Unintentional Enemy

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Kang Chae-Won POV

I sat in my wheelchair for the longest time in my life. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't remember anyone from my past named Park Jimin. Jimin said to remember him, but how am I supposed to when I don't even know how I forgot him? My parents never told me about Jimin either. If Jimin is so special, then why can't I remember him from my past? I kept sitting still without giving him an answer so he decides to speak first.

"I'm sorry. I'm asking you a ridiculous favor. It's my fault you can't remember, so this is somewhat like punishment, I guess. It's your first day back to school tomorrow ever since your accident right? Good luck then! In fact, I go to the same school! I'll be there if you need anything. See you then!" He gives me a warm smile and quickly leaves through the front door. There are so many things to ask him, but he seems hesitant to give me answers. I'll just wait for the right time to ask him.


Jimin reminded me that I had school tomorrow. I totally forgot about it since a lot of things were on my mind. I'll be returning at the start of the 2nd semester, and I missed a whole quarter full of work. It'll be hard to catch up, but that's not what I'm very concerned about. I keep wondering what everyone will think of me. Seeing me in a wheelchair and not being able to walk will be a surprise for them. My best friend Sung-Mi will be shocked too, I'm sure of it. School is probably the worst place that I could be because Yoongi will be there too. I hope I won't run into him tomorrow. 

I go back into my room and stare at the ceiling again. I slowly close my eyes and put everything that happened to me into the past. I hope tomorrow is better than today. 



"Hmmm?" I mumble.

"Chae-Won..... Ireona....." I could hear someone whispering into my ear so I wave my hand to wave them off. I'm still half asleep though, so I'm not sure where I'm waving. "Aish. Wake up Chae-Won!" All of a sudden I get suffocated by a pillow and scream.

"Aish!! Get off me!!" I push the pillow off and I could see Jimin and his orange hair looking over me. "Jeez Jimin. What are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna walk to school with you, of course."

"Alright, but let me change first!" I throw a pillow back at him so that he can get out, and he closed the door as he left. I put on my school uniform but it was hard to put my skirt on. Once I finally got everything on I brushed my teeth and my mom curled my hair for me. I took forever, but Jimin was there for me patiently waiting. 

"Let's go. I'm ready." I finally told him.

"Cool. I'll push your wheelchair if you want."

"Thanks. I'll take the offer."

"Your welcome." he pushed me all the way to school and he didn't mention anything about yesterday at all. I think it's best for me not to mention it either. 

Once we got to school Sung-Mi was already there waiting for me in front. She didn't seem to be surprised to see my condition, but all she did was give me a big hug. 

"I missed you so much! I heard everything that happened from Yoongi." She tells me.

"Wait. You heard everything from Yoongi?" I ask out of surprise.

"Duh. He's your boyfriend." Apparently he didn't tell her every single detail, but I'm guessing he wants me to tell her since I'm her best friend. 

"He didn't exactly tell you everything. There were some things he left out about yesterday." Jimin realized that I wanted to talk to Sung-Mi alone so he left and Sung-Mi took over. While she led me to our classroom I told her about our break up. 

"That evil  piece of #$%@!! I'll strangle him if he goes near you ever again!! Ugh. That must've been very heartbreaking for you."

"It's okay. I'm over it now." she gave me a reassuring look and smiled.

"Well it's of course your over it now!! Who was that boy you walked with here!? He was super cute!" She gave me a smirk and I blushed. 

"Who? Oh, Jimin! He's just a friend." I quickly said before she got any more ideas.

"Oh. really? How boring."

"Pabo. What else were you thinking?"

"Oh nothing."

"He's just a friend, but the thing is he said that I forgot all about him. Apparently he was a childhood friend but I can't remember him at all. I don't even know how I forgot him. I don't remember getting into an accident when I was little."

"Woah. That's weird. He didn't give you any details?"

"No. I think he's too upset to talk about it."

"Well, at least he's comforting you about the whole Yoongi deal."

"Yeah I guess." The bell rang and class started. Everyone was very welcoming towards me and I was happy. School was better than I thought it would be. I had tons of homework even though I just went through 3 classes. It was our lunch break and Sung-Mi left to get us some food and drinks. I left to look around the school a bit, so Sung-Mi told me to meet her at the garden once I'm done. I roll my wheelchair down a long hall and stop to look out the window because I could see Jimin with some of his friends. He looks so happy laughing and talking with everyone. He looks my way and he catches me staring. I blush out of embarrassment, but he smiles and waves at me. 

"Oh? Who are you staring at? Oh, it's Park Jimin. It looks like you've moved on already. You're such a slut, moving from one boy onto the next." My good mood suddenly shot down as I feel a cold presence move next to me. I look at the breezy that called me a slut, and I instantly recognize her face. 

It's the girl Yoongi used to cheat on me. Seo Eun-Hi.


Author's note

Hey guys it's _92PrincessJIN_!!! Here's another quick update for you guys!! I felt bad for giving you guys a small update after a long time so here's one that's a bit longer. Thank you for supporting me! Luv you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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