
17 0 0

I yawned softly as I looked at the calendar that we had made. It had been a couple months since we had gotten the eggs and they had gotten a decent size though not enough for us to comfortably ride them. I watched as Lula woke up and yawned looking around for me. "Babe?" I walked over to her side of the bed and leaned over her "yes" she jumped and looked at me "there you are" I nodded and stood before putting my armor on and walking out to the stables, I smiled as I walked past the dragons and saw my wholly howl look up and follow me. I continued toward StormStryker's stable that was attached to my house. As I saw StormStryker had looked up and was looking steadily at me, I shrugged and walked towards him I looked down as I heard a small chirp and saw my wholly howl was staring up at me. Picking her up I smiled and scratched her head softly "Your name is gonna be Nikita do you like?" She nodded and I smiled and set her down in one of the packs. "Let's go StormStryker!" He nodded and flew out of the stables roaring as he did. I smiled and we flew around the island. I whooped and smiled as the other dragon riders flew on their dragons after me. "Come on shut down your houses grab your dragons we are going to Berk!!" They all nodded and flew back to their houses and started to gather their things, I flew down to mine and ran over to the caves. Transforming as I ran made it go a lot faster. As I finished transforming I stopped at the entrance to the Queen's chamber. "Come in don't hide in the shadows!" I gulped and slowly walked out "my queen.." she hushed me and I laid next to her softly nuzzling her side."my queen I..." she shushed me again by licking my muzzle softly. I quieted and looked at her "my son it is alright I know you have to go and I will be alright I promise" I huffed and nuzzled her softly licking her muzzle as well "are your sure my queen?" She nodded and I smiled a little and started to roam the nest as the queen quietly fell asleep. I walked past the feeding room which was full of different types of animals. I continued to walk and passed the egg room which was full of different sizes of eggs. I shook my head and continued exploring the nest, I sped up into a jog as I smelled the rusty smell of metal. As I neared the smell I growled softly and slowed to a walk. Looking around the corner I saw a female Speed Stinger was looking through the pile of metal. Walking into the room I chirped softly drawing the females attention. She lowered her head and instinct took over "stand...what is your name" her whole body was shaking as I towered over her small frame. "What is your name?" I managed to say it in a kinder tone and she gently looked up at me "i-i'm Jayne alpha." I nodded and something in my mind growled as I was forced out of control of my body "you are taking too long Enrique it is time for me to take control" I must have been thinking who in Thor was in my head because soon after I heard the same voice though it was kinder. "Forgive me I am Mikel and the body you have now would have been mine had I been birthed sooner. But I like it here it is good to see someone who cares and loves my mother, the queen." I gulped and he pushed me down "she is a worthy mate don't you agree?" I gulped softly and he chuckled softly "Jayne." She looked up "y-yes alpha?" "Do you have a mate?" she fearfully nodded "alright go to him" she nodded and races out of the room. I chuckled and Mikel gave my control back and I shuddered. "Alright now time to look for the items I came for." As I continued to look I noticed something sparkled and I walked over to it. I smiled when I noticed it was a necklace with a note attached to it. I gently picked it up and ran out of the room and out of the cave toward the stables transforming as I ran. As I ran into the stables I was back to normal putting it into my bag I smiled and zipped it up then climbed up onto StormStryker and we launched into the air. StormStryker roared and followed the others as we started to fly toward Berk. 

~Hours later~

As we landed on Berk, a couple kids ran up to us and jumped up and down as they stared at our dragons "Nikita come on" she poked her head and and I smiled and climbed down from StormStryker as a crowd gathered and Hiccup and Astrid came forward. I bowed as they stopped in front of us, during the fly we had all pulled our hoods up. Hiccup chuckled as we stood "you don't need to bow explorers I expect you're first few months were of building and getting everything together." I nodded "then you must all be tired rest then we will hold a feast in your honor!" The other Vikings cheered but I sighed softly and shook my head standing along with everyone else but instead I shrugged and walked over to StormStryker and gently rested my hand on his owl-like face, he trilled and licked my hand leaning his face against my hand. "You wanna go to the feast?" He tilted his head them slowly blinked his eyes once "yea I also have a feeling something is gonna happen..and soon" I leaned my face against his and closed my eyes "we're gonna be alright StormStryker we can protect everyone you and I..but at the same time we can't" he growled softly in a questioning tone "yea I know cryptic" I heard a small sound and I instantly turned whipping my dagger out off its sheath and pointed it at the person, they instantly put their hands up in surrender, their eyes widening as I pointed my obsidian blade dagger at them "babe calm down" I blinked as the figure registered in my eyes. "L-lula?" I heard a light chuckle "who else baby who else would walk up to you?" I shrugged and pulled my hood down my hair had grown since I had left so now it dangled over my face obscuring my eyes and giving me a dangerous look. I tilted my head and stared at her as she slowly walked closer her electric blue eyes connected to my dark black eyes, I licked my lips as she leaned her body onto mine and softly kissed my lips. I pulled away and leaned my forehead against hers and smiled "you're getting better at kissing Enrique" I smirked "I have a good teacher" "well if I'm your teacher then we have a very important lesson when we get home" she winked and turned walking away swinging her hips seductively, I grinned and turned looking back at StormStryker who had Nikita standing on his head straight at me. "What?" They shook their heads with amused expressions, I sighed in frustration and then shook my head "come on let's get home" i started walking the two dragons following me as I walked to my parents home and knocked on the wooden door. The door opened and my mother stood in the doorway "yes?" I smiled "hello mother" she stopped and gasped staring at me "E-Enrique?" I nodded and smiled as my mother softly put her hand on my cheek and brushed away my hair as she looked into my eyes. "It is little boy has come home" she quickly pulled me inside and sat me down on a chair "tell me everything that has happened since you left my dear son"  I proceeded to tell her what had happened minus my little 'activities' with Lula. She smiled and listened attentively as I told her of our adventures as of late. I leaned back in my chair and smiled at my mother's surprised face, "well...that was.. interesting. But anyway I wanna introduce you to someone" I raised an eyebrow "Triss! Get down here!" I chuckled "ever the charmer eh mother" she smirked and smacked my arm. I smiled and tilted my head and smirked when I heard a very girly scream "MOTHER WHY IS THERE A DRAGON IN MY ROOM?!?!" I grinned "you gave her my room?" she shrugged and smiled when I heard running down the stairs and another scream "MOTHER A DRAGON IS CHASING ME HELP!!" I laughed and whistled for Nikita who stopped then jumped onto the couch then glided over to me, she landed on my shoulder and I smiled "hello girl how are you?" I softly scratched her throat and grinned as the girl that Nikita was chasing cowered behind mother. I chuckled "she won't bite ya know she was most likely confused and you ran which caused her to chase you, plus she's young which means she is very playful." Nikita trilled and rubbed her cheek on mine, I smiled and looked over at the girl who was still cowering "care to introduce me mother?" I raised my eyebrow at my mother and she stood "Triss this is your big brother Enrique" I tilted my head and waved "hello little sister seems you sprung up without me knowing." I smiled as I heard my mother chuckle "her father is in another village but he wanted her to come stay with me until she wanted to come back" I chuckled "well you've been busy haven't you mother" she blushed extra red and slapped my arm "I have's just." "Just what mother because I won't judge you if the men in this village are boring you because honestly in my position I would do the same trying to me some 'alone' time with one or two other Vikings" I winked and my mother gasped blushing harder. I grinned and slid toward the door "well it was nice meeting you sis but I better go before mother kills me see ya soon" I slipped out the door and whistled for StormStryker, I grinned as I climbed onto StormStryker and started to lift off when the door to the house banged open and my mother walked out holding a battle-ax "ENRIQUE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU BETTER HOPE I'M IN A GOOD MOOD!!!" I grinned and waved toward her "I love you too mother!" I grinned and pointed out the great hall to StormStryker "there bud can you take us there?" He grunted and nodded gliding toward it after catching an updraft. We landed shortly after and StormStryker walked straight in, I smirked seeing that the others were already here, well every one important. I looked around then pointed over to a table that had no one sitting at it, I climbed down from StormStryker and set Nikita down on the table then sat down putting my head down and closing my eyes. About 10 minutes later I was shaken awake from having dozed off, I lifted my head and looked around noticing all the villagers in the great hall, I yawns and pulled my hood up so only my eyes were visible. I noticed the rest of the team was sitting at the table, I nodded at them and softly petted Nikita's head scratching a soft spot on her head. I chuckled softly as I heard Hiccup clear his throat "we are here to celebrate the return of one of our most famous guilds!" The villagers cheered and I softly chuckled "Will you raise a glass in their name?!" "AYE" "Will you raise a sword in their honor?!" "AYE" I grinned "Will you join their fight and make it yours!?!" "AYE" "THEN I DECLARE THIS FEAST OFFICIALLY STARTED!!" I grinned and chuckled as I watched the Vikings cheer and attack the food table with relish and savageness, "quite something isn't it" I turned my head and noticed Lula, she had taken her hood off so I could easily distinguish her from the others. I glanced behind her and noticed that the others were sitting with their respective couples, Halle was sitting next to Miller, Victor was making out with Silena in a corner, and Lula was staring at me expectantly "felt lonely huh" she nodded "yea" I chuckled and pulled my hood down and pulled her closer my lips meeting hers softly for the second time that day, I pulled away and smirked at her shocked expression. I leaned in and whispered "there are two guys staring at you about four tables to the right. Had to show them that you are mine" she giggled softly "possessive much?" I grinned "only with things that belong to me and me only" I grinned and stood walking over to where Hiccup and Astrid were sitting, I drew my hood up as I walked to the high table where four people were seated. I bowed as I stood in front of the four individuals "rise Explorer what is it that you need" I stood and bowed my head respectfully at them "I require assistance of Valka  my Chieftain if she accepts" "I do young Dragon Rider what is it that you require?" "If we may speak of this matter in private my lady" "of course meet me at my house after the feast" I nodded "thank you" I bow then turn and walk back to the table I was sitting at with the others. I noticed three plates sitting by my seat and two currently had things eating from them, I sat down and raised an eyebrow at Lula who shrugged and resumed eating. I looked at my plate then at Nikita who was ripping apart a chunk of yak, I shrugged and started to eat, my plate consisted of beef, peas, mashed potatoes. I demolished my plate finishing well before Lula finished, I pushed my plate away and downed my mug of ale. I belched earning a chuckle from Lula who had just finished eating and I licked my lips "I'll meet you at my cabin at midnight. I have some work to do" I spotted Valka getting up from the high table and leaving the great hall, I quickly kissed Lula on the lips and pulled my hood up when I heard a whisper "don't be late" she winked at me and I grinned "trust me I won't be" I turned and whistled for StormStryker and Nikita who belched and flapped her wings flying over to land on my shoulder. I grinned and walked toward the door StormStryker following after me, I quickly exited and climbed onto StormStryker. "Hey bud take me to Cloudjumper's nest" he grunted and angled himself north, he glided slowly then started to pick up speed and soon we were landing in front of a house that looked like all the others except that it had various dragons perched around it. I climbed off of StormStryker and approached the front door of Valka's home, I knocked on her door and it almost immediately opened I blinked and walked in Nikita still on my shoulder sleeping contentedly. I looked around and noticed that Valka wasn't in the room, I looked up "hello Cloudjumper where is Valka?" "I'm in the kitchen" I chuckled and walked to the open doorway and leaned on the  doorframe "Mrs.Valka" "oh just Valka dear. Now what did you need?" "I was wondering if you could teach me" she picked up a mug pouring something that suspiciously smelled like tea. "What do you need me to teach you?" I shrugged "well you control Cloudjumper so well and other dragons listen to you...I was wondering if you could teach me to be like that" she chuckled "why of course that is super easy and it will only take a month my dear just enough time too. Since the dragons leave soon and will come back in a months time, anyway I'm rambling now when do you wish to start?" "Tomorrow please" she nodded and sipped her tea "tea?" I shook my head "no thank you but alas I must get going it is late I will see you tomorrow grandmaster" she chuckled "oh please it has been very long since the time I was last called that you need not start saying it now" I chuckled and nodded "as you wish grandmaster" she playfully smacked my arm "oh go on get out let an old lady have her peace" I nodded and bowed "as you wish" I turned and walked toward the door opening it, I smiled and waved at Cloudjumper who huffed and closed his eyes pushing me out the door and into StormStryker who grunted and playfully pushed me. "Hey come on we need to get Lula so come on" he huffed and I climbed into my saddle then we set off, as we climbed higher into the sky. I pointed out my cabin and he huffed flying toward the cabin which was located by some woods, we landed near the cabin and I slipped out of my saddle and jumped onto the ground walking toward the house "I'll call you in the morning StormStryker go do whatever you want. Within reason" he snorted and flicked his tail at me, I smiled and felt Nikita shift on my shoulder "oh hey girl forgot you were there heh" I softly scratched her head and she purred stretching her body out. I opened the door to my cabin and set her on a small pile of fur that was set in the corner, she immediately burrowed herself until only her head was visible. I chuckled and looked around before walking toward my room door, I opened it and spotted Lula sleeping lightly on my bed I quietly made my way over to her and smiled. I laid beside her and quietly kissed her lips, she opened her eyes and pulled away "I almost gutted you Enrique don't do tha-" I pressed my lips against hers silencing her, she pulled me closer and I settled my hand on her hip. She pulled away panting and I smirked "you're all mine tonight" I grinned and once again pressed my lips against hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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