Chapter 4

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I ended up ordering pasta with some kind of four-cheese sauce. Always a safe bet when trying a new restaurant. Cheesy pasta. But honestly I wasn't terribly hungry. Normally I only ever ate lunch, so this was going to be different.

"So um, about my questions? I don't have many, just a few."

"Yes Marcus. You can ask me. But I'm telling you now that I can't say that I will answer them all. I will answer truthfully though."

"Oh. Good." I picked at the napkin, more nervous than I had been before. I cleared my throat. "Um, what do you do for a living? I mean, it must pay pretty well considering what kind of car you have..."

"I'm a co-owner of a business downtown. And it's pretty reasonable pay, yes."

"Oh. Who do you co-own with?"

"My friend Owen Blaney. He has a little too. Her name is Nora. Maybe you'll get to meet her sometime."

Just then the brought us our food. Abigail's didn't look as appetizing as mine did. I took a small bite before asking her anything else. Asking her was easier now that the first few were out of the way, I wasn't quite so nervous.

"Which business is the one that you own? I might've seen it."

"We own a club. Actually, the club you were at a couple of days ago is the one we own. I'm more of a silent partner though. Not many people know."

"Oh. Interesting. What's your family like?"

At the mention of family her face froze. She immediately adopted a cool expression and tone.

"I think that's enough questions tonight Marcus. You ready to go back to my place?"

My stomach sank and a lump formed in my throat. I had offended her. I always seemed to offend everyone somehow.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Yes I'm ready to go."

She took my hand softly from across the table. I kept my eyes down, embarrassed for being so stupid.

"No I'm sorry. It's not your fault and I'm not offended. I'm just not terribly comfortable talking about that subject just yet."

I nodded. What Abigail said made me feel a little better, but not much. Still holding onto my hand, she pulled me gently up from the table and out the door.

The drive to her house was quiet. I was still extremely embarrassed. But she never let go of my hand, and that was comforting.

Her house was small, but modern. It was on the outskirts of town and surrounded by trees. From what I could tell, all the walls on the first floor were comprised mostly of huge windows.

When you walked inside, the kitchen and probably a dining room were to the left and there was a set of stairs to the right. Down the hall a little was a large living room that took up the rest of the first floor. The colors were all variations of blue, grey, and yellow.

"What do you think?" Asked Abigail.

"It's great. I really like the colors and how open it is."

"Good. Let's go tour the rest of the house and then we'll talk."

She opened a set of French doors to the left of the living room. It was another room as big as the living room that had a couch, a large bean bag chair, and a huge TV. Other than that it was still fairly empty.

"This is the TV room obviously. It will also double as your toy room."

I nodded. It was a nice space. The Windows weren't at large, giving it a cozier feel.

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