Full team

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I woke up being shaken, I yawned and looked around. "Hmm where am I?" "Your still in the great hall Enrique." I looked at Victor and yawned again "what time is it anyway??" "It's around midday and we just finished everything. We needed to know extra supplies or extra weapons?" I narrowed my eyes"take the extra supplies because we can always stock up on weapons on Dragons edge ." The tall Viking nodded and offered his hand "come on we need u for some finalizations to the plans" I took his hand and stood and followed. I drew my dagger and started polishing the black blade and putting it back into its sheath I started to look over the plans for our very own Dragons edge. "First things first we have to get to Dragons edge and get the rest of our team." I suggest and turned toward the dragons when I felt two hands on my shoulders. "Well whatever happens we will back you up 100% unless we think ur wrong" I chuckled and looked at Halle who had spoken "thank you...both for everything." They nodded and I smiled and started to gather up all the plans and our orders and they helped, we were done in two minutes and I started to walk to StormStryker "hey bud come on wake up." The Stormcutter huffed and looked at me "I know u don't wanna but we have to." He huffed again and licked my hand and stood waking up Hardee and Thunder while the two younglings slept away. I chuckled and walked over picking Striker up putting her into her pouch on StormStryker's saddle and I did the same for Speed. "Alright guys is everything ready?" The other two dragon riders nodded and climbed onto their respective dragons and walked out the great hall as I fixed StormStryker's saddle and climbed on while he yawned and started flying to my house. Victor and Halle had already said goodbye to their parents. I still had to say goodbye to mine. I grimaced when I had landed and my mother had already come out and was tapping her foot against the dirt. "Well young man when were you gonna tell me about all this?" I sighed "I was afraid you would explode and start yelling or come after me with a battle-axe." She smiled and came forward "well ur father would have been proud of you my son." I looked confused "Hiccup came and told me about ur mission. Im proud of you and I'm sure your father is too." I nodded and started to walk inside to my room to check if I had forgotten anything. I smiled when I walked into my room and on my bed was a box. "It's your going away present. I had wanted it for your birthday but looks like you won't be here for it." She looked sad and I hugged her "don't worry mother I'll try to come spend time with you on your birthdays as well." We hugged for some time before I turned and started to open the box. "Mom you really put an order in for me?!" I smiled largely and pulled out three items, a bow made of dragon bone with red wood arrows with black fletchings, a collapsible staff with three different types of blades and finally new armor. "NO WAY THIS IS THE NEW SCOUT ARMOR!!" I smiled and looked at my mother who nodded "it's yours son." "No way!!" I smiled and raced into the bathroom changing from the usual Viking attire into the white and red armor.

I slid my dagger and new staff onto my back along with my quiver and bow which was collapsible as well

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I slid my dagger and new staff onto my back along with my quiver and bow which was collapsible as well. I stepped out of the bathroom to find Victor and Halle were standing beside my mother wearing the same armor and supporting packs that I was given by Halle. I pulled my hood down and smiled at the other two who smiled back. "Are we ready?" They nodded and I looked at my mother who handed me three more armor set and some paper. "For your other teammates and these are if u need any more made." I nodded and put them into my pack as I hugged my mother "Be safe. All of you." We nodded and then started to walk downstairs and outside where our dragons were waiting. I climbed onto StormStryker when i noticed something. The Queen's scale was pressed against my skin and her voice was in my head. "Be safe young ones I will expect to see you again soon" I nodded and smiled "u might have a new home soon my Queen" "oh that would be wonderful but you need to get going now" "yes ma'am" I smile and started to fly toward the others who were waiting for me "u wanna do one more see of Berk before we go?" I nod and fly after the other two as we fly around Berk for the last time in a long time. I smile as Vikings point and wave to us as we fly by I wave back as StormStryker opened up all four of his wings and started to do tricks as did Hardee while we flew around Berk then we all nodded and pointed our dragons toward Dragons edge.

~couple of days later~

"Guys we're here" I smiled when I heard the others cheer. I smiled and chuckled as I landed in a grassy area clear of any buildings while five dragons flew down and stood  in front of us. The rider of a Monstrous Nightmare came forward "who are you?!" "We're from Berk Snoutlout don't worry. Astrid sent us. We are supposed to gather the rest of our team here." The Viking thought for a minute then nodded and flew toward their great hall and motioned us to follow. I looked at Victor and Halle who shrugged  "it's your call ur the leader till we find someone better." I smiled "come on StormStryker let's follow him" the dragon growled softly and opened his wings flying after the red dragon. We landed and I got off grabbing the orders I was given and handed them to the older Viking. I watched as he looked it over and he nodded "yea they are from Hiccup he only writes like this." I rolled my eyes as he gave them back. "We need to get the rest of our team and get moving by tomorrow sir." He nodded and handed the scroll back. "You will replenish here and then move out and finish your mission." I nodded and turned toward the door "Also if u need any building supplies we can supply some as well as any food or necessity's you all might need." I nodded and walked out getting onto StormStryker and flying down toward the other remaining dragon riders that were still on the ground I absent-mindedly petted Striker's head as we landed between Victor and Halle. I got off StormStryker who cooed at me and sat watching everything. "And this is our leader Enrique."I waved as Halle introduced our three new teammates two girls and one boy. The boy's name was Miller and was sister to a cute redhead who's name was Lula and the last girl was Silena who was a brunette. I smiled and waved at them before walking to StormStryker and getting the armor my mother gave us. I threw one to Miller and gave the others to the girls. "Here...if we're gonna be a team we have to dress together. Oh that reminds me we need to get the supplies guys." I look at Victor and Halle who nod. "Come on." They nod and follow me then look at the other three. "You can stay or you can come your choice. But we are finishing our mission." I climb onto StormStryker and see Silena saddling on her WindWalker. "Well I'm going with them. Are you two coming or not?" I chuckle when I see Victor staring at the brunette. I smile and look at Halle who is staring at Miller then looks at me and blushes hard. I smile and nod and look away as StormStryker roars and fly's upward and toward the supply buildings.

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