Chapter 4: I Choose Him (edited)

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The next day I woke up late, like I always do, every Saturday. I take my sleeps seriously. My parents have tried waking me up early sometimes, but I was always in a foul mood, so they just waited till I woke up on my own time.

I smiled at the thought of my parents.

A week has passed since I last saw Chris. It was a very bothersome week. I decided to finally talk to Liam about my decision so I called him to meet me.

I quickly get ready and walk down stairs into the kitchen. It was 1 pm, so I knew Taylor and her husband, Adam, and the kids were already eating.

They also knew I wasn't an early person so they never disturbed me.

"Hey guys." I hugged them. "I'm heading out, I'll be back later." I said, already heading out the front door.

"Bye sweetie"

"Bye rose"

"Bye" The kids say in unison.

Before I park in front of the pizza place, I see Liam nervously tapping his feet against the pavement, with his head down. When he sees my car, he smiles weakly and looks like he hasn't slept for days. But yesterday he looked fine. I get out of my car and make my way towards him. We get inside and once we're done ordering our pizza, pepperoni of course, he's the first to speak up.

"Rose" He takes my hands into his and sighs. "I love you and you know that, and I don't want to make this hard on you. I know it's been really hard on you this year...or last year, but I don't want to be the reason that you won't be able to be with your cousin. I'm sure we can work something out." He says but his eyes were saying otherwise.

I smile and feel my eyes tear up. "Like if I would leave you." I chuckle. "It's going to take more for you to get rid of me than that." His eyes lit up when I say this and he sighs in relief. "I'll visit Chris when I get the chance or whatever." I shrug.

Chris means so much to me, but it's not like I'll die without him. Liam and I have been together for four years and that's rare, having a long term relationship in high school when there's girls gawking at him and guys wanting to get in my pants. He was my first and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. Yeah, we had our fights but it was petty fights, so there was no way Chris could break that.

After five slices of pizzas and a milkshake later, Liam and I had gone to do something special. I would like to say where we were going, but it was a "surprise."

I felt something wet sucking on my neck and I begin swinging my arms around to get rid of it. I was sleeping and like I said my sleeps are the most precious things in this world. I tried going back to sleep but the wet nibbling came back, suddenly I remembered I had fallen asleep after I dropped off my car at home, because Liam was taking me somewhere.

I opened my eyes and saw Liam with a big grin on his face.

"We're here." He says, starting to get out of the car.

I scowl.

I follow behind him and look at the bright lit up building. The bowling alley, huh?

"Size 10 for me and for her" Liam says pointing at me."...A size 7." We get our bowling shoes and walk to our designated spots.

"How about we make this game more interesting? What do you say?" I challenged as I get my ball.

He looks at me with a knowing look. "You want to make a bet, don't you?" Darn he knows me too well. I'm addicted to gambling, making bets and deals. Hey, what can I say? Chris always used to do it and I started getting in the habit of doing it myself, however I became better than him.

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