Base building

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I watched as Halle flew ahead scouting since she had one of the fastest dragons in our group. The fastest being Silena's dragon which was a WindWalker. I smiled softly as I saw Miller staring at her. I sharply whistled and flew beside him "Hey Miller" he jumped and looked at me "yea?" "Don't stare. She hates staring and she thinks that only girls should be able to stare" the blonde nodded and yawned "when are we gonna land to get some rest?" "We should be landing soon" he nodded and I flew back to where I was to watch for any dangers. I looked down when I heard a small chirp to see Speed looking up at me "hey bud we're almost there so you can stretch your legs" the dragon nodded and fell back asleep. I sighed softly thinking to myself when I heard soft wing beats behind me. I turned to see Lula and her flightmare flying quietly behind me. I blinked and looked down at the blue dragon who was studying me then back to its rider who was blushing softly. I sighed and looked at Silena who was watching and smirked a little but started to think and offered Lula a small smile before looking at StormStryker who rumbled and nodded before I looked up and pointed. Halle flew back toward me "Enrique the island is coming up and when you see it. I think it's gonna be perfect!" I chuckled as she squealed and nodded toward Miller who flew up beside her and they started talking. "Ready StormStryker?" The young dragon rumbled again and I smiled then flew ahead and up into the clouds silently and watched the others kept flying the island in sight as they flew forward. "Hey where's Enrique?" I heard Lula say as she looks around. "Yea where is our gracious leader?" Miller said sarcastically and Lula rolled her eyes as she looked around when her dragon rumbled softly and looked up into the clouds at me before but back at her. I chuckled and waited for everyone to start talking then quietly flew ahead and landed at the island that Halle had scouted out. I quickly set my tent up a couple feet away from me and a fire pit up when Speed and Stinger jumped down from StormStryker and raced over to me. "Hey guys ready to catch some dinner and meet the newbies??" The two siblings chirped and nodded before jumping around and following me when I put my hood up and drew my bow. I sniffed as I looked for tracks of any animal I could kill for dinner tonight when Speed and Stinger raced off into the brush deadly silent I waited as the two practically ravaged whatever caught their interest. I smiled when the two dragons came dragging a carcass together. I smiled and patted them both on the head as I followed them back to the camp where everyone was just now landing. The three who didn't know about my speed stingers stared mouths in an O shape I smirked and looked at the two young dragons. "You two head into the bush and eat then you can help me hunt." They chirped and pulled their catch into the brush behind my tent and started eating. I turned and watched as Halle and Victor got off their dragons and started pitching their tents up when Miller got off his and walked over to me getting into my face "what in Odin's name are two Speed Stingers doing here?!?" I calmly backed up and looked him straight in the eye "Stinger and Speed aren't a problem but if you don't get away from me and calm down they, myself,and StormStryker will be a problem." I looked at him dead serious and looked toward the two young dragons as they started hissing and came to stand next to my legs. Miller backed up scared staring at the two. "Now if you'll excuse me we need to go back to hunting which you rudely interrupted us from." I turned and pulled out my bow nocking an arrow and disappearing into the brush silently. I stopped and watched the clearing and the other dragon riders dismount Miller standing next to his dragon as his sister came next to him "you all right?" She looked concerned for her older brother as he dully nodded before turning toward Victor and Halle and slowly walking up toward them "who is he? What is he to you guys?" Halle looked up from cleaning her double bladed ax as she and Victor say at the same time "He is our friend, our leader, and our trainer, you touch him and we will always come to his aid." Halle stepped up and looked Miller in the eye "and even if I like you. You touch him or hurt him in any way I will personally slice you to pieces so Hardee can eat you." She turned and walked back into her tent "they are like brother and sister but seriously you pick a fight with any of us we all fight back. And don't break Halle's heart you do she will slice your balls off and stuff them down your throat. But no pressure ." He numbly nodded and walked to the tent knocked on the frame waiting for Halle to finally invite him in. Victor walked off with Silena to talk and I watched everyone as I readied and arrow and shot it onto a tree and connected another line to a nearby tree then did the same till I had an x with the arrow ropes and I snapped the ropes expanding tarps so it was a giant tee-pee that fits all of our tents, dragons, and campfire. "Wow you're good" I looked to the side to see Lula "oh...hey" she smiled and I blushed looking away "so a little dragon told me you liked me, so is that true?" I sighed and nodded not looking at her blushing deeply as she smiled softly "Foxworth...I like u to" I felt soft lips on my cheek and I looked at her smiling a little when she winked at me and went to her tent. I sighed softly and turned away to finish my hunt. I whistled for Speed and Stinger to hurry as I started walking deeper into the forest when I heard a small chirp and Speed jumped onto my back he living up to his name was faster than his sister who hissed and rubbed against my legs softly. "Alright you two ready to hunt?" They nodded and Speed jumped down and bristled ready for the hunt, unbeknownst to me I was being watched by the others. I drew three arrows and sniffed softly then started walking the two Speed Stingers right behind me like we have done many times over. I stopped hearing a crunch and spotted a male deer grazing a couple feet away. I aimed and shot missing but scaring the male who screamed in alarm and the rest of his herd ran over to him. I whistled and nodded and Speed races among them looking for the weakest finding an old female he hissed and nipped her leg making her stumble and separating her from her herd. I took aim and shot an arrow cutting off the path of a buck that ran to help. I drew my staff and struck the ground as Speed and Stinger wore the old doe down so they could take her down easily. I heard a yelp then a thump of a body hitting the floor and I turned seeing the doe had fallen. I watched as Speed dashed in and ripped her throat out though not enough to immediately kill her. The two young dragons laid down both of them looking into one of the doe's eyes before slowly standing and taking a position beside me as I turned and sat down next to the old female deer. I gently rested her head on my lap as I softly sang a song of safe passage to the afterlife. I gently stroked her head as her breathing slowed. "Rest now wise one you have lived long and prospered. Give life to others as life was given to you." I murmured softly as her breathing slowed then stopped and her eyes closed. Her final breath flew into the crisp night air and her herd let out a collective shriek. I watched and listened as i understood "Wise one has gone on! Given life as life was given to her! Let her soul rest in the afterlife!" I smiled sadly and looked at the lead stag as he looked at me. I nodded and he huffed turning away with the rest of his herd. Disappearing back into the woods I sighed and picked up the old does body turning I headed back to camp a different path than the original one I had taken. Once I had gotten there I took the carcass toward the fire and proceeded to skin her and gut her pulling out the meat that I was going to use for our meals then put the stuff we didn't need back into the body before sewing the body shutting and picking the body up and walking g to a clearing a ways away form camp. Once I was there I started to dig a hole deep enough and big enough that it was a small hill to notify where her grave was. After I finished I gently laid her body into the hole and started to cover it up with the dirt. After I finished and covered the hole up I turned around to find the stag of the old does herd watching me. I watched him before walking toward him, the young stag breathed out a puff of air as I held out my hand for him to sniff. As he did I smiled a little before he pushed his nose into my hand, I smiled and rubbed the side of his face before smiling and walking toward the camp. I yawned and walked to my tent and laid down, I looked up as I heard the flap to my tent open. Speed jumped onto my cot and curled up between my legs, I watched as Stinger laid beside me on the ground when I heard a small knock. "Come in" Lula poked her head in "can I sleep with you?? I can't sleep" she blushes and I smirk softly. "Sure hold on" I got up disturbing Speed who hissed in annoyance but stopped when he saw Lula. I smirked and got another cot "where do you want it Lula?" she bit her lip then pointed "next to yours please" I nodded and set it down before taking my shirt off since it was getting warmer I turned to Lula who was blushing as she stared at me. I smirked and walked over to her hugging her softly "what's wrong Lula like what you see hmm?" She nodded and I smiled as we both leaned in and kissed each other. I smiled when we finally pulled away "let's get to bed Lula" she nodded still blushing and I smiled taking her hand and leading her to the makeshift beds. She laid down beside me and nuzzles into me, I pulled her close and fell asleep.

~morning time~

I yawned waking up before everyone else including the dragons. I looked around and saw Lula cuddled into me. I carefully extracted my self from her arms and stood putting my shirt on. "Enrique? Where are you going?" I turned and saw Lula sitting up looking at me "I'll be back alright"she stood and walked over to the flap closing it and zipping it up. "But I want attention craving it right now actually." She walked over to me and kissed my cheek pushing me down on the bed. I smiled and she kisses my lips deeply. I kissed back after a few seconds of shock then hear "quit making out in there! Enrique we need to talk." I sigh and kiss Lula again before getting up and walking out of the tent to see Silena. "What" I probably sounded very annoyed because Lula walked out the tent to stand beside me. "Enrique we need to start building the base." I nodded "Victor should have the plans for the start but for your own building you will have to make the plans yourself." she nodded "alright but we need a place to start building." I nodded "could you scout around for me?" She nodded "yea sure and next time set your tent up better and with thicker walls. Because if someone walks over and hears you two making out." She left it at that before turning and walking back to her tent. I sighed and Lula kissed my cheek and I smiled at her. "We are making one together." I chuckled and nodded at her. "I better get going before StormStryker gets angry." She giggled and kissed my lips "well get going me and Sapphire will get ready." "Sapphire?" She smiled"my Flightmare"
I nodded before I heard a screech "better get going" I nodded and whistled before starting to walk toward StormStryker. I walked to where the mature dragon was. "You know for a 21 year old just the same as me your a big baby" he huffed and blew air into my face "alright alright." I climbed onto him when two chirps were sounded. I looked down and saw Speed and Stinger "follow us from the ground look for some caves for the pack" the two flightless dragons nodded and took off into the brush as StormStryker started to fly upwards. I smiled and looked around for a big enough clearing. StormStryker grunted and looked at a large clearing. I nodded and pointed, the dragon nodded and dived toward the clearing. We landed and Speed and Stinger ran up to us I smiled at the two and dismounted rubbing their head softly. You find any caves big enough guys?" They shook their head sadly "aw it's ok guys you'll find them." They nodded and ran around as I turned and looked at StormStryker "think this is big enough?" The dragon looked at me then shook his head. "Yea wanna see if they have a cove somewhere on the island?" He nodded and I climbed back onto him, I whistled for Speed and Stinger as we started to fly upwards. As we fly around the island I yawned as I spotted a big cove. Pointing we started to fly toward the cove as we landed Speed and Stinger ran over to me jumping happily. As I got off StormStryker and we all walked around noting important things. As we finished and I climbed back onto StormStryker and flew back to where everyone else was. As we landed and everyone came out I blinked softly "I found the perfect place to build a base now the question is do you wanna start building now?" Everyone nodded and I got off StormStryker "alright let's pack up the campsite and get building our base!"

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