Ep 1: The Offer. Who are you really

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Nick awoke in a panicked and sweaty state. He was breathing heavily and his heart raced a thousand miles an hour. "W-what just h-happened!?"

Suddenly a blinding pain shot trough his head.

"AUUUGH" Nick screamed "W-WHATS H-HAP-PPENINNG!!??" He clenched his teeth. The pain was agonizing, he closed his eyes hoping that the pain would go away. And after a few painful seconds, it did.

Nick breathed a sigh relief and smiled "Thank goodnes it's.." he froze and shut his mouth with his hand, before slowly removing them. "m-my voice.."

It had a much higher pitch than it usually had. He surveyed the area, finally being able to think clearly.

He saw that he was in some sort of bedroom. The walls were a nice cream and the floors we're made of wooden planks.

To the side of the room sat two small desks. They we're both white, though one had what appeared to be a closed journal and the other a drawing book with coloring pencils.

Nick himself was sitting on the bottom half of a bunk bed seeing as how there was a wooden surface above him that was far too short to be the ceiling.

He pondered his situation for a moment. How did he get here? Where is here? Where's the Fear Monger? And why does his voice sound like scraping needles on a chalkboard.

He fell back on the bed, then another thought crept in his mind. If this was a bunk bed then who-

"Hey Dumbo, you awake?" The voice hit him like a dump truck.

He looked up with a face of shock and confusion. Infront of him was an amber haired girl dangling of the side of the top bunk, she looked about twelve and had a semi concerned look on her face. "What was all that screaming about ?" She asked.

But Nick didn't answer, he just sat there in silence. The girl started to look worried "you okay there bro?"
He snapped out of his trance and hastily answered her "U-uh yeah i-im fine... Anne" She didn't look confinced.

Anne hopped on to the bunk and put her hand on Nick's forehead "hmm, your really warm and sweaty. You sure your okay?" He nodded weakly. Anne shrugged "if you say so"

She hopped to the floor "Wanna come down for breakfast." Anne said turning back to him. Nick shook his head "i need to.. check something first." Anne had already reached the door "kay."

Nick waited until she exited and he couldn't hear her footsteps before breathing a heavy sigh.

He hopped out of bed and looked into a mirror conveniently sitting next to the bed. Staring at himself, his suspicions we're confirmed.

He looked exactly like he did when he was twelve, no fedora, no jacket, just a white shirt and a pair of black sweat pants.

Nick sighed. He knew what was going on.

Just then, the reality of what had been the room pulled away as the darkness returned. He looked down and saw that his body had returned to its adult form, Fedora and purple jacket intact. A howling laugh echoed trough the room as the orange gem popped out.

Well your a clever boy, aren't you?

Nick glared at the gem in disdain "it wasn't that hard honestly, Me being twelve while still retaining my adult memories and being in my old room? Suspicious unless you encountered something called a Fear Monger a few moments ago." The endless expanse, that was the Fear Monger giggled.

So you figure out what i have in store?

He sighed "yeah, i have. The name is sort of a give away." Nick gave a confident smirk "But i'm not sure its going to work, after all, iv'e already figured it out." He was only greeted by another condescending giggle.

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