Chapter 1

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"Flame get up!" Flame's brother yelled at him through the door. He knew better then to barge into his room and wake him up. He groaned and threw his alarm clock at the door signaling that he was up and that if he came into the room he was dead meat. It was the first day of high school for his brother and first day of 10th grade for him. But for the both of them it was the first day into a new school. They had just finished packing the night before from their home state in Florida. They had recently just moved to Georgia because their parents job as scientists.

Flame stood up and looked at the upside down clock on the floor by the door. 5:45Am. "What an ungodly hour to be up." He thought to himself as he stood up and walked towards the door tripping over weights, books and computers. He then reached his door and pulled it open. He looked at his slightly shorter brother and grinned. "What's up short stuff?" He said ruffling his hair. His brother, Frozone, was a healthy height of 6'2 while Flame was 2 inches taller at the height of 6'4. Frozone grimaced and batted his hand away from his hair. "Not the hair asshole!" He said as he fixed his hair back to the way it was. He walked with his brother downstairs and looked around at his parents rushing around the house preparing for their first day at their new job at the Georgia State University.

They were experimental scientists and their new job was very demanding plus they had kids to look after. Four children to be exact. Three boys and a girl. As he walked closer to the table he could make out his little sister, Korra, on the other side. He grinned at her as he looked up and a large toothy grin appeared on her face. "Flame! Frozone!" She exclaimed as she jumped down from her chair and bounced over to her older brothers. She jumped into his arms and gave him a large hug then jumped into her other brothers arms then jumped down to grin up at them. "I'm surprised you're up Flame..." She said looking up at her older brother with a slight smirk on her face. He rolled her eyes at her and kneeled down to her level as he gazed over at their parents. "So what's the verdict?"

He said asking about their parents and why they are rushing so much. "They got called in earlier than they expected so you are taking us to school and dropping Alex off at the sitter's house." She said looking up at him with her emerald green eyes. He groaned internally and stood back up. "Mom! Dad!" He said yelling over all the talking and discussion they were doing amongst themselves. They paused and glanced at him. "Morning." They said in unison, and then they continued on with their things. He growled intensely showing his canines to his parents before turning around and sending everyone upstairs to get ready.

He followed them upstairs to the bathroom as everyone else got ready. He then went inside and took a nice long shower before hopping out and fixing his hair. Flame had lots of hair and took very good care of it. No products or anything. He then wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom and into his room. He pushed all the books and computers out of the way as he made his way over to his closet. He pulled out some skinny camo cargo pants and a white and blue crewneck with his Legend Blue 11s. He put them on and put his black hoop earrings on. He then grabbed his bag and walked out into the hallway.

"I'm ready! I'm going to the car. Whoever's not there will get left!" He said as he grabbed the Mazda keys. He then walked over to his little brother and grabbed his supplies and walked outside to see his other siblings out there waiting for him. He then opened the car doors and put Alex in his car seat. He then got in the car sank the clutch and sped off dropping off Alex and then Korra. He then pulled up to Mountain View High School, gearing down and pulling into a parking space. He then looked over at Frozone and grinned flashing his canines and got out of the car. He got his bag and walked with his brother inside of the school.

On the way inside him and his brother was bumped into by these two girls. He looked down at the girl he bumped into and his jaw dropped and his eyes glazed over as his wolf side almost took over "Mine." Was the only thing going through his mind? His wolf side growled and said it again "Mine." His eyes glazed back over and he gulped as he grabbed his brother's arm and walked past them mumbling out a sorry. They made their way over to the main office and got their locker combination. He then split ways with his brother and made his way over to his locker. He reached his locker and put in the combination. As soon as he swung the door open he began to put his books away. That girl came walking down the hallway and towards him. "Mine." His wolf echoed inside him again.

His canines flashed as she looked at him. She rolled her eyes but blushed lightly and made her way over to the locker right next to his. He cleared his throat and closed his locker and leaned against it looking at her. "Hi..." He said lowly, his voice dying off at the end. She looked up and her stormy grey eyes met his bright pink ones. "Hi..." She said in a melodic voice that was like music to his ears. He started stumbling on his words and she blushed and started giggling. She stuck out her hand. "My name's Nala."

He took her hand and placed a kiss on the top of her hand. A spark was ignited in his body the moment his lips touched her skin. He looked up at her to see if she felt it to and the looked that she gave him was proof enough that she did. He growled out only one word "Mine." She blushed again and took her hand away looking down and closing her locker door. "Do you know which way to Mr. English's English class?" He said looking down at her with hope in his bright pink eyes. She looked up at him and nodded. She grabbed his hand, sparks flying again and started walking down the hallway to the correct classroom. He gulped and tried to make small talk.

"Umm you lived here long?" He said reaching behind the back of his neck with his other hand. She laughed lightly as they hurried down the busy hallway. "Yeah...5 going on 6 years now." She said as they reached the doorway to the classroom. "Oh cool...well thanks. I would walk you to class but I would probably lose my way back..." He said rubbing the back of his neck again. She laughed again as she walked into the classroom that she lead them too. He walked in after her and sat down in the middle right behind Nala. "You have this class too?" He said placing his books on the desk in front of him, shock in his voice.

She turned to him and nodded lightly giggling softly. "You're funny..." She said looking at him blushing red. He laughed lightly. "Well...I try" He said looking up as the bell rang and so began the first day of school. New school, new state and hopefully new girl. What else can a growing boy ask for?

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