Chit Chattin' It Up! Round II

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--The Next Morning--

*Joe & Kevin sneak in Jess' room, see twins asleep on bed, jump on top of them*


Kevin "Happy birthday!!!!"

Nick & Jess "Ufff"

Nick "What the...?"

Jess " no no."

Joe "Come on it's your birthday!"

Jess *whiney* "Joe, Kevin, get off of me,....wait...*opens eyes* did you say birthday?" *grabs Nick* "Nicky, it's our birthday!!!!!!!!"

Nick "Thanks...I got the memo." *sleepy smile*

Kevin *smiles, gets off of twins* "Alright, well, get ready, we have about two and a half hours till the live chat...of course dad wants to do a little meeting before we go on."

Jess "OK, sounds good." *tries to get up but can't because Joe is still sprawled out on top of both twins*

Nick "Joe?"

Joe "Yeeesss?"

Jess "Please?"

Joe "Awww, of course you can have a hug, I love you two, too!" *squeezes both tight*

Nick "Every year the same thing..."

Joe "Oh, you know you love it."

Jess "I can't wait to explain to my husband one day, why one of my brothers is laying on top of us on my birthday during our first year of marriage."

Joe "Oh, that won't be a problem, because see, you won't share a bed with your husband anyway. He'll be perfectly comfortable on the the living room."

Jess "That's just stupid."

Joe "Actually, you won't even share a'll be a long distance marriage...ha! There." *grins*

*Nick & Kevin laugh*

Jess *tries pushing Joe off the bed* "Offffffffff!"

Joe *laughs, gets off bed* "Happy birthday, twins. *kisses Nick & Jess on the cheek* We'll see you downstairs!!"

*Kevin and Joe leave*

Nick *still laughing, wiping his cheek*

Jess "You know, I was gonna say,I'm so glad you seem to be feeling better, but then I saw you agreeing with Joe's stupid plan and well...that kinda killed it..."

Nick *smiles* "Happy birthday, Twinnie!"

Jess *still giving look, then smiles, sticks out curled index*

Nick *does index wiggle*

Jess *about to unhook her index*

Nick *holds on, serious* "That was not just to wish you a happy birthday..."

Jess *sad smile* "I know...and it was no biggie."

Nick "As much as it SUCKS that you have D, feels good to have someone that just..."

Jess "...gets it?"

Nick "Yeah."

We hugged right when mom peaked her head in.

Mom "Aww, there's my birthday babies." *smile* "How are you feeling, Nick?"

*Nick & Jess get up*

Nick "Lots better. Sorry if I unleashed evil-Nick on you yesterday."

Mom *laughs* "Oh honey, you didn't. Jessie's the one who got most of it."

Nick *looks at Jess*

Jess *smiles* "It's fine, no worries....I have probably had way more 'betes grump and freak out sessions in the past week than you have had in three years."

Mom *laughs* "Not true...but OK..." *hugs both* "Happy, happy birthday. 17 years ago, all I could think of was "Oh no, how am I gonna get both of you out?"

Jess & Nick *make face* "Mooooom!!!!"

Mom "What? One's hard...two at a time? Phew..."

Nick "OH KAY, we're gonna go get ready now." *grabs Jess' hand, pulls her towards the bathroom*

Mom *laughs*

Jess "Nick, go ahead and do your know...I can get dressed all by myself and stuff."

Nick *rolls eyes, grins* "You know what I meant, and it wouldn't hurt to play along, before mom starts talking about our birth again."

Jess *O_O, to mom* "We're gonna go brush our teeth.... together...cuz's what twins do!" *drags Nick into bathroom*

Mom *laughs* "See you two downstairs."



*Every Jonas is sitting down having breakfast, Big Rob, and G, who wouldn't miss the twins' birthday for anything*

Dad "Now that we got everyone together. Happy happy birthday, Nick & Jessica. We are all so proud of you!"

Nick & Jess "Thanks, dad."

*Everyone smiles*

Dad "You know, over the years we have been able to afford quite a few things to live comfortably. We bought video games, ping pong tables, we have a pool, cars,...but when I asked my only daughter what she wanted for her birthday, she did not ask for another car, or expensive clothes, or a new DS game. While I wouldn't have even been mad, if she had asked for any of those things...She asked that we go do something we used to do quite a bit instead. To go have fun at the family park. Play miniature golf, play in the arcade, bumper boats, and batting cages. I'd like to believe that me and your mom must have done something right, if with all the monetary possibilities, a day out with the family still comes first. So I called the park and they let me rent it out for four hours. I know, this kind of defeats Jess' all humble idea of a family fun day, but I wanted to make sure we could enjoy it."

*Everyone's excited*

Kevin "Great idea, Buglet!"

Jess *smiles* "Thanks." *to dad* "So how's the whole Yankees thing gonna work out?"

Joe "Does David Henrie know you're gonna go cheat on him with ARod?"

*Everyone laughs*

Jess *makes face, smacks Joe in the back of the head*

Mom *grabs Jess by the wrist* "Hey! Young lady! No hitting! And Joseph, stop it."

Dad "You, Nick, Big Rob, and me are gonna leave for NYC tomorrow. Kevin, Joe, and mom are gonna meet up with us the day after. We're actually also gonna go check out the venue and possibly squeeze in some other stuff.........Alright. Couple of things. Kevin, you got a pen?"

Kevin "Oh, I'm writing it under 'notes' on my phone."

Dad "Of course, you are."

*Everyone laughs*

Dad "We'll have to talk about the tour again. At least the first five shows. The biggest announcement is, of course, Jess replacing Jack..."

Jess "I won't be able to replace him...can we call it 'filling in for Jack'?"


Nick *whispers* "You really need to stop interrupting dad!"

Dad *whispers* "Good idea!" *normal voice* "The biggest news will be Jess taking over for Jack on this tour, so be ready to talk about that and answer questions. As for songs...whatever the fans request and I'd say maybe one of the new songs, you've written lately...I'll leave that one up to you."

Jess "I don't wanna sing, It's Not Too Late."

Dad "And you don't have to, if you don't want we have about another hour. I'm gonna go set up everything in the family room, this time so you all have more room to sit there..."

Nick "Thanks. I appreciate that."

Dad "Now it's still gonna get a little crowded with the whole band poking their heads in for a moment but it should be better." *smiles*

Nick "I can deal with that." *smiles*

Jess "It's all good. John can just sit on my lap. No biggie."

*everyone laughs*

Kevin "How about John on one leg and Big Rob on your other one."

Jess *laughs* "There! See, Nick? No worries."

Nick *shakes head, laughs*


--5 minutes before live chat--


*Jess & Nick enter*

Mom "Oh hey, there you are. Live chat's starting soon. Everyone's already in the family room, oh and the band is coming in a bit, as well. Did you two check your levels to make sure you're OK?"

*Nick & Jess look at each other*

Jess "Ya. We're fine, mom, no worries."

Mom *smiles* "Alright then."

Me and Nick walked into the family room. Kevin was already sitting on the couch. He scooted over a little when me and Nick walked in.

Jess *sits down next to Kevin*

Kevin *smiles* "Hey birthday girl, ready for the chat?"

Jess *rests arm on Kevin's knee, looks at blank screen* "Of course." *grins*

Nick *next to Jess* "Where's Joe?"

Joe *runs in* "Right here!" *sits down next to Nick*

Dad "Alright we're on live in 10 seconds."

Big Rob "And look, they're actually all here. Nice job Jonas!"

*Everyone grins*

Dad "And we're on."

Jonas kids *All stick out arms* "HEEEYYYY!!!!!!" *laugh hard*

Kevin *laughing* "We didn't even rehearse that! Nice guys!"

*All fist bump, laughing*

Joe "So, how is everybody doing today????"

Jess *squints at screen* "Whoa!"

You have no idea how fast those tweets were coming in...

Nick *squints at screen* "Lots of people tuning in today. *to webcam* Thanks guys!"

Kevin "Oh, guys I am not texting or anything, I am actually reading your questions on my phone! *shows phone* So keep 'em coming and we'll try to answer them."

Joe "We have so much to talk about today and I'm so glad I'm sitting here, with my brothers and baby sis, and ALL my friends at home" *points to screen*

Kevin "I'm seeing LOTS of 'Happy Birthday Ness'! *giggles* 'Ness'...."

*Nick & Jess make face*

Nick "I'm guessing that's our twin celebrity name?"

Jess *laughs* "I'll take least they don't call us 'Jick"

*All laugh*

Dad *smiles, shakes head*

Nick "But hey, thank you so much for all the birthday wishes, guys! They mean a lot to us!"

Joe *reading off the screen* "What did you get for your birthday?"

Nick "In case you were not able to hear us on Radio Disney yesterday, we actually found out that me and Jess get to go to New York and watch a Yankees game."

Jess "I'm pretty stoked about this, because you know...I'm a Yankees' girl."

Kevin "Ha! Perfect timing. KylaH327 wants to know how big of a Yankees fans are you guys?"

Joe "Let's just say, when a Yankees game is on, we usually lock the twins up in the music room, because it's soundproof...."

Kevin "Yeah, they get VERY into it..."

Joe "So Kyla I hope that answers your question."*grins*

*Nick & Jess roll their eyes*

Jess "We're not that bad!"

Nick "Well...maybe a little."

*All laugh*

Kevin "So as you all know we're leaving for tour next month. Rehearsal's are starting in four days, so that's exciting. Our first five shows will be in New York, Hartford, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and then Miami."

Nick *nods* "After that, it's off to London."

*Band walks in*

Joe "Oh, guess, who just made it here! Come say hi guys." *smiles*

*John, Ryan, Garbo go behind the couch*

Jess *gets up so Jack can sit*

Jack *sits* "Thanks. Hi guys!"

*Everyone says hi*

Nick "Jess, they say they can't see you."

Jess *way off to the side* "That's OK."

Dad *from behind the webcam* "No, go get in there."

Jess *rolls eyes*

I was hoping I wouldn't have to show my face when they talked about what they were gonna talk about...but dad gave me a dad-look and so I jumped back in.

Nick "Come here!"

Jess *sits on Nick's lap*

Nick *moves head next to Jess' shoulder, leans against it*

Jack *holds up cast* "So you guys are probably wondering what happened. We were all having fun by the pool and I was not being smart and started running, slipped, and fell. So don't do this at home! It did not feel good! So now I can't play, of course, BUT we have found a replacement! Jess is gonna take over for me, and I just know she'll be awesome!"

Jess *small smile* "Thanks, Jack. I'll try my best. *to webcam* I have a lot of practicing to do! I really believe that as long as I give 110% I can do anything I put my mind to. Plus I have Jack and Nick if I have any questions or need help, so I am confident, it'll all work out."

John "I have definitely seen Jess overcome some bigger hurdles than this. She'll be fine."

Jess "Thanks John!"

John *reaches past Nick, pats Jess on shoulder*

Kevin *reads questions* "Noooo *laughs* Jack has not been kicked out of the band. *everyone laughs* He'll be back after his hand is fully healed."

Jack *looks at Jess* "So your evil plan of getting rid of me has failed, huh?" *wiggles eyebrows*

Jess *frowns* "I am not trying to replace Jack in any way. He is amazing on drums! I am just helping out until his hand is all good again."

Kevin "I'm sure they know that, Jess *smiles* Jack was just kidding."

Jess "Well, I just wanted to make sure people know that." *shifts weight, whispers to Nick* "Am I too heavy?"

Nick *whispers* "You're fine."

Garbo "Alright, we better get going, we need to get lunch and then we're off to the music store...but thanks for having us!"

*Band says bye and leaves*

Jess *tries to get up and sit back down on couch*

Nick *holds on tight to Jess, grins*

Jess "Nick."

Nick "Yes."

Jess "Nicholas, I can see your smirk on the screen, so I know you know what I'm talking about."

Nick *lets go*

Jess *sits next to Nick* "Thank you."

Nick *grins at Jess*

Jess *makes a face*

Kevin *looks at both, then to webcam* "Aaaalright, now that the twins have figured out the seating arrangements, how about some more questions."

*All reading questions*

Joe "Can you say 'hi' to me? Hi me *waves* How's it going, me? Thanks for watching, me!"

*everyone laughs*

Kevin "That was actually vballr14 who asked. So hi *waves*!"

*everyone else waves, too*

Joe *reads* "What is one thing you guys cannot live without?"

Nick & Jess *serious* "Insulin!"

*Silence, all eyes on twins*

Jess "Well, Nick...we sure know how to create silent awkwardness."

*All laugh*

Kevin "I'd have to say my phone. Like nobody saw that coming." *laughs*

Nick *grabs Jess' hand, lets go, whispers* "Be back." *gets up, leaves*

Jess *follows Nick with her eyes*

Kevin *worried, but doesn't let it show* "So yeah, my phone definitely."

Joe *worried, but doesn't let it show* "Yeah, you NEVER see him without a phone!"

Jess *worried, not as good at hiding it* "Yeah, Kev had it actually waterproofed so he can take it into the shower with him now!"

*all laugh*

Jess *whispers* "Be right back." *gets up, leaves towards kitchen*

Kevin *reads* "Guys, why is everyone leaving?"

Joe "Nick probably stole Jess' glow in the dark guitar pick again."

Kevin "He took it again?"

Joe "Jess found it in his satchel yesterday."

Kevin "Oh boy...well, let's hope that..."

That's all I heard until I was out of earshot. On my way out I grabbed my meter out of my bag that was sitting by the door....I just had a feeling.
I actually found Nick sitting on the kitchen floor, pale as can be, which scared me...A LOT!!

Jess "Nick!!!"

Nick "I think I'm low."

Jess "Here! *hands meter to Nick, runs to the fridge to get a juice pack, runs back to Nick while poking straw into the juice box*

Nick *applies blood to test strip*

Jess *grabs meter from Nick, hands him juice*

Nick *drinks*

Jess "You have GOT to be shitting me!"

Mom *walks in* "EXCUSE ME, young lady, what did I tell you ab-...oh my! *to Nick* Are you OK?"

Jess "He's 43!"

Nick *done with juice box* "I've been lower."

Mom "Sweetie, that is NOT the point! When you checked before the chat, what number did you get?"

*Nick and Jess exchange looks, look down*

Mom "Please, tell me you actually checked and didn't just....ugh...Nicholas!"

Jess "It's not just his fau-..."

Mom "You are darn right, it's not! We will talk about this after the chat. You go back in there, everyone's probably worried!"

Nick "Give me a minute."

Jess "Alright. I'll see ya in a minute." *walks back to family room*

Joe "Oh, there she is. We were just doing shoutouts and talking about our favorite pasta."

Jess *sits down, smiles* "Sounds fun....oh everything's fine. Nick just had to check his blood sugar."

Kevin *looks at Jess*

Jess *whispers* "He's fine.*

Kevin "Alright, then....we were actually just talking about how when you guys get back, we could play a song or two so send in your requests now!"

Nick *comes back, sits down next to Jess* "Sorry, guys."

Joe "So let's see...Jess, favorite ice cream flavor and color?"

Jess "Chocolate chip and blue or orange."

Jess *reaches for guitar dad is passing to her* "You wanna play Nick? Kevin?"

Nick "Go ahead!"

Jess "I don't know what to play, what do you guys want my brothers to sing?"

Nick *grabs guitar from Jess*

Joe "Smooth, dudette, but you're singing, too!"

Jess "Depends on the song they wanna hear." *grins*

Kevin *laughs* "They wanna know if you really just called Buglet "Dudette", Joe."

Joe *grins* "Yes, I did. It's like my nickname for her."

Jess "Yeah, and I have no idea how that even started."

Jess "Lots of happy birthday comments, thanks again guys!"

Nick *starts messing around with chords until he ends up playing "Lucky" by Jason Mraz*

Kevin *grins*

Nick *starts singing*

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, Twinnie I'm trying

Nick I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky to have you
You're my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
oh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise
oh oh oh

Nick *ends song*

Nick "That was Jason Mraz - Lucky."

Jess "Sorry we always change up the lyrics a lil bit." *smiles*

Joe "I like how you always turn it into a twin song...*to webcam* they've sang this song A LOT!"

Jess "It's a good song!"

Kevin "How come you never change the last part?"

Nick *shrugs shoulders* "Cause siblings can love each other and kiss..."

Jess "Well, not like mwuah mwuah mwuah....but you know...on the cheek."

Dad *O_O, takes of glasses, laughs*

Nick "Thanks, Jess. Thank you for clarifying that."

Jess "Don't wanna have any rumors floating around." *grins big* "Oh guys, wanna know some crazy stuff I found out yesterday?"

Dad "Lord, help me." *gives Jess a warning look*

Jess *giggles* "Relax, dad! *to webcam* My dad's like freaking out right now. *giggles* But seriously I realized yesterday that Nick has a total of...."

Nick "Jess, that's OK, they don't wanna know."

Jess "A total of four..."

Nick *covers Jess mouth, puts other arm around her*

Jess "gahdhi ahhhd"

Kevin "Oh, OK. Thanks for sharing."

Joe *laughs* "They really wanna know now, what you found out about Jess. Nick let go."

Nick *smirk* "Nope."

Joe *dramatic* "Nicholas, let go off my sister!"

Kevin "OK, guys, ..."

Dad *covers his eyes with his hand*

Joe *grabs Nick's hand off of Jess' mouth, all three half wrestle*

Jess "Why you guys gotta be so violent? *ducks to avoid Nick's hand, blurts out* "Nick has four gray hairs!"

Joe *stops, then starts laughing*

Nick "Oh, I am so getting back at you for this one!"

Kevin "Guys, the fans really enjoyed that piece of trivia."

Jess "See, all I wanna do is let the fans in on awesome Jonas secrets." *grins*

Kevin "Alright *laughs* let's actually play another song."

Jess "Can I make a request?"

Joe "Go ahead."

Jess "Turn Right. You guys wanna hear that?"

*all watch messages*

Jess *grabs guitar from Nick* "I'll play. You guys sing." *grins*

Joe "That sounds fair."

The boys sang Turn Right and it was beautiful. I love that song so much and judging by all the messages that came in after, so did the fans. *smiles*

Dad "Wrap it up guys."

Joe "Well, you heard it. We wish we could hang out with you guys some more but we gotta go. We have a birthday to celebrate...I wish I remembered whose it was though....just kidding."

Kevin "We hope to see you on our tour! We're so excited! We love you guys!"

Jess "Thanks for having me again and all the birthday wishes!"

Nick "Thank you for tuning in! And we'll see you soon!"

---live chat ends---

Dad "Good job, kids...we have to have a word about those wrestling sessions though....."

Mom *walks in* "Oh good, you guys are done. Nicholas, Jessica! Kitchen. NOW!"


End Notes:

Ahh, remember back in 2009 or 2010 when they boys would do almost weekly live chats, while on tour? Good times.

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