Fanfiction Date!

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So this is more of a recounting of my date earlier today instead of a suggestion because people generally don't have fanfiction written about them. (Although, I will give a suggestion on how to acchieve this date without having a fanbase)

So teabrooks wrote a oneshot book, entitled Laine, of me and GrungeCastiel, which was very cute and such a nice thing to do, and me and my datefriend decided to read it together on a date.

The story was short, so it didn't take up much time so we did chat for a while afterwards. It was really weird at first because it was a stranger writing about us, but it was kind of neat as well.

I liked adding my own little comments to it as I read my designated paragraphs aloud, and I am assuming GrungeCastiel did as well because they were laughing 😘😍.

If you wanted to recreate this type of date, you could get one of your friends to write it, or you could even write one together!

After we read the fanfiction, we talked for about an hour about random things like:

1. Differences between schools (USA is so much simpler!)

2. Cities, towns, villages, counties...

3. We pulled up a few more tag questions and answered them because knowing that their favorite sandwich is peanut butter and banana is the absolute most useful information I could possibly obtain.

4. Phone dropping... Ahem, *cough* GrungeCastiel *cough*

5. Water obtaining. Seriously, so many times we had to drop everything and wait for them to refill their mason jar!

And finally,

6. How messed up the internet was because of the fact it lost connection so many times!

Well, I guess that's all for this update, tune in next time for the explaination of our breakup!

Stay strong,



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Like there would actually be a halfway decent excuse to break up! 😂😂😂😂❤💛💚💙💜

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