Baby sitting

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You were alone at home getting ready to go meet Emery he was at his moms house helping her and asked you to come over cause he needed help with something but won't tell you what u got ready and drove to his moms house 30 minutes away

"Hey y/n your here" he said when he opens the boor "hey babe what's wrong" you said pecking his cheek "ohh I need help I'm watching my little sister and some of her friends
and their driving me insane"

"Fine I'll help you" I said you walked im theirs a baby in the crib and 2 older girls watching paw patrol and 2 boys playing with the dogs

"Okay so game plan I'll take the baby and the 2 girls and you take the boys and get as much energy out of them so they can nap the rest of the time okay" I said then Emery took the boys and I took the baby and gave the girls some some hair brushes and nail polish so that their entertained

You sat down with the baby and helped the girls paint their nails they were peaceful and didn't make a lot of trouble for me but by what You heard from outside the guys were having fun they was yelling, screaming and congratulating each other with the victory of the game

The girls were about to sleep and so was the baby when you heard the boys calming down and thought that the boys where calming down too

After all the boys and girls were put down for their nap and knocked out You sat down on the couch being accompanied by Emery and he said "you know your amazing right and will make a great mom one day" he said giving you a kiss on the cheek "well thank you but my mom thought me everything I know forgot that she used to be a baby sitter" I said snuggling into his chest "well when did I get this luck to have you I mean your beautiful can cook, Clean, model ,act, sing , and lastly is good with kids are you an angle sent from heaven to bless me" Emery said pecking your lips "well no but I'l am here to bless your life with my amazing talents" you said getting a blanket from the side and veto wring you and Emery since you were cold and then letting Emery wrap his Ames around you playing with your hair making you sleepy and eventually falling asleep

imagines for Emery kellyWhere stories live. Discover now