Chapter 3

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Bodil's Pov

*Present Time*

I don't know what was happening still, but I felt like I was getting less and less dazed. My head started pounding, and that's when memories of what happened to me started flooding in. I noticed I was surrounded in a magic force, so I burst out of it using fire. It was more draining than it should have been, and I fell to my knees. I knew it was coming even before I hit the hard ground. My vision started to dim, the only thing I could do was lay there as blackness overtook me.


I laughed as Plu failed once again to annoy Jasper. I happened to glance over to the side just as our waiter tripped. Reaching out quickly, I managed to save our food. The waiter apologized and stood up, looking embarrassed. I smiled slightly, feeling bad. I knew it was my bad luck that had caused the waiter to fall. They quickly rushed away, leaving us to eat. After a little while I stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back. Don't annoy him too much, Plu." I left them and headed towards the bathroom. Dipping my head to the man walking out as I walked inside.

I did my business and washed my hands off. Glancing up in the mirror to see two white eyes behind me before something hit me in the back of head, then it all went dark...

Jasper's Pov

I ate my food as me and Plu waited for Bodil to come back. Her relentless attempts to annoy me were slowly getting to me. After about half an hour had passed and still no sign of him. I moved to stand up. But Plu had already beat me to it. "He hasn't been back for a while now, I'm going to go see what's taking him so long." She moved to go to the bathrooms before I stopped her. "He's in the guy's bathroom. You can't go in there. I'll do it." I walked away from the table, leaving Bodil's cold plate of food sat there. Opening the door to the bathrooms I was met with absolute silence. "Bodil?" No reply.

After a few more tries I went back out to Plu. "Where is he?" She looked behind to see if he was coming out behind me. "He isn't in there." A confused expression made its way onto her face. "But....he wouldn't have just left without saying anything. Do you think something happened?" Her grip tightened on her book. A few ideas ran through my head, but I already knew that something had happened to him. Something bad.

I took her hand and tossed some money onto the table to pay for our food. "Come on." We both walked out of the restaurant. I knew where my brother's friends were, and I hoped that they might be able to help us. "We're going to find Team Crafted."

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