me after the reply I gave but I don't think I require his favor seeing that this would probably the last time I would come here. Nevertheless I am not going to be rude. But it doesn't mean I will sit silent when they blame me and slander my character. As I said I don't want someone's certificate of character in my life but that doesn't mean I will just sit silent whatever others say.

I smiled at him and continued my breakfast hoping that Gouenji would complete his breakfast soon so that I can go to school in one piece. I would appreciate that very much.

"You are?"

"Destiny. Astrea Destiny Faith sir." I said smiling at him politely.

"Oh!" He said as if recognizing me. Oh he might! His so got a report on me so why not his father. I will not be surprised if he takes put a report now or if he already had one.

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