Chapter 7

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I went to school the next day, feeling like a completely new person. I felt alive, confident and sexy, things that I have not felt in a while. I saw Avery on my way to my locker and I waved at him and gave him a wink. I stopped at my locker and try to listen to what him and his friends were talking about. 

"Why did she just wave to you, and wink?" his friend Ryan asked

"Um, I actually have no idea because I have never even talked to her in my life. She is ugly and she will never have any friends. I cannot even stand here looking at her anymore, I am going to lose my breakfast." Avery said as he made a puke noise when he walked by me "You should kill yourself freak." 

If Avery was acting like that after we had sex, that must mean that he wants nothing to do with me and only used me for sex. So now my confident went completely down the drain. I just wanted to cry. Well my first period of the day was math, great. I walked in and the entire class was looking at me. The teacher was not there yet, she was always late. Everyone started throwing things at me, calling me names like slut, freak, loser, a monster and so many more. So I decided just to suck it up and go to in my assigned seat, behind Avery. As soon as I sat down, Avery turned around and said;

"You need to stop telling people that we had sex together. That is a complete lie. I would never have sex with you, let alone touch you with a 10 foot pole. You are nasty and gross looking. No one will every want you. You should just die." 

I ran out of the class room balling my eyes out. I just ran home. I did not know what to do with myself. If my mother were here, I would tell her everything but since she is not, I decided to just not tell anyone, and hopefully deal with it myself. 

Well this rumor started to spread and when it came time to prom, of course, no one asked me. It was time to graduate and I was so ready to move on from these people. Just people I got in a car accident, and got third degree burns on my entire body, and my father does not have the money to afford all of my past medical bills and plastic surgery to fix my skin, I get called a monster and a freak.  I cannot wait to leave this small town. 

A/N: For all of you who are reading this, if you do not understand I will clear something up for you. Darcie is sitting at home on the five year anniversary of the accident and her mother's passing, which just so happens to be the day she is leaving for college. Everything up to this point is Darcie remembering everything that happened to her since the accident, how her life changed because of it, if you will. So from this point on, the story will be in 'present time' about her going to college, how people treat her there and so on. I hope this clears things up and I hope that you are enjoying my story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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