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"You are a robot you don't feel anything, you don't have human feeling at you are is wires, code, and hardware. You can't feel anything for me. You are lying if you say you are. You might look human and act human but, you are not human" Lauren told Dani

"How come? I feel pain like you do right? Why can't I like someone like humans do?" Dani asks tilting her head confused

"My mind, the human, works a little differently then yours, the robot" Lauren says

"We look like equals talk like equals how can we not have equal feelings" Dani asks confused still

"Look, we may look a like but we aren't, you are just my creation. You are not like everyone else" Lauren says sighing.

She wishes she never made Dani. She was the only one to actually know Dani was a robot. She made Dani have human features. Well, Dani actually looked like a real human being. She talked like a human. She had everything humans had except for her what was on the inside. Sure, Dani was caring. But, that was the way Lauren programmed her. Lauren created her so she could have company.

"I don't understand. You made me so you wouldn't be lonely. I am just doing my job. " Dani says

"Yes, you are my friend, I could never date a robot. Do you understand how weird that would be" Lauren says

Dani's face went from confused to hurt. She may not have been a human but, she had learned human feelings over the past few years

"I may not be human, but I know what it means to love someone. I know I loved you from the moment I layed my eyes on you. I might seem impossible but, someone once told me nothing is impossible" Dani says throwing Lauren's word back in her face

"Look it's nothing personal just. I don't want to date a robot. You may not understand but, dating you would be like a cat dating a dog completely wrong" Lauren says

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