Chapter 9

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I was rummaging through the school's files. It was almost nine o'clock. Behind me on the floor was shattered glass and the school's heavy weight used to do it.

I hadn't time to mess around, I might have already been to late.

Earlier I had came back to school, hoping that the school secretary could release any information on where Mystie lived. She refused to hand out that information asking the precedence on the matter.

On which I couldn't really come up with an answer, because well how was I to explain that I had basically randomly found and read her diary and now had a suspicion that she was contemplating hurting herself when I myself wasn't sure what Mystie was thinking.

A lot of guys at the school liked to play pranks on the office and Mrs. Capron was hardened and harsh because of it.

Even though I said it was really important, taking it to the point of lying that Mystie forgot a book and needed it for a test tomorrow, the woman wasn't having it.

I even said it's a life and death situation. The grinch still refused.

So I've resorted to the only thing I could think of......

Breaking into the school.

Yeah It wasn't my best idea. I could see it now in Tomorrow's newpapers Star athlete Liam Brooker caught on camera breaking into Kemp's Bay High in an act of pure delinquency- sport's scholarship refuted as athlete heads to jail.

However, I wasn't that dumb to risk being caught.

With a can of spray cheese in hand, don't ask but its easy to clean off, and a black cap on, matched with a back t-shirt tied around my nose and mouth, I was your typical yet non-typical burglar.

And scared shitless.

Now it wasn't necessarily easy, breaking into the school that is. I had to wait for administration to leave and evade the security guards while jumping over the fence, stealing a 20 pound weight from the gym and using it to smash open the window in the office.

Good bye summer 2016 and my young life if I ever got caught by authorities or worst my old man.

But it dawned on me as my fingers searched through the clerks file cabinets and along the many different vanilla folders for a name that only registered in my mind a few hours ago and lingered at its forefront ever since finding that book- I had no idea who Mystie Hollins was; what she looked like behind that beautiful white masked she wore at the Cupid's Ball, or anything more than what she had told me in her accounts.

Even after reading all of her memoirs she was still a mystery to me.

What kind of music did she listen to? Who is her favourite character in the walking dead? Did she have any pets? What was her biggest fear?

Was all the stupid questions popping up in my mind at such a critical point in my school heist.

Yet here I was risking it all, my reputation, my academics, my spot as team captain and my future all for a girl I barely knew over two days ago.

I was risking it all to save a girl, who might not even need saving, who might not want saving and who might by the looks of my watch, already be unsaveable.

And still I was drawn to her as if we were magnets.

The pull of her gravity had me trapped. She the sun and I earth.

Through her eyes and her words I felt her pains, her struggles and kind moments as if they were my own and in many ways I had come to see and understand her as being quite similar to me, full of fears and doubts.

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