Lust or Love?

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Warning: this chapter contains sexual content. Read at your own risk.


Brittle. If there's any word to describe [Name], it would be brittle. Brittle, sensitive soul, brittle being, brittle body. So limp, so petite, you could mistake her as a corpse. You cold feel the bones when you grip her arms and wrists and legs, and you could feel her hipbone against yours effortlessly.

So brittle.

I'm not sure how it ended up like this either. We were just speaking about - oh.


"What are your plans now that I'm back, [name]?" I ask as I sit comfortably on my chair, looking at what's on my desk, which is just a map of England, a compass, several parchments and a bottle of ink with a quill in it. I didn't need to look. I knew immediately that [name] flinched from the question.
"Yes, plans. Like what Alfred asked you." I can see she's uncomfortable and hesitating.
"Will you dishonour the king or marry me?"  I don't have the right to use my position as excuse for my beloved to not leave me, but I'm desperate. Don't she know how much she've hurt me? Doubting me and believing I'm not a man of my word and never coming back. Believing that my love is not strong enough to fulfill the impossible. I tried to make all of it least obvious and it's working.
She didn't answer, she just looked down at my desk and I kept looking at her. I'm desperate. For an answer. A true answer. But I won't pressure her into it.
"Take your time, it doesn't have to be now."
"But what if you don't come back next time?"
"Then you're left with one choice." She gasped and looked up at me with teary eyes.
"You're.. you're willing to leave me!" I look up at her.
"No. I will be in a crusade to fight the Soissons and corner them back to their shores. Chances of me dying is high, and I believe it would be absolutely magnificent if I could come back. The Soissons are all over the seas, and they need to be humbled." I explained thoroughly, although it can be simplified. Now, [name] started sobbing and buried her stained face in her palms.
My expression softened and I stood up, made my way round the table, and knelt in front of her.
"I didn't mean to be so blunt, I apologise." I whisper tenderly as I put my forearms and head on her lap as if she will stroke my hair.
"It's not that... I feel extremely guilty.. I was unconscious of your sacrifices and hardships, and I turned on you." She sobbed harder and I wrap my arms around her waist.
"Don't worry, I'll try my very best." I said in muffles.
I stand up and removed her palms off her face.
"I remember during my free time back at the castle, I would make poems and letters about you that I could not send." I whispered softly and kissed the back of her hands, and her tears away.
"So how can this story go?
How much longer till I can see how your locks flow?
Brittle as windows, soft as a pillow.
Stars in your eyes with a mysterious glow,
They're everything I've ever wanted to know,
They're everything I want now." I recited and pressed my forehead against hers, as she looks back at me, and I look back at her with my warmest gaze. She had stopped crying to listen. "I was impatient, too." I add and gave her lips a light kiss on the lips.
"Now, here we are. Unconsciously hurting one another." I leaned in for a kiss again, and she leant closer as well.
"I love you, Arthur." She muttered before our lips could touch. I love you too.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Arthur!" [name] exclaimed as she clings at Arthur's neck. The other just have a muffled response and continued on his 'work'. His mouth ran up and down, his teeth nibbled and bit, his lips puckered and sucked on [name]'s every favourite spot on her neck. Apparently, it's the left collarbone, the nape of her neck, and her right shoulder blade. Arthur had left several hickeys that definitely wouldn't be hidden even with a wimple or a hood.
He left it on purpose, so Alfred could stay away.
"Arthur, please..!" She yelped when Arthur had roughly bitten on her left collarbone. "N-no more..!" She whimpered and writhed under him.
Arthur grinded his hips against hers, along with a long lick at the side of her neck that sent a loud moan out of her lips.
"Louder." He muttered huskily.
"Arthur..!" She moaned out much louder, and that's fine with Arthur. He's also getting quite impatient. He retracted his head from her neck to catch a better view of [name]. They didn't bother taking off their clothes, and now her sleeves are slipped off her arms, and the skirt of her dress is raised, giving him an erotic view, especially from the angle of his sight.
He put his hands on the bed, beside her for support, and it creaked under the pressure. Arthur looked back up at [name] who's as red as the tomatoes Sei has in his kitchen.
"You're very beautiful." He whisper and plant a kiss on her forehead. He then look back down between her legs and positioned my member.
"Tell me if it's too much." He say and she nodded hastily. Carefully and slowly, he slip the tip and the rest of the member inside of her tight, warm, damp womanhood, and it definitely sent a grunt out of Arthur's lips.
[Name] grip onto the bedsheets very tightly. It felt painful for her, but she could manage, and she could definitely bear it.
"M-move.." she whimpered and gave Arthur a reassuring nod once she knows she had adjusted.
Arthur nodded and started thrusting in and out in the pace of a turtle. It's still quite painful, but the pleasure is what's mainly there. Arthur gave a small moan as he felt her walls twitch and clamp on his member as he keeps moving. It almost felt too good that he might lose his balance. He kept thrusting at such pave until [name] moved his hips against his. Both of them moaned from the friction and Arthur trusted at a slowly speeding pace. It didn't take long until he's holding her hips up for support and slams into her, as she tries to slams back, both greedy of lust and pleasure.
[Name] was moaning out loud, and Arthur was grunting and giving loud moans here and there. [Name] is close, since Arthur keeps finding and hitting her special spot, and it felt terrifically good she almost see stars everytime he hits it.
"Art.. hur.." she panted as she clawed at the sheets, arching her back and giving Arthur a much nicer view. His member throbbed twitched, and [name] gasped.
"Arthur!" She moaned after, because he hit her special spot again. [Name] felt knots in her stomach and she writhed even more, her legs twitching every now and then.
She's close. So is Arthur.
But Arthur suddenly slowed down, and yet again, thrusting at the speed of a turtle, but still managing to hit her favourite spot. It's unenjoyable, and is most certainly painfully pleasurable. It feels so good it almost hurt.
"Arthur..!" She moaned and looked up at Arthur.
"Beg." He muttered with a shaky voice. That's all he's asking for. One single word. It shouldn't be hard.
"A-arthur.." she's so close, and is also desperate. Nothing is actually on her mind right now. She wanted to feel more, so she slammed her hips against him and he almost moaned.
"N-no, [name]... beg..!" She panted and kept moving his hips agaisnt his rhythmically, and Arthur could feel himself throbbing for release. He pulled out and roughly slammed back in.
"Arthur!" She cries out. He's just got to hear that one word.
He does the same again, except one after another, and he got a louder response.
"Arthur.. please..!" His eyes snapped open, and he immediately started ramming in and out roughly, both desperate for release. Arthur had felt his was close, so he pulled back and released on the bed sheets, just in time for [name] to have release. They both moaned each other's names and panted.
"I-I... I love you most." Arthur whispers and laid down beside her. "I love you..." he says again.


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