Chapter 3

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"Brayden we gotta go." I heard Eric say from behind me. I turned away from the knives and nodded at him.

"Yeah it's time." I said and he nodded as I walked towards him.

"It'll be okay babe." He whispered as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I hope so." I mumbled as we walked towards the first trial. Max's.


Eric and I went upstairs to stand on a ledge, over looking the whole trial. The crowd seemed pretty rowdy but also very angry looking.

"Something bad is gonna happen." I whispered to Eric, as there was others standing nearby.

"Yeah I can tell." He whispered back to me. I let my eyes scan over the crowd and I saw Tris talking to Johanna and Four was standing up with Evelyn and the other leaders. My eyes then looked over to where the Erudite prisoners were being kept and I let my eyes fall on the two people I didn't want to see. My parents.

"I wonder what will happen to my mum and dad." I said to Eric and he looked at me and frowned.

"What do you want to happen?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"I have no idea, but they'll be getting what's coming to them. They did after all almost let me die in that room." I said and he winced slightly when I said that.

"Let's not talk about that Bray." He said and I nodded then turned back to face the crowd.

"Here comes Max." I said to Eric as I saw Max being forced through the crowd with two soldiers by his side. Max was getting pushed and shoved all over the place and I had a gut feeling that I knew what was going to happen to him.

"We all find ourselves on new ground! I dedicated my life to seeking the truth, but under Jeanine it passed me by, and for that, I humbly apologise." Jack Kang said then people started clapping all around us. Although, Eric and I didn't clap for him.

"But my personal failure has only strengthened my resolve to make things right. While the faction of Candor may no longer exist, I want everyone to know that I will not stop leading the pursuit of honesty, as we rebuild our city!" He finished and everyone started cheering and clapping again.

I looked up at Eric for a second to see he was already looking at me. I then turned back to see that Evelyn was walking up to speak.

"Let the trials begin! Justice will be done!" Evelyn shouted. I gripped the railing tightly, as I knew this was a bad idea. I felt Eric's hand slide over mines and he gripped mines tightly. I looked at him and smiled up at him, and he smiled back.

Someone walked up to Max and injected him with what I assumed was the truth serum.

"May the truth set you free." Jack said as Max started to fidget around a bit.

"There is no doubt, Max, that you helped Jeanine take over Chicago, and exert brutal controls over its citizens. So, my only question to you is this. Did you feel justified in murdering people in support of her regime?" Jack asked him.

"Absolutely." Max answered and I was honestly disgusted. How could one person kill so many people and not care?

"People are sheep, and they need a Shepard to guide them. When they resist, they're slaughtered." He said and I looked away.

"I don't even think I can stand to look at him." I whispered to Eric and he pulled me close to him.

"Then don't." He whispered then kissed my hair.

As Max said that, there were mumbles between the crowd. Then all at once there were people shouting 'kill him' or 'let him live'.

"What do you think will happen?" I whispered to Eric and I felt him stiffen slightly.

The Storm. (Sequel to Fire and Ice Eric, Divergent/ Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now