Promise 2 : I'll Stay

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Kang Chae-Won POV : Flashback

"Chae-Won......" I hear a faint voice calling my name as I regain my conscience. I slowly open my eyes, but my eyesight is blurry.

"Chae-Won!! Thank goodness. You're finally awake." I turn my head to the person who was talking me, and they suddenly grab my hand. My eyesight slowly comes back, and I can see Yoongi's white colored hair. I use my other hand to slowly caress his hair, and he sighs with relief.

"Yoongi....." I quietly call out to him. "What happened?"

"Chae-Won. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He says as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Its okay Yoongi. Where are we?"

"You were hit by a car. I had someone call an ambulance right away, and we're in Gangnam Severence Hospital now. I called your parents, and they should be here soon." I felt a bit taken aback by what he said, and I just hope that my parents aren't too worried.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"I'm not sure. I still can't feel my legs." I answer him as I sit up, but he falls silent after he hears my answer. Then he suddenly hugs me and starts crying. "Yoongi?" I call his name to make sure he's okay. Its rare to see him cry.

"I'm sorry Chae-Won. I'm sorry..... I'm so sorry." He sobs into my arms.

"It's okay Yoongi. None of this is your fault."

"How can you say that so calmly!?" He yells, and I Flinch a bit startled by his words. "Sorry I yelled. Its just......" He stops for awhile.

"It's just?" I finally ask him. He pulls me out of the hug, and looks into my eyes. I look into his, and its full of pain.

"The doctor told me after your surgery that you would wake up. I was so relieved, but he also told me that after you woke up you would......... He also told me you would be paralyzed from the waist down." I freeze, and he pulls me into another hug. "I'm sorry Chae-Won. I'm sorry I'm so useless to you.

"Yoongi...... You're not useless to me. After all, I'm still alive aren't I? I'm just sorry that you're gonna have to deal with pushing my wheelchair." I smile at him, yet, a small tear falls down my cheek. He tightens the hug and tells me,

"Pabo. How can you be smiling in a situation like this? I'll help you get through this. I Promise."


After awhile, my parents came and they were relieved seeing me awake. They were devastated hearing that their daughter couldn't walk anymore, but they were grateful I was alive. The doctor came inside the room to make a couple checkups on me, and as soon as they made sure I was okay, I was discharged from the hospital. The only thing that bothered me the most was that,

I was never able to go on my first date with Yoongi.


1 week later

We never really attempted to go on an actual date together again. I always wanted to, but Yoongi still feels bad about what happened to me. Instead, he just pushes me around Naksan park for about 30 minutes in the morning like what we are doing right now.

We go around in circles and start laughing and smiling together, and I just keep hoping that this moment will last. I hear a sudden ding from Yoongi's phone, and he stops to look at it.

"Who texted, Yoongi?"

"A friend of mine. He's here at the park right now. He owes me money too. Is it okay if I leave you here at the flower beds while I go pick it up?"

"Yeah. No prob. I'll be here okay?"

"Okay. I'll be quick, so don't go anywhere." He tells me, and runs off.

I sit there in my wheelchair and look at the beautiful flowers there. Suddenly, a butterfly swoops in front of me. I hold out my finger for it to land on, but instead it flies too far for me to reach it. I pout because I wanted to look at it a bit longer, but too bad I can't just run and catch it. I keep waiting there for Yoongi, but he's taking forever. I roll my wheelchair myself so that I can search for him. I push myself into the direction he left, and I continue to look for him.

"Yoongi!!!" I call out for him. Then I suddenly hear whispers behind a bunch of trees. As I move in closer, I hear Yoongi's voice. I stop where I am, and I eavesdrop on his conversation.

"Okay. That's enough Eun-Hi. She's looking for me. I told her I would be quick."

"AWWWW!!!! Leaving so soon!! Please..... Just one more kiss." Right after that women said that, I was disgusted. I was disgusted, but most of all, I was hurt. I can't believe Yoongi was 2 timing me. I tried to push myself as fast as I can to get out of there, but I didn't watch where I was going, so I fell over a small bump in the sidewalk. I was so flustered, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Chae-Won?! What are you doing!? I told you to stay at the flower beds! What happened!?" He grabbed my arm to pull me up, but I quickly pull away. "Chae-Won..... What's gotten into you?"

"You know what Yoongi, the whole reason I got into this mess, was because of you. I can't walk because of you, and now I'm crying because of you. You said you would help me get through this. But your only making it worse. Please......" I cry.

"Please tell me it isn't true."


Promise 2, Broken


Author's note!!!!

Wow. I didn't expect this chapter to be so long, and I didn't expect to update this fast! I really like this story better than Elite lol. So I might put Elite on hold, and try to finish this one first. Let me know your guy's opinions, and also, please continue to support me!!!! luv u guyss!!! <3

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