Chapter 1

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    „Moira, do I really have to tag along?" Tamsin rolled her eyes annoyed as she drove her sister to a presentation of a newly promoted Professor on mutation.

"It's too late now, anyways. I already bought the tickets to the UK. I told you, what happened in Vegas yesterday... you would never believe me", she shuddered at the thought of her last mission.
Moira was a CIA Agent - having grown up with her mother she always pursued a more exciting life than the secretary life her mother had lived.
But even though Moira was an agent she sure was a lady –much to the mock of her mostly male colleagues. Women were not made to be in such a tough job; that was what they say. But she made sure to prove them wrong. 

Tamsin, however, grew up with their father – their parents had divorced themselves shortly after the two were born and it had been two years since Tamsin moved near her sister after their father had died.
And even though Tamsin was younger she seemed more mature and realistic. In her youth she was someone who was called a tomboy and even if her hair was now at shoulder length she still had a more boyish and practical style. While Moira wore her common grey costume, Tamsin preferred her jeans and a shirt.
Tamsin's driving skills were extra ordinary. She drove an Impala, her most valued possession.
"Tammy, could you stop racing? We are not in a hurry", Moira complained as Tamsin took the next turn with 37 miles per hour. "This is not about time, dear sister, this is solely about the fun!"
"You will get a ticket this way", the older one laughed. Tamsin snickered – she had never gotten one in her whole life as a driver.
So instead of the normal two hours from Moira's flat to the airport they only needed one until Tamsin parked her pride shining in black onto one of the parking lots.
"You should get yourself a job as a cab driver"
Tamsin sighed at that remark and followed her older sister into the building. "So what are we doing in Britain that helps your supernatural encounter in Las Vegas?" the younger sister crossed her arms in front of her chest and watched Moira getting their boarding passes.
"There is a professor at the Oxford University that may be able to give me answers" Moira said and handed Tamsin her papers.
Tamsin nodded and followed her sister without further questions. It actually didn't happen that often that Moira called her – totally overwhelmed by a mission she was working at – and asking her for help. However, Moira never hesitated to use her sister as a fast transportation; no matter the destination.
So Tamsin didn't care that she was dragged over the Atlantic Ocean to ask a professor about something she didn't even know about. She had some days off of her work so she was glad for the change of her daily routine.

They sat down on their seats in the plane and Tamsin got her sister to spill some details of the weird encounter she had in Vegas.
"Levene and I were assigned to follow Colonel Hendry, so we did... to the Hellfire Club", Moira started off, nearly whispering as the plane was totally quiet and she didn't want everyone to hear her telling nonsense for the normal ear. But Moira was sure of what she saw and she was not insane.
"So you just walked inside?" Tamsin asked earning herself a mocking raised eyebrow from Moira. "Of course, we told the bouncers we are CIA and want to go in. They were so kind to let us in and even showed us the way". Tamsin huffed at her sister's sarcastic remark, of course she knew that it was not the best tactic to start with, but you never know with the CIA.
"Then what did you do?"
"I slipped through pretending to be one of the 'female entertainment'" she told making sure none of the passing stewardess were able to hear that. "Female entertainment...? Yeah sure, what did you do? Walk inside in your underwear?" Tamsin joked but met Moira's stern face. "Yes, actually I did that".
Tamsin stifled her laugh into a fake cough and motioned her to continue. "I saw Henry disappearing with a woman and followed him into the room..."
Tamsin interrupted her: "You CIA guys sure never heard of privacy". "Let me finish! It was weird because as I came through the only door I saw the room being completely empty".
Tamsin narrowed her eyes, "But as I looked around carefully I found a secret passage to... now comes the weird stuff: to a secret base. The woman suddenly had diamond skin and there was a man with red skin and a tail" she paused rethinking what she had just said.
Her younger sister however just eyed her up sternly and nodded. "I warned the CIA that they wanted to kidnap Colonel Henry, but they didn't believe me because: Colonel Henry was back at the Pentagon over 2000 miles away. And I immediately called them after I had left the club", she said and Tamsin furrowed her brows together. "Are you sure that it was Colonel Henry you had followed?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Then it is indeed weird. And what kind of professor might be able to explain this to you?" Moira took a pamphlet out of her handbag and gave it to her. "Professor Charles Xavier?" Tamsin paused at the familiar name. "A biochemist; he is known for his mutation thesis" Moira explained. The younger sister remembered him – she had read several articles about him and his thesis.
"So you believe these guys at the Hellfire Club have something to do with mutation?"
"I don't know. That is what want to ask that Professor."

They arrived at the lecture hall of the Oxford University. Many people made their way up the stairs to get a good seat during Professor Xavier's presentation.
One man stood next to a projection on the wall, waiting for the hall to be filled before he started his presentation.
"I didn't know Professor Xavier was this young", Moira uttered admiring the handsomeness of the biochemist. Tamsin had to admit that she also was intrigued by his appearance but soon was more concentrated on the things he said than on the lips that formed the words like Moira did.
He talked about a certain gene called X which leads to a mutation of a body – meaning a stronger form of humans would develop with powers a normal human would not be able to understand – mutants.
Tamsin stared at the projection on the wall – maybe this was the answer to what had happened to her?
"You seemed to be very interested in this topic", Moira mentioned as they left the auditorium on their way to follow the Professor who left with a young blonde woman – probably off to celebrate his new title.
"Yeah, kind of. Well, you seemed to be interested in other things... do I have to remind you that you are married?" Tamsin teased, trying to avoid giving an honest answer. "Oh come on, as if Joseph didn't look at beautiful women all the time", Moira laughed and opened her umbrella as it was raining.

"Drink, drink, drink, drink!" the crowd chanted as a young man stood on a table and was about to ex the huge cone filled with a red alcoholic drink. 

"Aargh!" he held the empty glass into the air celebrating his victory. "I am so proud of you!" a blonde woman pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. I need another drink and you another cola!" he uttered happily and walked towards the bar.
Moira dashed forward and made him halt in front of her. "Moira..." Tamsin hissed at the impoliteness of the older sister and gave the professor an apologetic look. Her sister tended to only concentrate on her missions and forget everything around her. "Congratulations, Professor", Moira said.
"Thank you very much; this is harder than it looks actually", he glanced at the glass-cone and Tamsin chuckled, "No, on your presentation". 

"Oh, you were on my presentation, thank you very much", he touched Tamsin's arm and shot her a smile which made her heart actually pound a little faster – but she soon got it under control again and raised her hand: "Tamsin Kinross". "Charles Xavier", he shook her hand. "Moira MacTaggert", he also shook her hand.
"Do you have a minute?" Tamsin asked, hoping they wouldn't disturb him too much in his party. "For a little bean with the mutated MCR-1 gene", he reached out to touch her hair, "I have five".
He laid an arm around her shoulders and led her to an empty table. Moira huffed at the Professor flirting with her little sister and removed his arm before sitting down. "I say MCR-1, you would say auburn hair. It's a mutation. A very groovy mutation... Mutation, right, took us from single celled organisms to the dominant form..." he started off, but Tamsin interrupted him: "You know what, this routine may work with your co-eds, but we are here on business".
"I really need your help", Moira took over the questioning. "That kind of mutation you were talking about in your thesis... I need to know if they may have already happened with people that are alive today" Moira explained. Charles leaned forward and rested two fingers at his temples looking into Moira's eyes. It was like he was searching for something.
"Professor? I think we should talk when you are sober. Do you have time tomorrow?" Moira asked seeing that he wasn't able to really concentrate on the topic.
"Something tells me you already know the answer to that question. This is very important to me and if I can help you I will do my utmost."
"Thank you" Moira and Tamsin arose from their seats and said their goodbyes to the professor. Charles' gaze lasted a little longer on Tamsin before he averted his gaze and returned the goodbye before getting back to his company with the ordered drinks.

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