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Josh's P.O.V.

I woke up with Simon in my arms and realized that we were at a stop. I saw that his eyes were slowly fluttering open and he looked at me with the sweetest smile.

"Good morning my love." I said kissing him on the tip of his nose.

"Good morning my life." He said with his cute little morning voice.

I got up and put on my boxers and felt a tug on my shoulder.

"Stay...." He whined making me laugh.

"I can't, I want to see why we stopped." I said as he got up and started to put on his clothes.

We walked outside to see that we were in the middle of the woods and everyone was sitting around a campfire.

"What are we doing?" I asked as they all looked up and smiled.

"Taking a bit of break. We thought maybe you love birds weren't exactly done from last night and wanted another night." Ethan said laughing as Vik elbowed him.

I looked at Simon and felt my face start to go hot. He just smiled and laughed.

We both sat down as I put my hand on his thigh and he put his hand on mine.

"I think the police are looking for us. Sorry Josh." Ethan said as I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean 'sorry Josh'? The police are now after all of us." Simon said as his hand got tighter.

"Josh's mum, she was taken in. We think she might've been killed." Vik said as he looked down.

My heart felt like it was being wrenched up. I got up and walked a little away as everyone just looked in my direction.

I knew this was going to happen, but it hurts so fucking much. To know that my mum was dead, she did this all for me. I should've just died back there. She didn't deserve this.

I felt my hand start to clench up as I looked at the tree in front of me and punched in anger and confusion. I slowly fell down and my knuckles were all black and blue. I started to cry out loud and I just wanted to scream as Simon came over to me.

"Josh, everything's okay." He said as I just shook my head.

"No you're wrong. The police are coming after me and now you and your friends are convicts. My mum fucking died and this is all my fault. I should've just died. You could live such a happy life without me. This is all my fucking fault." I said as he shook his head.

"Stop that right, this was everyone's decision. This was my decision since the moment I snuck you out of that hell hole. This was your mum's decision for your happiness. And don't you dare talk about the guys because you and I both didn't want them to come, they decided on their own terms." He said as he sat next to me and held me close.

"I just, I don't want to lose you. I've already lost both my parents and I can't bare to lose another one that I love." I said as tears started to pour violently down my cheeks.

"You aren't going to lose me, I promise you that right now. When I promise myself to you through health and sickness I meant it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to raise the most beautiful kids with all of our love towards them. You make me the fullest that I've ever been and I'm never leaving you." He said as he pulled away and grabbed my cheeks bringing me in to a passionate kiss.

We both got up and he brought me over to the rest of the guys as they all looked at me with worried faces.

"Vik, can you help Josh?" Simon asked as he grabbed my hand and I winced.

"Yeah, sure come with me Josh." He said as we walked into the camper.

He got some supplies and started to wrap my hand and had put a cardboard underneath my fingers.

"You okay? That must be hard to hear about your mom. I'm really sorry about that." He said as I looked up into his soft chocolate eyes.

"Yeah, I just don't want to pull you guys down with me." I said laughing under my breath.

"This was as much our decision as yours. We are going to protect you. I see the way you make Simon look, I felt that towards someone once." He said laughing as I looked up shocked.

"What happened?" I asked as I saw a year slide down his cheek, "I'm sorry, I didn-"

"He was my best friend when we were little kids, we were in a friend group. You might've saw me hanging out with them once or twice. Well I use to know a boy named Lachlan, he was the most enchanting person I've ever met. He is just as tall as Simon and he has the bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair." He said.

"How did you know that?" I asked as he smiled.

"I don't know, when I was little I could see color when I was around him," he said starting to get choked up, "his mum found it about us and took him away. To a new town, so that the police wouldn't find them. His dad was like yours. He was my everything, just like Simon is to you. I would do anything for that boy. I haven't seen color since I met him, this is my first time in a while and it's beautiful."

He said looking around with the brightest smile.

"Do you know where he moved?" I asked as he finished up wrapping my hand.

"The town where going, I just hope he remembers me." He said laughing as the tears started to pour down his eyes.

"If he could see color, he would never forget your soft chocolate eyes." I said caressing his cheeks wiping away his tears.

"Thank you Josh." He said smiling that same bright smile.

"Thank you Vik. Thanks for coming with us and I will help you with finding him." I said as we both got up and hugged each other.

We walked out and I sat down next to Simon on the log looking into the campfire. The rest of the night was filled of laughter and jokes. We didn't care about anything else, just each other and having fun at that moment in time.

A/N: so this book is coming to end soon. We are on chapter 22 right now and I'm planning on ending this on chapter 25. I decided to add a bit of Vikklan for all the laughs and giggles and for fluff. But yeah, so I just wanted to say that.

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday I'm planning on uploading chapter 23 today too, I was driving up to Maine and didn't want to waste all my data on uploading the chapter.

I also just wanted to say if you haven't already, go check out my new Wroetostar book, Lost Boy, I'm so far really proud of it and I think some of you would enjoy it. It's based off Troye Sivan's song Lost Boy.

I'll shut up now and let you go on with your life. See you guys later, bye!

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