Ep 1: The Offer. Birth and Death

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Frankly, Nick was getting tired of all the darkness.

Maybe it was just him, but he was starting to miss being able to actually see anything. What he could make out also didn't help him much in making sense of his situation..

Which was nothing by the way.

"Ok, you annoying rock!" Nick shouted into the vortex, which was technically a living thing, maybe. "You wanted to show me something, so what is it!?"

You said it, not me.

Suddenly, a burst of blinding white light entered the void, causing an explosion that knocked Nick several feet back.

He closed his eyes to shield them from the spectacle. He didn't feel any sort of pain from the impact, which should of made him feel safe, yet it oddly unsettled him.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and saw.. a planet.

"Wait, what!?"

The large sphere somewhat resembled earth, yet not quite. The blue oceans we're instead a light purple, he also noticed there was much less water than there was on earth. The land was also off, with large portions being a metallic blue and some being a bright purple. Forests maybe 

"Okay.." He really didn't know what he expected to see, but he certainly didn't expect the vacuum of space. Nick looked around to see an endless expanse filled with dazzling lights, stars and galaxies filled the blue ever expanding horizon. it was a nice change of pace considering what he experienced moments earlier.

it didn't last.

A maniacal laugh filled the void. At first he thought it was that insufferable gem, but quickly realized it was something else entirely. It was layered and high pitched, it felt joyful yet psychotic at the same time. Like the Fear Monger, it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

A large explosion came from the planet. "Oh boy.." He said exasperated, large blue fires seemed to burn the forests while other parts seemed to collapse in on themselves. Screams could be heard from the burning orb, apparently the planet was inhabited.

The laugh seemed to get louder and louder. gaining more and more layers as the world burned. Nick was awestruck (and terrified) by the vision in front of him, his vacant stare betraying the flurry of panic in his mind.

Then, a single eye appeared.

it was oblong with a serpent like pupil, the same blue fire that engulfed the planet seemed to form a triangle around it. The fiery silhouette slowly solidified into a glowing yellow form and started to spout black, simple arms and legs.

The creature looked around and seemed to.. smile? It didn't really seem to have a mouth, so it smiled with its eye, maybe?

Whatever the thing was doing, it started to get bigger, eventually starting to block off the planet behind it. "Hooo BOY. Nothing like the destruction of your planet to start off a reign as GOD!"  The being twirled its hand and formed a top hat and cane "Welp, one planet down. INFINITY TO GO!" the triangle spread its arm and reality seemed to burn, the fabric of space giving way to the blue flame. Nick closed his eyes as the laughter rang trough his ears.


Bill Cipher..

Nick opened his eyes and saw a much different scene.

He was standing in the corner of a dark room behind a bookcase, the crackling of a fireplace complimenting the red lighting. There was a piano on the other side of the room next to a green rug and a series of several other bookcases. in front of it was a fireplace with a portrait of.. him, on top of it.

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