Meet the states

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Everyone has attended the world meeting being held in Washington D.C.
America was very hesitant on holding a world meeting at his place but eventually agreed. It took some force by Germany to make the young nation hold the meeting. Germany was very curious as to why America was so fearful of hosting the conference. It was very odd, but the German put it aside as the meeting came to order.

Over the noise of everyone talking amongst themselves Germany spoke in a booming voice,
"Now then, as America has agreed to host this world meeting, let's begin."

Everyone silenced themselves and turned they're attention to the front of the room where America was standing nervously. The usual childish blonde was rather tense which confused most of the countries. The American cleared his throat and put on his best smile.

"Hey dudes welcome to my place. I hope you all have a very enjoyable time here and...uh...let the meeting begin."
He spoke rather awkwardly.

Sure America wasn't much of a speaker but he wasn't normally this shy and quiet when he spoke. The other countries glanced around the room before Japan stood up and started to give his presentation.
The whole meeting America seemed very zoned out and unfocused. Germany kept glancing at him with every chance he got, wondering what was bothering his fellow nation. The meeting had only fives minutes until they adjourned, and it was Italy's turn to speak. He mainly spoke about pasta, and Romano scolded him for being ridiculous. All of the sudden giggling filled the room. Italy and Romano stopped their speech and looked around curiously with the other nations. All their eyes rested on America who was as stiff as a board and as pale as a ghost.

The giggling became louder and louder until the door to the meeting room was flung open. All of the nations looked at the now open door in shock when they saw nothing. Then, they're eyes cast downward to spot a little girl with dark, long brown hair with elegant flowers in it. She had adorable chocolate brown eyes and a dark complexion. She smiled at them all and looked around the room before she spotted the man she was looking for.

"Daddy!!!!!!!!!" She exclaimed and jumped into America's arms.

All the nations had varying degrees of horror and confusion on their faces. America looked extremely worried while still nervously smiling down at the young girl. England looked shocked while gazing down at the young girl who jumped into America's arms. Eventually Poland was the one to break the silence with an exclaimed "Like, what the fuck is, like, this, America?"

America glanced back up to the other nations gulping.

"Well dudes...what if I told you-"

Cutting America off, an older boy ran into the room horrified.

"Oh god dad I'm so so sorry!! I didn't think she'd go in here!!"

More confused looks were exchanged around the room. Two children calling America dad? This should be interesting. The little girl giggled again as she cuddled into America's embrace. The older boy was sweating nervously as he tried to pry the small girl out of America's arms. That was a bad move. She began to scream and cry, clinging to the nation for dear life.

The boy hissed as he tried harder.

"Hawaii...let go!! Dad is in a meeting!!"

Everyone was surely confused now. The screaming and crying lasted for two more minutes before Germany slammed his hands on the table.

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