Chapter 17: His true colors

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It takes everything in me not to grab a pillow and suffocate him to death. Chris is getting on my last nerves. He's being very picky and I just can't stand his attitude. Yesterday he decided to go to the club to get even more wasted and got sick. He had already gotten sick, he just made it worse with the alcohol. And now he's stuck with a major headache and a fever.

"I don't want nasty can soups, can you go to the store and get me some Ramen soup?" He coughs and gets out the bed, running towards the bathroom to empty out the contents in his stomach. "And also some mints." He shouts from the bathroom.

"You're going to need more than mint to help your stinking breath." I mumble under my breath.

I hurry in parking the car and make my way into the grocery store. I grab a cart and slowly walk through the junk food isle. I'm not suppose to eat lots of junk food but I haven't ate it in a month.

I get cookies and put a bucket of ice cream in the cart. Now I have to find the noodles.

I pick up a box with a variety of Roman noodles and put it in the cart. I keep pushing the cart going towards the food register, but then I suddenly hit another cart.

I look up and suddenly I envy a gorgeous looking model staring up at me, with a frown that soon changes into a smile. "I'm sorry, for a second I wasn't watching where I was going.." I apologize.

She holds up a hand stopping me from speaking more. "Don't. It's fine, really. I have to get going. Nice meeting you..."

"Lana." I finish for her.

"Laurena, nice to meet you.. well I've got to go. Bye" She waves her hand and leaves.

"Bye." I say quietly and walk even slower to the register. I've heard her name before.

"But many people have that name." My conscious remarks.

I slowly take soup and orange juice, upstairs on a tray, so it doesn't fall on me. I open the door and find a maid, cleaning chris' room. I nod for her to go and she leaves, not uttering a single word. I place the tray on chris' nightstand and gently push him.

"Chris. Hey Chris." This time though I remove the covers and pull his arm so that he turns over.

"Did you bring me my soups and mints?" He asks, mumbling into his pillow.

"Yes I did. Now eat it." I demand. He sits on the bed and he wears a very tired look on his face that I almost feel bad for him, but I had warned him not to drink.

I hand him his soup and he begins to eat it. I walk to the other side of the bed and lay, face down. "So, were we suppose to do anything today?" I ask, just staring at him while he eats his soup slowly, because it's still hot.

"Um.. I think yeah..."

"I'll go." I chirp. I always find a way to end the deals great or just make it much better for us. But I don't know about the prostitution. I don't like looking at the vulnerable women that get out of dirty trucks and get bought or used. But I've seen some that liked being bought and loved what they do. Distgusting. The thought just made me shiver.

"No." Chris replies. He places the bowl on the tray, drinks his orange juice, then lays back down, pulling his covers up to his chin. "Isn't it kind of cold in here? I feel cold."

"No its not cold, it's just you." I say bored. I'm mad at his response. He thinks that I shouldn't be doing these things without him, so if there's something that he doesn't want me to see then he'll "rescue me" from them. But I'm not going to show anyone that they can break me. "Don't worry, don't worry." I wave my hands around. "I'll be fine. These things are easy. It's a piece of cake." I say, walking out the door, but not before I hear him sigh.

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