Chapter 2: Green-eyed Stranger (edited)

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I use to believe that everything happened for a reason, because there's a chosen destiny for everybody. Faith chooses their path, so they have a reason for living. Cheesy I know. Though that's what I use to believe before  -that- accident happened.

Every time I thought about it I would tear up, then I would end up sobbing till I couldn't cry anymore.

After my family's death I couldn't bare looking at our house. It was too painful and since I was still underage, I couldn't live on my own and I mean I couldn't anyway. Plus I didn't have any family here because they were all in a different country. I definitely did not want to move to another country, so I stayed with Taylor. She took me in and I sold my house. And the things in it, I put in a storage unit. I couldn't bear looking at the things that reminded me of them either.

Once I had the courage to tell Chris he became really devastated. I wanted to move in with him because he was the only real family I had left, but he told me I was underage and that he was going to move to another state for some business related stuff. I was in disbelief.

How could he leave me, especially right now? I was angry.

I had all this anger bottled up inside, and the only way I could release it was to cry. I cried almost every day. Days turned into weeks and that's when I couldn't take the crying anymore so I started boxing, again. I had already been boxing before because it just helped relieve the stress, but I wasn't obsessed or anything like that.

School had been over, so it gave me a lot of time alone. I kind of also gave myself time away from my friends.

Also the funeral was two weeks after the accident. I didn't know what had happened and I didn't want to know. All I know was that it happened in his job. My dad and the owner were good friends, so the owner put money in my dad's account for me. Everything that was my father's and my mother's, was mine now, but I only tend to use it for emergencies.

I can't help but to think about the last memories that I spent with them.

' "I'm sorry you had to wake up early to take me to school. " Tony mumbles sadly, looking out the window.

I smile and look at him, "Don't worry about it. Thanks to you I had more time to get ready." He nods but he still doesn't look convinced. "Hey? How about we go eat ice cream after school?"

He nods vigorously. "Yess!"

I chuckle and nod. "Okay see you later alright." I hug him and he leaves with his little friends.'

I didn't even get to see my dad that day, but the day before we were watching a soccer game and fighting over the last slice of pizza. I smile at that. And my mom, well she and I were fighting over who was going to take Tony to school. I wish I could have spent more time with them.

Before I could tear up again I uncovered myself from my blankets and look around my room. My room looks like a tornado past through here. I have plates stacked up on my drawer, books all over my bed, and clothes thrown everywhere.

I look around my bed to find my phone and see it stuck in the middle of some clothes. I throw the clothes to the floor and turn on my phone.

20%. But I haven't even used it.

I have so many missed calls, and text messages, but I scroll down till I find Ethan. I press the call button and wait till he answers. After the second ring he picks up.

". .Hey Rose."

"Hey, Ethan." I whisper, scolding myself for sounding so weak.

"What's up? Is everything fine?" He sounded worried, and it was my fault. He always came but I couldn't speak to him. Or rather I wouldn't speak to him.

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