Chapter 6: Together Forever (edited)

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He decided to go ahead and do another surprise, which I didn't mind, because I loved surprises.

But I get freaked out as he parks in front of a forest

I hate forests, they're so creepy. Who the heck wants to spend a day in the forest on their graduation day?

"Don't worry rose, there's no serials killers on the loo-" I interrupt him.

"I don't care if there's serials killers. Who the hell is going to protect me from the stupid, annoying insects?" I yell. I hate insects with a passion.

"You're scared of all the wrong reasons." He chuckles.

We're 20 minutes into the forest and I'm exhausted. Doesn't he know I hate the heat? He stops and turns around to put a cloth over my eyes, saying it's a surprise.

"If I die because I fall and bleed to death, I will come back as a ghost and haunt you." I claim.

He laughs and pushes me foward until we reach a stop. I keep quiet because I begin to hear a water crashing into rocks.. He takes of the cloth and I adjust my eyes, looking at the beautiful scene in front of me.

I gasp and start squealing like a pig. "Omg it's beautiful."

"I know" he says but he doesn't look at the waterfall when he says this, he's just smiling at me.

If I wasn't in this situation I wasn't in this i would be laughing at how cheesy this was.

I take no time in taking off my dress and jump into the cold water, not wanting to wait any longer. I look up at Liam and just watch like a creep, while he takes off his shirt, revealing his nice stoned abs and his pants. Whew my hormones are kicking in.

He runs and jumps into the water, making all the water, hit my face.

I scowl and throw water back at him. We spend probably an hour splashing water at each other, laughing and making out. I get out the water and lay down on the sand, taking a break. Liam follows and sits next to me. He reaches for something behind me and I realize that he brought a bag, with some clothes and towels. He hands me a towel and I take it.

I lay my head on his chest, tracing my finger over each ab. Then he gets up and sighs. I look at him worried, noticing his nervousness as he caresses my face with his hand and then reaches for my hands.

"...Rose, you have to be the best woman I have ever went out with. I don't know how I got lucky to get such an amazing person such as yourself. I think without you I wouldn't be a happy man... Last year when you kind of avoided me for a month, I felt lost and sad that I couldn't be there for you. I didn't try hard enough to be there for you. So I'm sorry for that." I shake my head saying it wasn't his fault but he shushes me. Well alrighty then. "When you told me that you wanted to move to New York because of Chris, I felt heartbroken because I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. And I realize that now." He let's go of my hands and reaches for something in his pant's pocket. He pulls out a small blue box and opens it, revealing a nice, shiny, diamond ring. "I realize that I would do anything to make you happy. Even move to New York. So Rosalie Garcia, Valezquez, will you please do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He asks with a sincere smile and nervous fingers shaking while holding the little box.

I'm lost for words but I automatically say "I do." He puts the ring on and I jump on him making us both fall. I hug him which feels like eternity and finally let go.

I probably look ugly right now because my mascara must be running.. ehh it was always running because of the water.

We get back to the car and I'm still jumping of excitement.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder, and telling me that we're here. I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and see that Liam has already gotten out of the car and has opened the door for me. He hands me a hand and I take it. I get out the car and he wraps his hands around my waist and leans down, to kiss me. He pushes me towards the car and slips his hand down my butt and squeezes it. I pull away from our kiss after about two minutes and catch my breath.

"Good night" I say smiling.

"Good night. I love you."

"Love you too." I say back. He leaves and I'm left standing there, stuck in his trance.

I sit in a chair, in my room, just looking up at the moon, smiling. Everything is finally falling in to place, tomorrow will be another great day.

I go to bed just looking at how the moon reflects on my ring.

"I'm engaged!" I gush onto my pillow and go to sleep with a big smile on my face. There's literally nothing that can ruin my life now.


The next day I ask Liam if we can meet up and talk.

I get out the car and see him inside, The Café, sitting down on his phone. I come up behind him and push him making him jump up.

"Really Rose, you play too much." He says and I start cracking up. Like a pistachio. Get it, because they're cracked op -forget it. I love pistachios.

"I'm sorry baby." I giggle and kiss him.

"It's fine. So what did you want to talk about?" He asks warily, then looks for the ring on my finger, but it isn't there. He swallows the bile in his throat and turns very pale. Pain clearly in his eyes. Whoever said a person's eyes are like a window to their feelings is right. "Rose..."

I notice that he must think I'm not wearing the ring because I don't want to marry him but that was quite the opposite. I just needed a favor from him.

"Liam I'm not having second thoughts about the engagement." I smile and reach for his hands. "I wanted to ask you if it was okay to keep it a secret, till Chris comes and we'll tell him the news. I don't want him to find out, out of someone else. I want to be the one to tell him." I pleaded

He sighs "Thank goodness... Rose you scared me, I really thought you were having second thoughts" I start laughing and he gives me a pointed look." Of course, besides what's the rush right? I love you and you love me, so yes we can keep it a secret till he comes." He says and I pepper him with kisses.

When Chris comes he'll understand that the love that I have for Liam is unbreakable. We're both meant for each other. And if he doesn't accept that well he's going to have to deal with it. But I doubt that, Chris is like a brother to me and I know that he will be there for me.


A/N: I'm sorry this chapter was short. But I hope you all liked it.

Did ya'll notice the early update? :)
Don't worry there's going to be another update tomorrow too. :3
Stay awesome. And safe.


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