The Mall

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It was a normal day in the United States of America. Well, as normal as it can be. The states were feeling a bit lazy and did not feel like accomplishing anything today. However, California had other plans. She was in a shopping mood, but none of her siblings wanted to shop with her. Considering she was very enthusiastic about prowling the mall for hours on end for expensive clothing, none of them were interested.

California begged her "sisters" to go shopping. Florida eventually agreed, but she would be dragging her girlfriend New Jersey along with her. New Jersey did not have any interest in participating, so she brought along New York to accompany her. New York, not really paying any attention, agreed after realizing his timbs got destroyed by Alaska sticking them in the freezer overnight (don't ask why she just really loves freezing shit). So naturally, he wanted to come along as well to buy another pair. He would not be going alone however. He would make Texas suffer along with himself.
Eventually, all of the fifty-one children got roped into going.

Illinois, being the dad he his, decided to drive. Indiana sat shot-gun next to her boyfriend while the other forty-nine crammed themselves somewhere in the back (this is one big ass car).
Eventually with all the complaints and whining, they made it to the mall. All of the states came out of the car in a rush, from the lack of oxygen. They all made arrangements, and went their separate ways.
Indiana, Illinois, and Washington were watching Hawaii and Alaska play in the playground area in the mall. That didn't really fit in with the others because they were so mature. They couldn't help the way they were. They just simply didn't feel like they belonged with their siblings. The two young girl states giggled and ran around happily as the three elders watched with happy smiles.

They really were like parents in a way. When America and England were away, Illinois and Indiana always stepped up to watch the younger ones. Washington was much the same. He was very intelligent and knew a lot about caring for children, so it came naturally for him to help watch them kids (in other words, he is a pure bean).

Indiana came back with some dipin' dots for the kids. "Alison! Healani! I got you girls dipin' dots."

The two toddlers ran over without a second thought and hugged her thankfully as they ate their treat. Illinois sighed satisfied with the situation at hand. It seems like nothing could ruin this day.
New York was on a mission. He was going to find a really expensive pair of timbs and make Texas buy them for him. He pulled his boyfriend along as they passed store after store. Texas began to grow impatient. "Yorkie you can't be serious!! They're shoes!!! Come on babe!" He groaned.
"They aren't just shoes." New York glared. "They're the most important things in the world to me got it?"

Texas gulped nervously. New York may be shorter than him, but damn is he intimidating as hell. He sighed in submission and let him drag him throughout the mall. Finally, they stopped at a store. New York barged in and went straight the the shoe section, checking for the perfect timbs. He scanned up and down the isles, but to no avail, he could not find any. He collapsed on a bench in defeat. "How does this damn mall not have any timbs? REAL timbs!"

Texas frowned and looked around at the shops and stopped dead in his tracks. "Uhhh yorkie? I think I see some..."

New York jumped up and looked in the direction that Texas pointed in. There, in a shop across from them, were timbs on display. He practically sprinted over, untying the shoes from the mannequin and hugged them. "Texas can you believe this?! They're my size!!! Oh my god I can't believe this!!"

Then a girl walked up to them and ripped the timbs right out of New York's hand. "Yeah sorry, these were on hold for me. Get lost loser," she spat.

New York glared at her. "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it fake tits?"

The girl looked at him surprised and lunged at him. Texas jumped in and tried to pry New York away from the girl. They were beating the shit out of each other until mall security stepped in.
"Excuse me're going to have to come with me," the cop glared at them.

Texas and New York shared one look at each other and gulped as they were escorted away.

Rhode Island was helplessly lost. One minute he was surrounded by his siblings, the next he is lost in a crowd of people. He tried to push through the people, but due to his lack of height he couldn't. He found himself in a children's store, and he sat down on the floor and zipped up his hood. Then he was grabbed. He screamed as a woman started dragging him out of the store, mistaking him for her own child. He panicked in fear and thrashed around as he tried to get away from the woman, but she was too strong for him.
He called for help, but over the loud noise of the mall, his voice was drowned out.

America and England were in the middle of a meeting when they got the first call. Texas and New York have been arrested due to violence. The couple excused themselves from the meeting and made there way to the mall to find their children. On their way, they got 10 more phone calls. Rhode Island is missing, Ohio threw up on some expensive furniture, South Carolina broke her leg by doing a flip onto an escalator, New Mexico passed out and fell off a carousel, Washington is apparently allergic to strawberry dipin' dots, and so on. All of the children sat before their parents looking like they just got hit by a train.

America and England glared at them. "Do you know how much trouble you all are in?" America glared.
"You caused so much panic! You don't even know how much stress you caused your father to have!" England yelled.

The kids all hung their heads in shame and mumbled apologies to them. Both countries sighed and looked them over.

"Even though we're're still our kids.." America smiled sadly and hugged them all. "Now let's go home and you can all get your punishments."

They all went home and got grounded for 2 months. None of the kids protested, but they were still very upset. The family sat in front of the tv, watching wheel of fortune when England frowned. America grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?"

England turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Where's Rhode Island?"

A/N: Poor Rhode Island! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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