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Joy winced against the pain and sat there. Another poke. Followed by another. The on going torture was painful and long. The more pokes she got the more painful it became. The only thing that kept her from going crazy was the smell of dark spices. Something must have come in somehow. The smell had been there since the doctor had arrived. She winced again and held back the groan. She needed for yet another poke and when it didn't come she sighed. The doctor turned away from her and wrote something on the chart.
"I'll give you something for pain. You need blood as well. I'll pull from the stores. You needn't recover then you can probably leave based on your blood tests." The doctor told her with a huge smile.
"You mean u can go home?" Joy asked hopeful.
The doctors face fell, "Not quite. I'll speak with the king about bringing your mother here. But you can't leave. The people who took you probably know where you lived."
Her heart sank, "My mother. I live with my mother. Please I have to know she's alright. Please help me."
"I... I'll have someone check into it." The doctor said before leaving the room.

The feeling of emptiness filled him. His heart broke for Joy. She looked so hurt at the thought of the Lessers having access to her mother. She had every right to be. He pulled his phone out as he went to the bathroom. He called his father.
"Are you free my son?" His father said to him.
"Not quite. I need you to do something for me." He whispered. "Joy lived with her mother before her capture. They must know where her house was. If they retaliated against her and attacked her mother we need to know. She's about to be released soon and wants her mother. If you find her please bring her here."
"I'll see what we can manage. But it's not like you to want to usually care this much. What's doing?"
"Dad... She's my mate."
"I will speak with Wrath and the brothers. I'll take John and Rhage and maybe Quinn with me to scout. I'll do my best. Keep her occupied until you hear from me."
"Thanks, dad."

Blaylock hung up the phone and sighed. This could be messy. If they found the girls mother dead it would kill her. If they found she had been captured, it would probably have the same result. But if they found her and Wrath said she couldn't take asylum amount them, his son could be effected if the girl left with her mother. He sent out a mass text and headed toward the office of the King. This couldn't wait much longer. They needed a plan. They needed to know what to do. He went in and saw the brothers mostly gathered. He knew that they had a short time span so he wanted to begin.
"As you know we have a survivor of a Lesser attack down in the medical unit. She happens to be Sorrows mate. Before being captured she was living with her mother. I am sure we can do the math. The Lessers probably know where she lived. There is our issue. The girl fears for her mother. Frankly so do I." He began, "If they knew where she lived, they could have taken her mother or killed her. We need to do a recon and see if we find the mother and if so, Sorrow has asked that we take her in for her safety."
The king straightened in his seat, "Take a team and do a sweep of the area and the house. If there is evidence that her mother was taken or killed let me know. If you find her. Bring her here and we need to question her. If she is fine and checks out we will send her over to Safe Place. We need to work fast. Someone needs to tell Jane so we can have Jane do a medical exam."
The group agreed and Blaylock turned to the group, "I want Rhage John, Quinn and maybe Z. If you are all willing."
He waited for their agreements and they exited from there. First stop weapons from the gym. They needed the address so they knew they had few right house. They couldn't mess this up. He approached the quarantine room and got the address from his son.
"She's resting. She knows you are trying. Jane said when she wakes she can leave." Sorrow told him, "Please keep me updated.

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