Chapter 13

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Me and Vanessa ran out the house flying to the hospital, she didn’t even stop at the red lights she just kept going. I was afraid for my life, but we had to go see what was wrong with her brother. I admit I knew he was in the hospital and I was gone tell her when she came over but she started going off on us. That’s why I was crying but it slipped when she came at me wrong, I knew I shouldn’t have kept it from her though so I blame myself.

We were not sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the update on him. I guess they went into surgery because his parents were also in the waiting room. I really hope little man was okay. I held Vanessa in my arms, with my head on her shoulder, while she had her head in her hands, I guess she was praying. All I did was rub her back and tell her leave it in God’s hands. I looked over to the door and saw Skylar looking at us just standing there with this mean ass look on her face, if this wasn’t a serious matter I would have knocked her ass out again but I didn’t have time for that. I tapped Vanessa and she looked at me with her red eyes and I pointed to the door. She looked at Skylar and just went back to what she was doing.  Tami told me that Skylar had TJ as a patient but Skylar didn’t tell her what was going on, that’s fucked up.  Skylar came towards us and sat on the other side of Vanessa.

“You okay nessa?” I asked and she shook her head no.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was here Skylar?” Vanessa asked Skylar and she glared at me, she must think I told. I’m not snitch. I actually had respect for Skylar when she yelled at Vanessa earlier and I was gone put everything behind us, but when she came in looking mad, all that shit went out the window.

“I was gonna tell you I swear Vanessa but I couldn’t find a way to tell you” Skylar said. Vanessa Just stared at her, I’m not sure what her face expression looked like but by the way Skylar was looking, she felt guilty.

“You know what I’m not even mad, so wateva” Vanessa said waving her off and putting her head in her hands again, I just sat there trying to comfort her, then the doctor came out. It was Doctor Kami, I worked with her before.

“Family of Terrill Jr. (TJ)” she said and we all got up.

“Is he okay?” His mother said. No offense she was ugly as hell, I’m so happy TJ got Vanessa side of the family looks.

“He is doing fine for the time being” she said looking over his chart.

“Well what happened?” Vanessa dad asked

“Was he ever treated for Type 1 Diabetes?” the doctor asked and they shook their head no. “Well that may be the problem, since the mother had diabetes they should have checked if he also had it. So they may be the reason why he was having breathing problems. The immune system has attacked and destroyed some of his cells where his insulin should have been, but he is doing fine now, we are just gone give him some medicine and keep him a few days and see where that goes” she explained

‘Can we go see him?” I asked and she nodded. We all went in to see if he was okay, he was sleep, laying there so peaceful. Vanessa just sat by him bed looking over him holding his hand, she learned over to his ear and whispered something.

‘I’ll come see him tomorrow” Vanessa said and we walked out with Skylar right behind us. We got in the car and she drove back to her place since that’s where my car was. We pulled up and she parked and got out.

“Vanessa everything is gone be okay, just keep ya head up” I said and we hugged and I got up and left.

God is gone protect him.


We made it home and I went in to pack a few clothes, so could stay at the hospital with my bother. I haven’t talked to Skylar and I honestly I wasn’t even thinking about her at this moment. I’m a little annoyed with her because she didn’t even tell him he was in the hospital. I don’t care if it was for a little cut, she should have told me. Right now I don’t have anything to say to her, I just ignored her all night, so I just sleep on the couch while she was in the room.

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