Chapter 11-Shock

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I walked outside the doors to find a very good car outside with Gouenji leaning on it. If I take a photo of him now and send it to a magazine I am sure I would get millions. He is drop dead gorgeous, especially in that position. He would get a billion likes in social media. But I really can't take a photo except storing this in mind because if I do take a photo he will file a privacy case against me or something along those lines.

"Are you going to keep standing there?" He raised a perfect single eyebrow in question.

"Yes, coming." I said moving towards the car and got inside the passenger's seat. He started the car and moved out.

"What about Kidou?"

"He has his own car."

"Won't it be better to come in a single car. Fuel conservation." I asked.

"Just for today."

"Why?" I asked but he stayed silent. I sighed and sat staring outside. Then the large gates opened allowing us out. Did I mention his house has a large exterior garden, more like a small forest. This car costs a lot too. It is very sophisticated inside and the drive is very smooth too. I don't expect Kidou's car to be any less flashy. Rich people sure are something else. Hmm! Sometimes I wish I am wealthy too. Then things would have been way too different. Any way can't change anything now just because I wish to.

"Wow! We reached fast." I said when we reached the college. I think I totally forgot about college and the consequences for getting out of his car. If you think these people would get habituated with me staying around him then you are very wrong. I mean it quietened down before valentine's day but with me giving him a letter which is not love letter, gossip started again, not to mention Gouenji carrying me to his car princess style. Now I am coming out of his car. At this moment gossip sounds interesting than nasty rumors.

I groaned and mentally face palmed myself. I think I should think through before acting especially when it involves Mr. Popular guy here. These guys are looking at us and turning to others and talking something laughing. They crossed the stage where they used to think that they looked at me discreetly. Well, I can't change anything. I will have to wait until they calm down.

"Looks like you made news again." That was the first thing Kidou said coming to my side after getting off from his flashy car.

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

"We will protect you." He said walking on my other side.

"I don't think that will make it any better." Basically Gouenji and Kidou are walking on either side of me like bodyguards. I think that would increase the rumors rather than toning it down.

"Rather, how are you feeling? No cramps?" Gouenji asked and I had a minute of melt down. That is the first sweet question he asked me. I blushed a little remembering the other sweet moment this morning where he almost kissed my forehead in a romantic way. I bent my head a little to hide my blush and muttered a 'I am fine'. I think my hormones are really acting up. I really hope this period ends soon. I never ever blushed in my life. Ever. I need some serious help dear.

Classes were as usual. A lot of chatter before classes which usually silences before the professor comes. May be I am exaggerating a little but people are gossiping, I expected it to died down by the evening but the gossip at the afternoon cafeteria is in full swing. May be it's because that is the main place of gossip. To be frank things are as usual except people today are being a little bold and loud. I can manage it. Oh! Also I am not carrying Gouenji's bag, may be because he thinks I am still weak. I sometimes wonder why he made me his slave. It's not like he is making me do anything except carry his bag, bring his lunch and move around him like his puppy. May be that's what he wanted from me, to be his puppy. Or is it the uneasiness I get from the rumors of the people. He can't be that cruel right?

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