Twenty One

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Joy felt like she was prisoner all over again. She felt sick and wanted fresh air. No one would help her out. No one would let her leave. Not even Phoenix. Though Phoenix and her baby visited daily while Sorrow was off doing business. She still felt trapped. She was pregnant not a a special person under witness protection. She needed air. The doors to the patios were all locked. The terraces were locked. Windows remained closed and no air circulation at all. Sorrow wouldn't let her leave the room for more than an hour at a time when he was home. Phoenix never showed mercy either.
A knock at her door drew her attention back to present, "Come in."
The door slowly opened and the queen came in. She carried a tray of food and sat it on the bedside table before sitting beside joy.
"My dear, you look miserable." Beth told her.
"I am. I need air. Exercise. Human contact. I need different scenery. I'm going crazy in here." Joy told her.
"Well eat your lunch. We can see about human contact. I have tea set up in the den. Plus the terrace doors are open. We can sit-in there for a while."
"Sorrow won't approve. He wants me here for most of the day."
"I'm not Sorrow."
Joy smiled and ate the grilled cheese and drank the milk. She smiled when Beth motioned for her to follow her down to the den. There were tea cups set up. Snacks lining the coffee table and a makeshift bed was set up on the couch. She smiled at Beth as they sat down.
"Thanks so much." Joy said as a breeze came in through the door.

Sorrow sat in the office of the training center and poured over the schedule he was give. He was how on rotation as an instructor. He would be instructing on the weapons and lesser awareness class. He would need to brush up on that as well. The training candidates would be joining his classes soon and he needed to be ready. He couldn't wait to tell Joy. Even though he would still be fighting often he would be home more. He would be able to take care of his mate. He would be able to handle her every need. He hoped. He left the training center to head back to the mansion. He had ridden over with Rhage and didn't want to wait. He dematerialized back to the mansion. Once inside he heard laughter from the den and he went to investigate. First thing. Was were the terrace doors were open. Then he saw Joy sitting on the couch. She looked up at him and smiled.
"Welcome home." She said.
His anger spiked. He slammed the doors shut and grabbed her hand, "Back to bed with you. How stupid could you be? Pretty fucking stupid in my book. How fucking dare you.?"
Beth stood, "Sorrow, I suggest you let her go now or I will be forced to take action. You under no circumstances should never treat your mate this way. I was here the whole time. She was never alone. Z was patrolling the perimeter the entire time."
"Shes my mate. When I give an order she will obey it. If it's for her safety." He growled at Beth.
She raised her eye brows, "Z! I need you."
Zsadist appeared within moments, "What's doin'?"
"This... Boy... Needs a lesson in treatment of a mate." Beth informed him.
Joy stood, "Stop, I'll go back to my room. There really is no need. I shouldn't have stayed down here this long."
Beth grabbed her hand, "He has no right to treat you that way. Don't let him do that to you."
"She's right, Joy. You have every right to punch him right now. I personally can't allow you to go with him right now. He... Needs to go chill now!" Zsadist said.
Sorrow felt his blood begin to boil. His mate wasn't listening... Then it hit him. He had treated her badly. He didn't need to act that way. He was surprised she didn't punch him. He hadn't realized how cooped up he had her. He felt bad now but Beth and Zsadist wouldn't let him near her. He didn't want to leave her but he had no choice.
Before leaving he whispered, "I'm sorry. I love you."


Sorry for the long wait. I've been working non stop and life has been getting away from me. But I have some personal exciting news. IM HAVING A BABY!!! That's right. I'm having a young of my own.

I promise to try and keep posting as often as life allows me.

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