Chapter 33: I'm WHAT

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A/N: Sorry guys I forgot to update yesterday, but I had the chapter ready. But anyways here you go!

Dont forget to comment and vote!! Means alot tbh!

I swear I didn't mean to fall in love.

I swear I didn't mean to meet another guy.

I swear I wasn't suppose to get close, I was only playing with him. Or so I thought.

I mean how could you not? He was the most powerful man--well, tied with our family of course, but it was just very tempting. And that was my fault, my stupidness, my carelessness mistake, but I had realized this too late. And for that I put everyone in danger.

And if there was anyone out there who hated me for being stupid or would have hated me, well trust me when I say I hated myself more. I hate myself for being weak, selfish, stupid, and desperate.

Desperate for love-attention. I guess I thought I had it, I thought I had it in my hands, and so I quickly grasped on to it for dear life. I grabbed it rapidly without thinking.

I mean who falls in love that quick? Who puts a negative and a negative together, obviously it wasn't meant to be. How could I have thought that he actually liked me? All he wanted was sex.

But I saw his eyes. I saw the way his smile morphed into an even bigger smile, if that was even possible, when I entered the room.

I guess he was a good actor like Ethan. Actually no, not like Ethan. Ethan was better than he'll ever be.

As soon as Christian turns to the corner on our street, my heart starts racing.

I didn't even notice when Christian went into the security gates, or when he opened my door, I was too consumed in my thoughts. He tugs on my arm and I stare at him with a frightened expression. All the adrenaline is gone, completely sucked out.

But I muster all the courage that's left and I get out of the car slowly and close the door quietly. I breath in, taking in my surroundings.

Maybe he was just playing Rose. Guys are dicks, just go inside and you'll see that everything is fine.

But there are some unknown cars that I've never seen before. And half of the ones that are usually parked in the driveway, are gone.

Once I have the courage to go up the stairs, I already see Christian opening the door, so I run up them as fast as I can.

As we enter the place I see some members from the family in the living room. There's shouting coming from Daniel, and rapid movements everywhere.

Daniel was stupid in some ways but he was very good at his job. It was like he and Chris were born to do this, but not me.

How about you stop making everything about you and ask what the hell is going on?

"Victor Guarda il secondo e il terzo cancello. (Victor watch the second and third gate.)"

"Eric e Marc, voglio che entrambi vanno ai club e vedere se tutto è normale. Prendere quanti uomini avete bisogno e non solo i club, ma anche i laboratori e ben sapete già.
(Eric and Marc, I want the both of you to go to the clubs and see if everything is normal. Take how many men you need and not only the clubs, but also the labs and well you already know.)"

"Daniel what's going on?" I say worried.

His head snaps to me and checks for injuries or anything that could possibly be wrong. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

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