Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Willow there's someone at the door!" Emily shouts and I run downstairs to meet her. "Did you look through the peep hole?" I ask and she shakes her head no. I sigh and look through the peep hole and see William and Edward standing there. "It's the boys." I say and we open the door. "Did you see my sin sisters?" I ask the boys and they shake their heads no. "Let me go and leave a note." I say and grab a pen and a piece of paper. I write this on it:

My dear sin sisters,
    I went to go and look for a job, and so did Emily. We have our knives, money, our phones,and passports with us. We'll try to call you when we get a chance. Bye! Love you, Willow and Emily

"I tape the letter to the refrigerator and hand Edward my car keys. "Can he drive?" I ask William and he nods his head. "Yeah, he just doesn't like his car." He answers and I nod my head. "Edward remember what I did to you at lunch that day?" I ask him and he shudders before he nods. "If there's any food in my car or even a scratch I will kill you. I'm not afraid to do it either." I say and hand him my keys to my car. "Emily, watch my car with your life. Okay?" I ask and she nods. "Love you." She says and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back for a while then let her go. "Love you too." I say and William and I get in his car and drive off.

"You must really care about your sister, right?" William asks out of the blue and I nod. "Yeah, I really do. She's my twin afterall, there's nothing that I wouldn't do for her." I answer and look down at my hands. "I'm done so many bad things in my life, hurt so many people, but I've never hit Emily in my entire life. I'd do anything to protect her...even if it means that I put myself in harm's way." I say and William puts his hand on top of mine. "I remember one time when me and my sisters were delivering drugs on our own...ummm one of the men tried to take Emily for ransom. Me being her twin and all I tried to rescue her and the man shot me. I was taken to the hospital and when I woke up the doctors told me that if the bullet had went an inch to the right that I would've died. What's funny is that as soon as I woke up I wanted to see Emily. I wouldn't talk, eat, or sleep until I saw her." I say in a small voice and realize that we aren't moving anymore. William pulled into a dirt road while I was talking. After I finish my story I look at William and see that his eyes are darker than usual. "Are you okay, William?" I ask and he pulls me in for a hug. "You just told me that story and you're asking me if I'm okay?" He asks and I laugh. "What can I say? I'm not very normal." I say and he laughs before he kisses me on the lips. "We should really get going." I say after he pulls away and he nods before he starts the car and we drive off to wherever we're supposed to be going to.

"Welcome to Bakies! They have the best cupcakes, brownies, blondes, and anything else that you're looking for." William says as we get out of the car. "It looks adorable!" I say as he wraps his arms around my waist. "How are you going to get me a job here?" I ask and he chuckles as he kisses me on the lips. "The owner's son owes me a few favors...lets just say that you'll definitely get this job." He says and I shrug my shoulders. "I get it, I have people that owe me too." I say and we walk into the little bakery/ restraunt. "Hello how may I help you?" An old lady asks in a friendly tone and we smile at her. "Hello, we're here to see Walter." William says and the old lady nods her head. "The both of you make a lovely couple. You remind me of me and my Arnold when we were young. I'll go get Walter for you." The old lady says and I blush as she leaves the room. "For a girl nicknamed Wrath, you sure don't act like it." William says and I pull out my gun then press it to his stomach. I lean up to his ear and smile. "I might not act like it, but you better believe that I'm dangerous...for your own safety." I whisper then put my gun away. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." He says and I smile before I kiss his cheek. A boy about our age (maybe a year or two older) comes out from the back and looks at William with fearful eyes and I move out of his grip as it hardens. "Can I see you for a moment, Walter?" William asks and Walter nods before they walk out of the door and I follow them. "Walter you know that you owe me many favors..." William starts and I walk to stand behind him. "But there's a way to pay off a great deal of it." William says next and Walter nods. "My girlfriend here would like a job and you're going to give her one, and if you don't then there will be problems." William says and gently takes my wrists. "If he ever lays a hand on you, don't hesitate to call me. I'll kill him if he touches you." William whispers and I laugh lightly. "I can handle myself just fine." I say and he lets go of my wrists. I walk over to Walter and smile at him kindly. "Hey Walter my name is Willow." I say and he sticks out a hand. I take it and put my gun to his chest. "Touch me and I'll make you regret it." I say and he shakes his head. "Lets go." I say to William and we leave Walter standing there. "See you tomorrow!" I call out as we drive away.

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