Ep 1: The Offer: Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

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A/N: Hey guys! So a little heads up.
From now on the story will follow an episodic structure, with each episode consisting of several chapters. The beginning and end of these episodes will be marked

It had been a week since the incident at the shack and Gravity Falls had met and exceeded Nicks expectations.

While he had not seen anything else quite like the wolf (though he had noticed a few gnomes running around) the people of this town proved to be just as intruiging as its monsters.

The Falls was home to a variety of curious individuals. First there was Lazy Susan, the owner and chef of a small diner. She was.. unique but seemed nice enough. Then there was the mayor, who seemed oddly excitable despite being an elected official.

In fact it seemed that everybody in Gravity Falls had some sort of strange trait. Well, except Tad.

Nick sat on the couch of his new home. It was a fairly standard suburban home. Complete with a bathroom, a living room and a bedroom. Infact, it was so standard that Pete had seemed well off. And Nick wondered why he even called for him..

That was, until Pete had told him how much of it was bought on borrowed money, and how he was in crippling debt. When asked who he borrowed it from, he simply replied "hopefuly you wont need to know" He had also told him that Nick would be sleeping on the couch.

Nick wasn't that much well off either. While he wasn't in debt, he barely had enough money to pay rent (yes, there was a rent) let alone bail out Pete

He pulled up the newspaper, trying to find a job the old fashion way. Barber shop? No. Bartender? No. Demon Clean up.. wait, what?

He sat the paper down on the table infront of him. He sat in silence for a while. The Mystery Shack? Maybe. He had spoken to Soos about it a few times, but there was the problem of pay and The Shack didn't offer much. Though, it would give him something to do, atleast until he found a new job.

Before he could think about it more, a knock could be heard from the door. Pete was out conducting business and Nick was alone in the house.

He stood up and walked towards the door, then proceeded to slowly open it. He gave a small "Hello?" Before realizing that there was no one there.

A small squeak alerted him to a racoon that sat in front of his feet. The rodent was quivering slightly and holding a letter of some sorts.
Before Nick could question who sent the thing. It sat down the letter in front of him before quickly running off, startling several pedestrians.

He quickly dismissed the spectacle and decided to shift his attention towards the letter the animal dropped

It was a rolled together with a red ribbon and the paper itself was in a surprisingly good shape considering there wasn't any racoon spit on it.

He unfurled the parchment and took a moment to take in its content.

"Howdy there!
I understand your the newcomer who manhandled that wolf all by your lonesome. If you're interested in a job offer iv'e got lined up. Then come to the big mansion on the top of that hill.
Don't worry, i'll put directions in the back"

Old Man McGucket

Nick stared at the writing for a few more seconds before flipping the paper back and discovering the directions which were mentioned above. He turned back into the house and sat back on a couch before putting down the letter and turning his attention towards the newspaper and back towards the letter.

He sighed "maybe this will be worth something"


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