Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Have you heard from my father?" I ask and Miguel and he shakes his head. "No, but I heard that he called you early yesterday morning." He answers smugly and I roll my eyes. "Yes. He did call, but to warn me that you were coming. Why are you here anyway?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest. "I wanted to see you again, my dear Wrath." He answers simply before I roll my eyes at him and he snakes his arm around my body. "Did you miss me? You left so and all of your sisters." He whispers in my ear and I shudder at his warm breath in my ear. It pains me to say these next words, but I take a deep breath before I look him square in his eyes. "Of course I missed you. Do you know how lonely I was without you?" I answer and my heart hurts as he kisses me on my lips. "I missed you too. It feels like I haven't seen you in years." He says and his hair falls into his eyes.

That's because you haven' left me for my father. You left me all alone, and drowning in my thoughts.

"Let's go back to your place. I wanna get settled into our room." He says and I nod my head before I start to walk out of the alley. "Let's go." I say and starts to follow me.

I hope that the boys are gone. I'm so sorry for what I'm doing to you, William.

I hang up the phone and look at Edward with wide eyes. "You need to go. Right now." I say as I get from our comfortable position. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly and I throw on a pair of black tights and a snake green shirt. "The other boys are coming. You all need to leave, like RIGHT NOW." I say and he nods his head before we leave the room. "They're coming!" I shout and all of the boys make their way to the front door. "Wait William!" I shout and he turns around to look at me. "Remember...whatever Willow does. She does it because she loves you. She's only trying to do what she thinks is best for your health. She's trying to protect you." I say because I'm worried about her. She would never want to hurt William, but she might. "Okay. I'll try." He says before they all leave.

Why do bad things only happen to us?

I walk into the house, and feel sad because I know that William's not here with me. Instead of William's arms around my body, it's Miguel. We walk into the house to find the other boys with my sisters. "Well, well, well...if it isn't the two Wraths of the family." Eli says and I roll my eyes. "Did you miss us too much?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes before he laughs. "It's good to see you again. I was starting to think that you girls ran away from us on purpose." Miguel says and all of us stiffen up. "Why would we do that? You know that we only have eyes for you." Piper says and the rest of us quickly nod our heads in agreement. "Of course. We would never leave you guys on purpose." I quickly say and he gives me a boyish grin. "That's good." He says and we walk up to my room. "Do you like it?" I ask as he starts to look around the room. "It looks fine, but it's missing one thing." He says and I look around worriedly. "What is it missing?" I ask and he gives me a smirk as he turns around to look at me. "It's missing me." He says and I roll my eyes as I push him. "You joke too much." I say before his face turns serious. "You know that you only belong to me right? You're mine." He says in a deathly low tone and I nod my head. "I know that." I reply and he nods his head happily before he leaves the room.

I pull out my phone and send William a quick text.

I'll see you at school. Don't come near the house please. I love you so much, and I'm so sorry.

I quickly delete the text and sigh to myself.

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