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Simon's P.O.V.

We finally got to the edge of the town. We were about twenty minutes away from the edge of town and Josh did exactly what I ask him to. We all stopped at this beautiful little park that they have outside of towns.

Everybody got out of the camper and the cars and sat down on the benches.

"Simon what are we doing?" Josh asked as I smiled and grabbed his hand and brought him over under a cherry tree.

"Before we left I ask Vik to make me something, Vik?" I asked as he walked up and gave me the two rings.

It was a glass tube that had flowers inside of them. Mine was a pink flower and Josh's was an orange flower.

"I know this is last minute and I know this may not be the most romantic way of doing this, but since the moment I first saw you I knew this was my dream. In any town this is illegal, for two boys to be in love and especially for two boys to get married. So before we go into the new town, I want to promise myself to you. I want my vows to be to you, I want to promise that I will be here through sickness and through death, because you are the one person I dream of. The first to show me color, the first to show me love, the first to make me feel passion and pain and worry. That is why I wanted to stop on the side of the road and marry you and be with you through everything. So pretty much my question is, will you marry me?" I asked as he smiled and he started to tear.

"Of course, a billion times yes, yes." He said as he kissed me.

"So how does it go?" I say laughing as he smiled.

Tobi walked up to us and stood behind us as we both looked into each other's eyes.

"Before we start and you say I do and all your vows I would like to say a few words," he said as he grabbed both Josh and my hands and put them so that we were holding one another's, "these are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love that yours hold on your wedding day. These are the hands that will work alongside yours to build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and care for you throughout the years. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief torments your mind and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will give you strength when you struggle, and support and encouragement to chase down your dreams. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, and keep your family together as one. These are the hands, that countless times, will wipe away the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow and tears of joy. Lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled with age, will be reaching for yours, still giving you the unspoken tenderness with just one touch-----a touch from these hands. Before we say I do and you give yourself to one another would you like to say your vows?" Tobi said as I felt myself tear and Josh caress my cheek and wipe away the tear, the tear of joy.

"I'll go first," Josh said as he looked down and then looked back up at me, "I remember when I was young and my dad was telling me what love was, he said that love was when you were willing to give up anything for the one you love, love is when you smile for no good reason but just looking or thinking about the other. The one thing my dad said that will always resonate in my mind is when he told me how he knew that my mom was his one true love, was when he saw her beautiful bright green eyes. Then I think of the moment when I first came eye to eye with you and I saw your beautiful blue eyes that made my life, you filled me with joy and happiness. I never thought I could trust anyone, until the day that I met you. You made me see the world in a different way. I love you, more than I could ever imagine and I would be so happy to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I'd like to be the kinda man
You'd like to love
We've got a right to love
And baby, I'd like to love you
Cause you're my favorite hue

There's something 'bout you
That makes my skies blue
And whenever we're through
All I can do is see color
There's something 'bout us
When we're together,
Whenever you're there darling I swear, I don't see color." I said as he smiled.

"And now, will you Simon Minter, take thee Joshua Bradley as your lawfully wedded husband, will you love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye shall both live?" Tobi said as I looked at Tobi then back to Josh.

"I do." I said smiling.

"Will you Joshua Bradley, take thee Simon Minter, as your lawfully wedded husband, will you love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye shall both live?" Tobi asked Josh as Josh looked at him and then back at me.

"I do." He said wiping away his tears.

I slowly slid my ring on to his finger as he slowly put his ring on to my finger.

"You may now kiss your love." Tobi said as everyone laughed a little because you would normally say wife.

I grabbed Josh's neck and pulled him into a kiss as he kissed me back. It was everything and more, my skies were truly blue at that moment in time.


A/N: this is so sappy and I'm so happy to have finally done this chapter. I knew that I wanted to do this chapter and I'm so happy with the outcome and I hope you guys did enjoy this. This book is sadly coming near to its end, so yeah, that's a little bit upsetting but overall I'm really proud of this book and I'm so happy that so many of you enjoyed this.

Tomorrow I am posting my new Wroetostar book based of the song Lost Boy by Troye Sivan, so I hope you are as excited as I am for that to come out. I haven't decided if I am also going to post a chapter of this, but that will be decided tomorrow. Anyway that's all, I hope you guys enjoyed and see ya!

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