The Wonderful World of Massachusetts

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Massachusetts had it all. His state's economy wasn't looking too bad, and his looks were looking better then the economy; just how he liked it. Yes, he did have a bit of self confidence, but that's just a trait he inherited from his dad. Matt's life was extraordinary as he lounged out by the poolside, lemonade in his hand with sunglasses on as he tanned. 'Could today get any better?' He thought to himself. It was perfect. However, it was a little too perfect. Something was bound to go wrong, and boy was Matt right.

"CANNON BALL!" Someone screamed and jumped into the pool, completely soaking Massachusetts and causing him to spill his lemonade.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed and stood up angrily. He looked at the water for the culprit to surface so he could kick their ass. When the person did surface, Matt glared. Of course, it was Oregon.

Oregon had made it her goal to make Massachusetts' life a living hell, but Matt had the same insured for her. The two pranked each other nonstop.

Octavia emerged from the water, her light blonde hair now soaked and red eyes gleaming with mischief. She smirked at Matt and laughed. "Awwww what is it, Mattie? Scared that I messed up your pretty hair?" She snickered.

"Shut up, Octavia, get out of my pool!" He glared angrily.

Oregon grinned. "You want me out? Well, I suppose the only way you get me out is if you come in and get me yourself."

Matt scowled. "I'm calling dad."
The angry state bound inside his house, immediately dialing America's number.

Alfred picked up the phone. "Hey Matt! How ya doin bud-"

Alfred's eyes widened and he laughed nervously. "What was that? We're...break...up..." America made little crackling sounds on the other end of the phone before hanging up completely.

Matt stared at his phone in pure hatred. "He's not getting father of the year award that's for damn sure," he grumbled bitterly. Massachusetts decided to reach out to Pennsylvania for help. Sure, he could be a dick sometimes....or a lot of the time, but he still gave great advice. Matt dialed the number and wait impatiently on the other end.

Peter sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello, Pennsylvania speaking," he said bored.

Matt took a deep breath before speaking. "Peter, it's Matt I need your advice."

Pennsylvania instantly grinned. "Oh? What could you possibly need from me, brother?"

"How do you get rid of a pest," Matt said gritting his teeth as Oregon started banging on his glass door and making faces at him.

"Ah, you're talking about Oregon again aren't you?" Peter laughed. "I'm afraid she's stuck with you, brother."

"What?! You're supposed to be helping me!!" Massachusetts whined.

"You're asking me to give you advice on how to get rid of a girl who's annoyingly in love with you?" Peter said monotonously.

"Yes- WAIT WHAT?!" Matt screamed.

"Ummm yeah are you really that stupid? She's into you. Sure, she's crazy, but she's hot so that's a plus. I mean if I totally wasn't you know, gay and screwing Delaware I'd totally-"

"Ok first of all, gross I didn't need to hear about you and Delaware and no, she can't be into me!" Massachusetts complained.

"Well she is. If you don't believe me then go ask her yourself," Peter shrugged.

"You're a complete idiot," Matt said.

"Love you too, brother!" Pennsylvania grinned, "now I must get going. I have an eager lover to attend to."

As soon as the line went dead, Matt cringed and looked in the mirror. Confronting his fear is the only way to get some answers. He opened the door and went out to the pool where he found Oregon floating on an inner tube.

"Nice of you to finally join me," she grinned and pushes up her sunglasses to see him more clearly.

Matt bit his lip. She was rather beautiful. Her silky hair, blazing eyes, long legs and soft lips...
He managed to snap out of it and remained calm.
"We need to talk."

Octavia laughed. "Then get in the pool, loser."

Matt smiled a bit. "As you wish," he said and cannon balled in, splashing Octavia.

Oregon coughed but laughed as she smiled over at Massachusetts. "Finally, you manned up. It's about time. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

Matt looked her over. "So I was on the phone with...uh...Peter and he was telling me some interesting things about you and something rather personal don't know if you want to talk about it or-"

"God, Matt just spit it out!" She yelled.

"He told me you liked me!" He finally said.

Octavia went silent for a second. She didn't move and didn't speak, only staring at him.

" it true?" Matt broke the awkward silence.

"Yeah...yeah I like you," Oregon mumbled.

Matt couldn't help but smile a bit. "I-I think I like you too.."

Octavia looked up surprised. "Really? You do?"

"Well...yeah," Matt said shyly as he scratched the back of his neck.
Oregon smiled. "Well then what are we waiting for? Come over here," she grinned and beckoned him over seductively.
Massachusetts gulped and swam over to her, their faces inches apart.

"There's something I have to say," Oregon whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What is it?" Matt kicked his legs anxiously and held her waist.

Oregon grinned and suddenly pushed him under the water, laughing harder then she ever had and swam to the ledge, getting out of the water. Massachusetts resurfaced, coughing and glaring.

"Was this all a joke then?!" He glared hurt at her.

She grinned back. "No, my feelings are real, I just couldn't help myself." She laughed. "Maybe next time, Mattie," She said and blew him a kiss before skipping away.

Matt floated in the pool, and he felt his lips tug into a grin. 'Could today get any better?' He thought to himself.

A/N: Ah here we are with a fic finally!! I'm sorry it took so long for me to get back into this. I apologize for the super long wait, but I'm glad you all kept commenting and leaving helpful things in the comments. It really means a lot to me that you guys are here to help! This fic was requested by @nightwing2022 I hope you enjoyed!!

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