Chapter 2

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I woke up slowly at first, then all at once as the memories of last night replayed across my mind. My mouth turned upwards in a goofy grin. I had met my possible Mommy last night. Just that thought made me ecstatic.

I lay on my bed for a few more minutes just remembering. I eventually made myself stop and get up. I walked across my studio apartment and plucked my phone off the charger. I was surprised to see a text message from none other than Abigail herself.

From: Abigail

I hope you got to bed alright little one. Text me when you wake up.

I smiled but I was a bit confused. How did she get my number? My question was soon answered as I unlocked my phone. She must've sent herself a text after putting her number in last night. I smiled again and quickly typed in a response.

From: Marcus

I got to bed ok. Thank you for asking Miss.

I sent it and began to make myself breakfast. I actually just pulled a bag of Malt-O-Meal brand cereal out of the cupboard and poured it into a bowl. I had pored milk over it and sat at my tiny two-person table when my phone chimed, indicating a text message.

From: Abigail

Good boy. Are you free today?

My stomach fluttered and I blushed as I scanned the text.

From: Marcus

Yes. It's my day off and I don't have anything planned.

I drank the last of my milk and put my bowl in the sink. Still no reply from Abigail. My stomachs started to sink. Was that somehow not the answer she had been looking for? Suddenly my phone rang and I scrambled to see the screen. It was her. I breathed a small sigh of relief and then answered it.

"Good morning Miss."

"Good morning Marcus. I'm sorry I didn't respond to your text. I'm just a little bit busy with some work right now and talking is easier."

"It's ok. I understand."

"Good. Well, since you're free today, would it be alright if I came over to your apartment? Say... around ten?"

"I- I- um- sure. Yeah. That would be great." I was nervous now. I didn't quite know how to picture her here in my tiny studio apartment.

"Great. Well I have to keep working. See you in an hour Marcus."

All I could do after she hung up was stand there in a daze. I shook my head to clear it. Looking around, I realized what a mess my apartment was. And I only had an hour to clean it! I jumped to work putting dirty clothes into the hamper, doing the dishes, and loads of other stuff.

I organized my coloring books and utensils in a drawer in my desk. I placed all of my stuffies in the wicker chest at the end of my bed. I folded my blankets and put them in the closet. I straightened, dusted, and tidied for what seemed like ages.

When I was finally done, I had ten minutes until she arrived. I layed back on my bed but then I looked down and realized that I hadn't gotten dressed yet. I was still in my space themed footie pajamas! I jumped up and pulled open my closet doors.

It took me at least three minutes to decide on the perfect outfit. I ended up deciding on dark skinny jeans, a white graphic t-shirt, and my favorite gray hoodie. It was an outfit for someone big and that's what I was going to try to be for most of the day.

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