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Requested By kinkydauren

Dani's POV

I woke up with a major headache. Wait where am I? I try to get up but my hands were behind my back and tied to something.

I hear the door open and a figure appeared. "Glad to see you've decided to join the world of the live" he says and then the memory's come flooding in my brain


I walking inside after my afternoon run and saw one of the boys look most like Christian from behind. "Hey Christian" I say

He just waved not looking back to say hey. I laughed and headed upstairs to go and take a nice relaxing bubble bath.

I went to the bathroom and started the water. Then, putting the bubbles in. I then go to my room and pick out some comfortable close to put on after.

I started to walk back to the bathroom then suddenly I felt hand on my mouth and a arm around my waist. She started kick and screaming even though the hand muffled my screams. I kick the person in there privates and they let go falling to the ground.

I ran to my room shutting my door behind me and locking it. I quickly grabbed my phone dialing Laurens number. Hoping she'd pick up.

Suddenly the person stated hitting the door causing me to drop my phone. I ran over to my window and opened it about to jump out but, I was pulled back in. I screamed hoping someone would hear me. The person then, threw me to the ground causing me to hit my head making blood drip on the floor.

I was then flipped over and the person had something in their hand. They pin me on my back.

"No, no, no. Please don't do what I think you are going to do" i begged and tears were coming down my face. The person chuckled then, pulled a rag out of their pocket, putting it over my mouth and nose. Then, the darkness consumed me

*End of Flashback*


Before Dani Went Missing

Lauren's POV

The whole family went out for lunch everyone minus Dani. Dani went out for a run. Mom said we would write her a note.

My phone started ringing "Don't answer that" Dad said

"But its Dani" I said

"You know the rule" he says

Lisa who was beside me whispered in my ear "Whats his problem today?" I laugh a little shaking my head


After Dani Went Missing

Lisa's POV

We were leaving and Lauren pulled her phone and called back her voice mail and put in on speaker so I could here too.

There was a clattering noise the followed by a scream . Next noise was a loud thud "No, no, no. Please don't do what I think you going to do" and I could hear Dani crying

I don't think I ever drove so fast in my entire life. Lauren and I were the first ones to arrive. Lauren got out the car before I could even stop. I parked the car following Lauren. Lauren stopped when she saw the blood on the floor "Dani?!" she then yells and we follow the blood trail. It goes to her room. The window was open, Dani's phone was on the floor beside a little puddle of blood.

Tears were falling from my eyes and I couldn't. I pulled out my phone and called 911. And Lauren who was crying more then, I was left the room. I was guess to turn off the running water I could hear. "Hello, its my sister she's gone and we just came home and there's blood in her room and on the stairs" I say and then they ask for the address and I give it to them hanging up.

"Lauren, Lisa, Dani? Were are home" I hear my dads voice say and then, Lauren who looked mad went down the stairs and I followed.

"This is all your fault! If you would have let me answer the stupid phone! Dani -" she stopped falling to the floor crying "Dani wouldn't be missing" she says through her tears and I go to hug her but, she pushed me away.

"Mom, there's blood on the floor" Little Nick said


Dani's POV

"What do you want?" I ask for like the tenth time.

He just kept messing with his knife "I want you" he says pointing the knife at me "And I don't want to hurt you. I love you but, if you don't listen I might just have to" he says puts the knife next to my face smiling at me then, moving hair away from my face.

"Why are doing this?" I ask in tears

"I'm doing this for us. I have been in love with you ever since you moved to Nashville but, your family would approve of us if we started dating. I had to get us away from them, so me and you could be together forever" he says

"Couldn't you just ask me out like a normal person" I say

"No!" he yells making me jump and cry more. He stands up "Don't cry Danielle" he says wiping my tears though they didn't stop coming "Our relationship isn't normal"

"We don't have a relationship" I say


Two Weeks Later

Lauren's POV

"How could he?" I ask Lisa

"He didn't know, ladybug. He feels bad" she says. Right now we were out searching the neighborhood for Dani. The police said that it could have been someone who knew Dani's daily routine. Though they waited two weeks to tell us some cops. So, what better the ask our neighbors.

"Feels bad, She's miss-" I says but before I could finish Lisa 'shhed' me

"Do you hear that?" she asked and I shook my head. Then, motioned for me to follow her and were in the back yard of someone's house. And then I heard crying.

"Look" Lisa said point to a small open window just about the ground.

We walk over to it and look in and see Dani cry in a corner with her head in her knees "Dani?" I whisper she looks up

"Lauren? Lisa?" she asks shaking her head going back to crying

"We are gonna get you out of there" I say and Lisa calls the cops


Dani's POV

I was imagining my sisters. I looked back up and they were gone. I don't know how long I have been here but I haven't eaten in days.

I lean my head back but, it shoot back up when I hear police sirens. And people upstairs yelling and the door opening and Police office opening the door "She's in here" the officer says

I walk out of the house and see Lisa and Lauren first and I run and hug them "You're safe now" Lauren says. I'm safe now. I smile a little bit to my self

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