Chapter 2

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*Plu is writing this. So, this is third person limited.*

Ty's pov

Ty groaned as he sat up, wiping sweat off of his face. It was dreadfully hot and dark, and he could scarcely breath for it. (This sounds so poetic lmao. I don't talk like this irl, I swear.) He drew his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them, as there was nothing much else to do but count the bricks. He refused to do that unless the boredom became unbearable.

Hey, guess what? It did.

So the leader of the Dead Army was reduced to counting the red bricks in his small cell, waiting helplessly for something to happen. He eventually finished counting the reddish nether brick and began picking at the one nearest the fenced window. The wither skeleton guarding the cell chattered a warning to him, flashing its sword dangerously. Ty huffed, tossing the bit of stone that seemed to be infused with heat at its skull, and walked back to the center of the cell and stretched, seeing as he had been sat in a cramped position for quite a while.

He felt a flash of pain, both from the arm crusted with dried blood and from his back.

When did that happen...? Ty thought, glancing back at the wings which appeared to be attached to him. He reached up for his headphones, but they were nowhere to be found.

He began pacing in a circle, thinking over what had happened... but instead he happened upon long buried memories.

The End... dragon... Ria...

"What the hell?" he hissed wondering why he suddenly remembered things about his past he never had, why he suddenly remembered he had a sister--why he even forgot in the first place. Ty's tail lashed as he paced, and he felt different than he usually did--like he had just taken a potion of strength but it was infinite.

He shook his head vigorously, clears his thoughts if only for a moment, so he could think over how he'd gotten himself into this situation.

We were in the Nether, Jason went off somewhere, and Adam and I found a fortress that seemed... more evil than usual...

But after that it was blank, until waking up in the cell. "Ugh," Ty groaned, "why's it so hot?" And it was, much hotter than usual for Nether fortresses, but it didn't matter. Out of agitation, he lashed his tail at the wall, causing some of the bricks to crack slightly. The wither skeleton standing outside clacked, smacking its sword against the cracked section, giving it the wither effect for a few seconds. This went on for about half an hour, until Ty finally managed to break the top block, at which point the skeleton never turned away, swinging at him whenever he came close. That finally stopped when it was struck from behind, and it's bones disintegrated into nothing. Ty bent through the hole and grabbed the piece of coal it dropped.

"Thanks," he said then looked up toward the one who helped him out. Jason bobbed his head, and the two small, bat-winged helmets floating to either side of him bobbed as well. Ty didn't ask questions--it wasn't like he had time to before Jason darted off to a different cell and began punching the bricks. So, he went back to work at the bottom block, alternating between striking it with his tail and punching it. (Idk how long it takes to punch nether brick, bare with me.) Ty broke it in a matter of seconds, glancing in each cell. There was only one more cell with someone in it, and that person happened to be none other than Martin, or, more commonly known as Bodil40.

He appeared conscious but dazed, so Ty punched out the blocked entrance as quickly as possible and heaved Bodil over his shoulder. Jason stepped away from the cell and a girl with glowing purple eyes stepped out.

"Man, was it cramped in there! So, what're you in for?" she asked, stretching. Ty shrugged, he had no clue. Jason shrugged as well.

"I have no idea, I just felt like these idiots got into trouble, so I came to help. No idea where the other one went, and we had no clue he was here," he gestured to Bodil at the end.

"Well, I'm Jessica, or Kitkat, or Kat, or whatever. We should probably get out of here before my dad finds out we got ou-"

"Too late," a familiar voice called from the opposite end of the short hallway. A bolt of pure energy struck right next to Ty, and he just managed to dodge.

"What the Nether, Adam!" he shrieked, wings flaring. Kitkat looked very confused, her lavender eyes blank like Adam's.

"What's gotten into you?" she demanded, stalking toward him down the short hall, and poked his chest, hard. He growled and shoved her back, and she jumped up into the air. "No, really. What the Nether happened while I wasn't there?"

Adam growled again and his hands glowed, obviously preparing another attack. Before he could use it, Jason shot a Wither bomb at him, throwing him against a wall and giving him Wither and blindness. Adam clutched his head, and steadied himself, but then Jason punched him in the face. He slumped back against the wall, unconscious, and Jason picked him up and slung him over his shoulder.

"Leave now, explain later?" Ty suggested. They all agreed, and simply broke through the Nether brick walls instead of trying to find their way out the front gate. They broke into another hallway on the way out (it seemed kinda important, I mean, it had all their stuff in the chests), and once again armed with Ty's badly damaged pick axe, they made quick work of the remaining walls. It broke just as the last block did, and Ty dove out of the hole into open, and very hot air, catching himself with skill he didn't know he had. Jason and Kitkat followed, and they made it back to the portal in less than half the time it had taken to get to the fortress.

They all landed in the portal, tumbling out when they were finally back in the overworld. Seto was waiting, tilting his head in confusion when more than the expected three people came out.

"What happened?"


You happy, Ria? I finished it. Also, I suggest we make like the Wither and such older, because it doesn't make sense if they're around twenty and the parents are around thirty.

Anyway, bye.

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