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~Katy's POV~

"Have fun honey!" I whispered in Niall's ear as he was about to go on stage. He smiled and gave me a swift kiss on the cheek. I blushed a bit and looked at the ground. I couldn't believe that after all these years, I still blushed when it came to Niall. With the smallest compliment, he could make my cheeks heat up and transform me into a tomato. He squeezed my hand one last time before rushing off.

Well, the idea of rushing of an 79 year old man.

Niall and I had been married for forty-nine years now and there hadn't been a single day I hadn't been happy. Niall was, and had always been, the man I wanted to spend my life with and even after all these years, I loved him like the first day we met. He had been there for me when things became difficult, had comforted me when I had been sad and, most importantly, was the main reason for me to get up in the morning and act like I was still that carefree 16 year old girl. I loved him more than anything.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking up. 

"I can't believe it's their last show.. They had come so far and now, everything is over." The woman meant. It was Perrie. I smiled a sad smile and walked closer to where she was sitting. Her hips weren't the best anymore, so she was always sitting when there was somewhere she could sit down. 

Perrie and Zayn were married for fifty-three years, and still as happy as the first day. When I broke up with Zayn for Niall, he hadn't been too damaged. He'd told me, that deep inside he'd always known that we could never work. My feelings towards Niall had been too strong for our relationship to work. And at some point, Zayn and I were both glad that that day at the airport, I'd ran into Niall's arms and not his. It made him discover his love for Perrie. 

I don't think I've ever seen someone loving their partner as much as Zayn loves Perrie. She tells me stories every now and then about how Zayn rented out a park just for the both of them, or how he sends her every year on their wedding day a bouquet of as much roses as the number of years they had been married. They were still so loved up. Even if Perrie's health isn't the best anymore and Zayn gets older too, they still try to remain positive and enjoy their time together.

"Yes, I know. It's hard to believe. But everything comes to an end sooner or later." I said, trying to sound optimistic, even if my mind was in tears. This would be their last show ever and it was hard not to be sad, when in my mind all the memories of every single one of their shows replayed. 

But my mind stuck at one. The one I dreamed about at night, the one I thought of when I was sad, the one that was my brightest memory. It was the 17th June 2020, I was front row at one of their shows in Sydney. I'd always wanted to go there and now, since Niall's and the other boys' carrier has only boosted since they were put together in a group, my boyfriend for 9 years could take me there. He'd been so excited when he announced that I would be touring with them. And with Perrie. Perrie and I had become really close over the past years and I was proud to call her my best friend. 

The boys had been on stage for almost an hour now, and the last song was coming up. That's when some guy dressed in black tipped on my shoulder and told be to get up. I was confused but got up anyways. Suddenly everything went black, before a single spotlight focused on me. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as thousands of eyes were glued on me. Everything was silent. Suddenly Niall started singing my favourite song ever, Little Things. Even if since the release of this song, a lot of years had passed, it remained my favourite one. Niall was looking directly at me before climbing off stage and making his way over to me. Once he's been in the spotlight with me, he broke into the chorus along with the other boys. Then he knelt down in front of me. I'd started crying. He'd pulled out a ring. I'd said yes. I was happy.

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