-So Much For Sneaking In Undetected‏

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Hey guyss, so one thing i realised on wattpad is after reading so many books at the same time, and after waiting for that update after aages, i seem to always forget the storyline of the books- so i've decided to give you guys a recap at the beginning of every chapter, what you thinkk? and please please vote and follow me it lets me know that people are reading my book 


I glance at the clock in my en suite and rinse my hair slowly, realising it's only ten minutes past seven. Adele's Someone Like You croons away and I continue singing along softly, as I slowly get ready for school.

'Okay,' I tell myself in my Venetian mirror, pulling on my Chloè jeans. 'School. Right. I will be strong.'

I button up my white blouse, patting down invisible creases. 'I will be confident.'

As I brush out my brunette hair, I look at myself in a panic. 'Oh my god, I can't do this...'

Emma, our housekeeper, comes bustling in my room, in the middle of my soft sobs. She stops humming one of her favourite pop songs as soon as she sees my face. 'Oh, honey,' she says warmly. 'Stop crying; you'll ruin your mascara.'

I stop crying and looked at her in disbelief. 'Not funny, Emma.'

So Much For Sneaking In, Undetected♡ ;

The designer Gucci sunglasses are propped up on my head and I've got my headphones in, belting out Christina Perri's Jar Of Hearts, when I back my Porsche into the school car park.

'And who do you think you are, running around, leaving scars,' I sing as I get out of the car nervously.


Oh, crap.

This is it.

Judgement Day.

It's happening again. I pull out my headphones and realise, a second too late, crimson seeping into my cheeks, that I've been singing at the top of my voice and now, the entire student body is staring at me.

So much for sneaking in, undetected.

'That's my parking spot, Demi Lovato.'

And then, it happens.

A sudden flare of annoyance sparks inside me for, perhaps, the first time ever and I take off my sunglasses, fixing the wannabe Angelina Jolie in front of me with a steely gaze.

'Excuse me?' I say, heart thumping away so fiercely I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

'You heard me,' says the cheerleader, leaning back, lips curled in an unattractive sneer. 'Get out of my parking spot.'

'Make me,' I retort, before turning on my heel, grabbing my things and storming off towards the direction of the school.

'You're messing with the wrong cheerleader, new girl!' screeches the cheerleader.

'I don't think so, Kaylee Evans,' I stop, spin around and tell her, giving her my best fake smile.

'H-how do you know - me?' Kaylee stumbles.

'You're messing with the wrong girl, cheerleader,' I tell her, before continuing my dramatic exit, even flicking my hair like Regina George.

In the corner of my eye, there's a movement in the car park and I'm interested but class starts ... now.


Jace Carson - POINT OF VIEW


'Looks like I'll be coming into school more often,' I chuckle to myself, watching the hot new girl stalk up to the school.

'Ma-an,' Sebastian licks his lips, in a satisfied manner. 'I'd so tap that.'

'I've got dibs,' I say, holding up my hand, to the collected groan of my mates.

'Aww, man, that's not fair,' Matt groans. 'I want a share.'

His face suddenly lights up. 'I'm a poet and didn't even know it.'

Cody slaps his back and Matt protests, 'Dude, that hurt! Last night's left me sore. Man, that chick was feisty.'

My eyes are still on the new girl, who seems to know what she's doing, as she unknowingly sways her ass. 'Those jeans are doing her good,' I mutter, wetting my lips.

'Dude,' Anthony protests. 'Show some respect. What if that was your sister?'

'Don't start again on me, Anthony,' I grumble. 'You didn't say no to that chick I showed you, last night.'

'You gave me a hooker!' Anthony says, annoyed.

'She was still hot!'

'She asked for money!' Anthony retorts and under his breath, he mutters, 'She wasn't even that good, anyway. I've had better.'

'Like who?' I ask, leaning back on the hood of my car.

'Your ex, Christie, for one,' Anthony says, grinning as the group break into 'oohs' and 'aahs'.

I roll my eyes. 'We're going to be late.'

'Since when did you care about being late?' Matt asks.

'Since the new chick came in.'

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