Pack starting

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~Two months later~

Looking around our newly built base I smiled as Lula walked over to me and laid her head on my shoulder holding my hand. Smiling I kissed her cheek softly and pulled her close "wow two months and we've all ready finished our base" she nodded and smiled "Now we can get the pack here" I nodded "Miller won't be happy" she nodded grimly "but they need a new home right?" I nodded and walked toward our cabin covering my tattooed arms from view as Speed and Stinger raced out of my cabin and ran toward me. Chuckling I calmly petted Speed and Stinger's head and I smiled as the two flightless dragons cooed and licked Lula's hand softly before running back into our cabin. I smiled as Lula giggled at the sight and followed the two. I smirked and walked to the edge of the island and sat down as I watched the sun. StormStryker joined me and laid by my side growling softly as he watched me stare at the setting sun. "yea i miss the pack too bud but we'll see them soon" I looked at my bracelet which held the three scales of three Speed Stingers. StormStryker cooed at me and rubbed his arms against the ground, looking down I noticed that he had scratched off some scales. I hesitantly grabbed one and he nodded when I grabbed and put it on my bracelet which glowed red and absorbed the scale "Finally you catch on!" I jumped and looked at StormStryker who growled softly and butted my hand "Master it's so good to talk to you" I gaped at him and he blew smoke in my face "what you can speak to the queen why not me?" "The queen was the one who gave me the bracelet of course I would believe I would only be able to talk to her" "well why don't we ask her" I would but she is not here" he started to laugh and I turned to look out at the sea to see the whole pack of Speed Stingers racing toward our island and my queen in the front. I smiled as I ran down toward the beach, StormStryker laughed and watched as I embraced the Queen. "My Queen!" she cooed and nuzzled my head softly " Hello my son you have been well?" I nodded and smiled hugging her softly as the other dragon riders walked over to us and the rest of the pack raced off to the caves I smiled as they did and the others shifted nervously I smiled and motioned the others over "she means no harm" Halle and Victor walked over and smiled petting her on her head. Smiling I watched as Lula and Silena walked over and softly held out there hands out. As the queen sniffed their hands then licked them the girls smiled. I did as well when a Speed Stinger ran up and chirped urgently "excuse me my son but I must attend to my nest." I nodded and she ran off after the other Speed Stinger "so that's the queen...she's so nice." I nodded then smiled as I saw Speed and Stinger race toward me and jump around excitedly. I chuckled and kissed Lula's cheek "I'll be back soon" as I walked toward the caves I yawned. Smiling I looked toward StormStryker "go be with the queen I'll be fine...find out what you can about the bracelet!" I nodded and smiled following the trail. As I got to the caves I saw multiple Speed Stingers running around, as I walked around I sent a thought out "My Queen!" as soon as I had sent the thought I heard a response "Here my son" I nodded and followed her voice. As I entered her chamber I spotted her laying on the floor. As I walked towards her and sat down next to her. "What's troubling you?" "How does the amulet work?" She nodded "ah so that's what's troubling you. Bring him the scroll!" I watched as a small Speed Stinger shyly dropped a scroll at my feet then raced off. As I picked the scroll up and started to read it. "To any who are reading it means you have been chosen. To be chosen and given this bracelet it means that you have been tested and proven effective enough. This bracelet is capable of truly amazing things, but only those with a will to fight will ever discover it's true potential. Only the one it was made for will ever unlock what it can truly do. Some powers that can be used are the ability to talk to animals once a piece of their DNA example: scale, piece of hair, or a sample of their spit or blood. Be cautious though because it only works on animals not humans. Another ability that is known is if a the wearer of the bracelet is really trusted by an animal they are able to turn into said animal but the gender of the wearer. That is all the known abilities at this time. -Sincerely, a friend." I looked at the queen who licked my hand as her lower body convulses and I gently lay my hands on her stomach and she sighed in relief as I gently start to hum. She smiled and licks my hand softly as her body slumps in relief and I see that there was an egg that was being taken away by a female Speed Stinger. I gently kiss the Queen's head softly as she panted then I smiled as she lifted her head and looks straight at me "I trust you Enrique Foxworth with my life and with my pack...I trust you with my whole being" my eyes widened and she nodded before she gently laid her head back down onto the skins that the hunters for her pack had gotten for her. I stood as I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes as my whole body tingled and I screeched as the tingling feeling finally disappeared. The others Speed Stingers stopped and stared at me and I studied myself. I was a black and red Speed Stinger, I was bigger than an average Speed Stinger but I was smaller than the queen. I hissed "get moving" and I laid next to Queen they all jumped then got back to their duties. I nuzzled her and licked her muzzle then nuzzled it "my queen I am one of you"she smiled and nodded "you are part Speed Stinger now, so you may have multiple mates within the pack if you so choose. You may also command this pack and those commands are only second to mine." I nodded "yes ma'am" as I listened I had nuzzled her side to ease her pain and she looked at me gratefully "also many males will challenge you for your position and often, most of these challenges are not fatal but there will be some that are to the death." I saw a flicker of something in her eyes maybe fear. I nuzzled her in comfort and she nuzzled back smiling. "I better get back to my friends my queen but I will be back soon" she nodded and I stood after gently licking her cheek. I trotted off and back toward the entrance as I started to transform back. First it was my tail and feet then it changed my torso and arms and hands. Lastly was my head and face, as I started to walk to my hut I continued to think. "Master!!" I looked around before I was picked up and set in my saddle on StormStryker "master pirates have been sited on the east side of the island. Mistress Lula wanted me to come get you." I nodded and patted his head "thanks bud" he smiled and grumbled softly "you know Snoggletog is almost here maybe you should find a mate soon" he looked at me amusingly "master I am not gripped by the same instinct that other common dragons are just like the other dragons on our team" I stared at the dragon who only laughed inwardly. "And I mate for life master." sighing I laughed and we continued flying "I also can mate with different kinds of dragons and I kind of like Sapphire also" I smirked and chuckled as we landed next to the others. Getting off I grabbed the spyglass Miller handed to me and stared at the lone ship that was coming toward the island. "Alright what do we know so far?" "Well it seems they are damaged and have to stop for repairs. They could also have injured but it could all be a ruse to draw dragons out of hiding." I nodded and gave the spyglass back and climbed onto StormStryker and pulled my hood and mask up so only my eyes were visible. "Silena come with me so we can do a hit and run." She nodded and climbed onto her dragon after doing the same with her hood and mask. As we flew toward the ship I gripped my bow and nocked an arrow tipped with a parasitic poison. As we flew past we heard shouts and I hovered over the boat then dropped down onto the boat deck. I watched as a beefy guy walked forward "well well well what do we have here?" "What do you pirates want on our island?" He laughed and drew a knife "I am Vancar Bermuda and that's our business and not yours!" He looked back toward the rest of the pirates who had their weapons out as well. I smirked and put my bow up and gripped my staff sliding the blades out of the ends. "Silena" "yea" "break the sails then get out of here until we call you back because this is going to get bloody." She gulped and mounted her dragon and flew up and ripped the sail then flew toward the island. I grinned and looked at StormStryker "go back to the island I'll be fine" he nodded then flew up and back toward the island. "Well he's all alone now RUSH EM LADS!" I grinned and started to attack.
~few minutes later~
I grinned and stabbed the last pirate in the stomach getting a cry and a splash of blood. After finishing that guy the only pirate left alive was their leader and I grinned a sadistic smile my hood had been hit off by a another pirate that I had killed. The leader gritted his teeth and i smirked "not so manly now huh" I made sure to have a taunting tone as I stood in his soldiers blood and was standing among their butchered bodies. "You bastard!" I smirked and walked toward him, he ran at me and I disarmed him then tripped him. As he fell I put my boot on his chest and kept him there "you're going to remember my name and spread this warning. My name is Bloodbath and any who attack Berk, Dragons edge or The Crevice will get a personal visit from me and will get a personal session with me and I will not be easy!" He nodded fearfully and I brought a fist down onto his face breaking his nose and knocking him out. I stood and walked through the bloodbath on the upper deck and walked down to the lower deck. As I disarmed the traps I saw that there was a supply room and a treasure room. As I walked into the supply room it was full of weapons and armor. I growled and continued to look around. As I started to walk to the treasure room I heard a chirp, unlocking the door with a lock pick I walked in to see dragon eggs. "Oh son of a &%#&#" I looked down to see a baby deadly nadder. Picking it up I smiled and scratched his head softly, "hey little guy how are you?" He chirped and smiled and I set him down after grabbing some bags and setting the three eggs into one of the bags. As I walked back upstairs holding the baby Deadly Nadder. "StormStryker come pick us up" "I come master" as I sent the thought out I saw him flying toward me. I turned and saw the pirate had woken up and was struggling to stand up walking over to him I kicked him in the face in anger and knocked him out again. As StormStryker landed he looked around curiously. I shrugged and climbed onto his saddle and set the baby Deadly Nadder in one of the pouch's and he fell asleep instantly. I chuckled and we started to fly back to the island. We landed and I slipped off of StormStryker patting his side carefully, I watched as the others walked over to me their mouths open in shock well Victor and Halle just smirked. "B-babe why are you so bloody?" I shrugged "they made me mad" Miller shuddered "remind me not to piss him off sis" she nodded and I pulled out the dragon eggs. They gasped "there are about two more eggs still there so I'm going to go get them." They all nodded and I set the bag gently down then walked to my pack and picked the Deadly Nadder up and set it in Halle's hands "take care of her" she nodded and held the baby dragon. I mounted StormStryker again and flew back to the ship. As I ran down to the egg room and I grabbed the eggs I saw the pirate I had left alive was standing at the entrance of the armory. As I passed him I hit him in the jaw my old anger coming back up. His head slammed into the doorframe and he slumped to the floor. I ran back outside holding the eggs and climbed back onto StormStryker. As we headed home I smiled as I felt an egg shake"hurry StormStryker" he nodded and sped up. As we landed I handed the two eggs to Silena and Miller then ran to my house and put the egg into the well next to it. As I saw the water steam and I watched as a small baby dragon swam up to the surface. I smiled as it chirped and stares at me "hello little one come on let's get you out of the water" I held my hands out and the dragon swam over to me and climbed into my hands. I smiled and kissed the top of its head. I smiled and walked into my house and into the stables attached to them on the side with some toys for baby dragons and a feeding trough. I set the dragon down and it chirped then looked up back at me then back at the feeding trough. I nodded and the baby trotted over to it then started to eat. I smiled as it did and I watched it and smiled as I saw that the others who's eggs had hatched were walking in the door holding their new dragons. I smirked as I saw that Halle had the Deadly Nadder and was cooing at her. Victor had gotten a baby Snaptrapper, Miller had gotten a monstrous nightmare, Silena had gotten a Razorwhip, and Lula had gotten a Skrill. I smiled at them and watched as the baby dragon ran up to me and jumped into my arms. I chuckled and held her close scratching her underbelly. I smiled and looked up at Victor who had walked over "Enrique...that's a woolly howl" I shrugged "and?" he sighed and shook his head "those are rare" I nodded "yea I know I have read the book of dragons" he shook his head and I smirked then stood and punched his shoulder "lighten up Vic" he nodded and I smirked. I walked over to Lula and kissed her lips, smiling she kissed back and I saw that her skrill and my wholly howl had jumped out of our hands and went to play with the others. Chuckling I smirked when I saw that Halle and Miller were making out as well while Victor and Silena were looking away uncomfortably. I smirked more and walked over to them "y'all gonna get together or what?" Silena stared at me shocked and I smiled and closed her mouth "you'll catch a bug and if you don't get together Halle will make sure you do" I pointed at the blonde who was staring at the two with a thoughtful expression then got an evil glint in her eyes. Victor gulped and looked away as Silena watched her brother who was walking off with Halle. I smiled and looked at my baby dragon who had nipped my leg. "Come on let's get you home" I picked her up and waited for Lula who had picked up her skrill which was named Lucky after one of her pets. I chuckled and started to walk to our house. As we walked I watched as various Speed Stingers ran around and a couple ran toward me nodding then ran off. "What's that about?" I shrugged "I dunno babe" she looked at me "uh huh I will get it out of you" I smirked and opened the door for her. We walked in and I saw Speed and Stinger laying in their makeshift nest. Smiling I watched as StormStryker had already landed and fallen asleep. I chuckled and watched as my woolly howl jumped down and bounded over to Speed and Stinger's nest, I watched as the small dragon curled up in between the wingless dragons. I chuckled as they all curled up with one another and fell asleep. I smiled and watched as Lula's skrill jumped from her arms and ran over to the bundle and dragons and snuggled into the bundle of dragons and I smiled and grabbed Lula's hand pulling her to the bedroom. She laughed and followed me into the bedroom then she pushed me down onto the bed and kissed my lips deeply. I chuckled and kissed back deeply as she smirked and sighed happily. "Goodnight babe" I chuckled and held her close "goodnight baby"

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