Chapter 5

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They headed towards the door but on the way they were stopped by the image of Kiara being dragged through the door by Percy, the guy Flame just gave an ass whooping too at the mall. Nala gasped as Flame growled and ran after him. By the time he got to the door Percy was already in a van with Kiara and was already driving away. He jumped down the steps to try to get a glimpse at the license plate. 8PCS6FG. "Got it!" He said as he pulled out his phone to type out the license plate number. He then looked up the steps to see Nala's crying face. The look on his face made his heart shatter. He couldn't help but shed a few tears for her. She looked down at him and gasped running down the steps and jumping into his arms.

"You can't cry...My baby can't cry..." He kept saying over and over as he held her in his arms. "Stop baby, stop crying please stop..." She whispered over and over again. He sniffled and looked up at her. "I don't cry..." He said grinning up at her and leaned up to peck her on the lips. She giggled and kissed his forehead. "Yeah sure...You could've fooled me..." She said wiping her eyes. He grinned and walked up the steps and came back inside the house. He put Nala down on her feet and she hurried him to her room to go on the computer to find that van.

Anyone could tell that he was a computer whiz the way that his fingers flew across the keyboard. In no time he found the van as he tracked it by hacking into the street light cameras. It wasn't far. They ran downstairs and into Flame's car. He quickly shifted into gear and sped off into the direction of the vehicle. As they got closer to the location that the computer said he could see the van. It was in front of a warehouse and he could see Percy closing the large door as they pulled up. He growled and parked jumping out of the car and started to look for some way inside of the warehouse. He saw an opening but it was a window a couple of meters up. He looked around and saw that if he jumped between the buildings and timed it right he would be able to jump inside.

He turned to Nala and told her to wait in the car. She immediately started to protest. "Just trust me babygirl, I will have her out of there in no time." He said and leaned down pecking her on the lips. She pouted and looked up at him and nodded before taking his keys and heading towards the car. He turned around and tried to work out the way he saw before. He took a deep breath and attempted it. He ran towards the alleyway and jumped on a dumpster jumped up the side of the building and jumped through the window. He grinned as he flipped in the air and landed on top of some old boxes. Good thing they were empty or he would have been in a lot of trouble. He closed his eyes and waited for them to be barge in and kill him. When that didn't happen he opened his eyes and looked up. He held his breath as his eyes looked around. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

His eyes captured the images in front of him like a camera. Every time he blinked they were imprinted into his mind forever. What he saw was about 40 – 100 werewolves in one place and in the middle was Kiara looking terrified. He slowly pulled out his phone and called Nala. She picked almost immediately in a panicked tone. "Flame?! What's happening?" "Nala calm down. You don't want to know what's going on in here. What I want you to do is keep breathing and call my brother and your dad and tell them to gather up the entire pack and come here. Now! Can you do that for me baby?" He said in a whispered tone. She started asking a whole bunch of questions. "Just call them! I'm going to try and see what I can do." He said before he hung up the phone and put it on silent just in case she tried to call back.

He stood there and tried to come up with a plan but before he could put it into action he felt a thud behind him. "What the...Nala!?" He said in a shocked and surprised voice. "What the hell are you doing? How the hell did you even get in here?!" He said as she grinned at him. "I wanted to...Wow...this seems very bad" She said as she looked behind him and saw what he was trying to hide her from. "Yeah. Did you call your dad and my brother?" She nodded "They said that they will be here shortly." He nodded and looked back over at the werewolves. He could tell that they were one of his kind because they were halfway changed. They had they furry pointy ears, their canines were elongated, and their claws and talons were longer than normal. What really gave it away was all the fur on their body and how tall they were. They were about 7 to 8 feet tall hunched over. After this they would turn fully into abnormally large wolves and that was their final form.

He looked at Nala. "We are going to have to change..." He said as he took off his shirt and started to take off his shoes and pants. Her eyes widened and she blushed as she looked up and down his body, her eyes hovered below his waistline then she looked down blushing. He grinned as she started to strip down. He then closed his eyes to concentrate. There were three stages of transformation. The first stage varied. A werewolf could either change a body part at that time. The ear, the nose, teeth...etc. After that stage you could go a step further and grow out your teeth, elongate your nails into talons and the worst part all the fur. That would be the closest thing to the wolf other than the wolf.

The final transformation is the final stage and the most dangerous. At this time it is mostly animal instinct that takes over and the wolf within the werewolf would take over...mostly. The werewolf would be able to take over at any time but most of the time they don't really care too. The wolf is usually in the range of 7- 10 feet tall they are regular wolves just abnormally large. The Alphas are usually taller by a few feet and the Luna's are usually a few inches taller. Flame and Nala were a special case though. Since they were the son and daughter of two of the strongest Alpha the supernatural world has ever seen they were bound to be.

They close their eyes as they concentrated to change into their second stage. Flame grew to the height of 10 feet while Nala grew to a height of 9 feet. Flame's fur was a russet red while Nala's was stormy silver. The color of their eyes also changed Flame's eyes changed from bright pink to a fiery red that had flames hidden behind his pupils. Nala's eyes changed to an electric grey with storm clouds hidden behind her pupils. They opened their eyes to look down at everyone around them and howled loud and clear as they walked forward towards the middle. They had no idea what they were getting their selves into.

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